Cursed; / Comments

  • I knows, it's been forever D: I rarely come on either. And dude, I got lots of updates for you too :O what's your email? we can talk through that if you check it often =)
    November 7th, 2010 at 04:25pm
  • Ahh I'm not a fan of beer. It's icky to me. I like coolers instead :) The fruity flavours are yummy =)
    Mehh who cares if she likes you or not. Zack was your friend before he became her boyfriend =P
    And yeahhh. My mom is away in New York for a week, so like house to myself. Woo haha =) If only I had a boyfriend, it would be the perfect plan with an empty house and all. Haha. My teenage years are going to waste =P
    August 9th, 2010 at 09:48am
  • HI JACKIE :D <3!
    Oh, she's good!
    What's my favorite Canadian up to?!
    August 7th, 2010 at 01:36am
  • Oh aweee =( That's so sad. RIP Oliver =S
    Haha and noo nothing happened with me at the party. Just with other people. Some were quite funny, others were yikes =S But I'm going to another party this saturday. Although they're not really like parties, just hang outs with alcohol. Haha.
    And as long as I don't become a grandmother, I'm good. Haha. I'm too young :O
    Eee a fight, really? What happened? Lol. Was it like a play fight or something?
    August 5th, 2010 at 02:27am
    July 31st, 2010 at 09:28am
  • Omg, I can only imagine the amazing things that will happen. <3
    We'll squeeze! I mean, Joey might take up all the room, but it'll work, man! :D
    July 31st, 2010 at 09:06am
  • Lmao, oh he makes me happy. <3
    I like the sound of that. :]
    July 31st, 2010 at 08:53am
  • HEY JACKIE :D <3 !
    July 31st, 2010 at 08:52am
  • I know, right? :D
    Ah, I'm glad this is finally settled.
    Joey looks like he might need some cuddling. :]
    I'll make myself fit in the cat bed, don't worry. <3
    July 31st, 2010 at 08:48am
  • I love you too, Jackeroo. <3
    I had to make it rhyme, rofl.
    July 31st, 2010 at 08:46am
  • Hey there. ;]
    You're hot.
    Oh dang, let's bang!
    That is all.
    July 31st, 2010 at 08:42am
  • Aweee yeah, I saw. He's adorable :) How come you decided to get him though?
    It would suck if they were gay, but it would be a lot easier to handle. Lol xP
    Haha alright, alright. Geez, my own daughter wants me to date. Haha. But yes, I will try talking to him. I having a feeling something is gonna happen at that party though. Tehehe. Well, it's party, so it's inevitable. Haha.
    Well, we're teenagers. We only live once, so I'm not mad at you. As long as there's no hanky panky going on with my daughter I'm good. LOL xP I'm kidding though. Just have fun but not too much fun xD
    July 23rd, 2010 at 05:15am
  • Ouuuu a pet weasel! That's soo cool! You must upload a picture to mibba so I can see him. Yes? Yes. Okay than =) And Oliver's a cool name for a pet weasel =)
    Yeah, guys suck. When you're best friends with a guy and they get a girlfriend, you and him don't talk much anymore. Happened to my friend.
    Ugh, if he was like that then he definitely wasn't worth it. Haha remember our goals to get a boyfriend this year? Lol I just remembered it :P
    Yess it gets me sad when he does that, but he usually has a reason. I'm going to a party this weekend and he said he was going. He better >.<
    :O You're drinking little missy?! Shame on you >=( But as long as you keep it controlled I can't really say anything =S I trust you to drink responsibly, so don't betray that trust or else you're grounded =P
    And I'm okays I guess. How are you? =)
    July 21st, 2010 at 11:23pm
  • LOOL! omg for reall?! it's been that long :O that's insane. lol. i didnt even realize it....but yeah, how's your summer going so far? Mines pretty good. Just been hanging out with friends a lot. That's always good. But the guy I like was suppose to hang out with us and all three times he bailed :( Kind of sucks, but oh well. I'll live, right? =S LOL of course I will ^^ Haha :)
    July 12th, 2010 at 04:53am
  • LOOL I can't even remember my May 24th dude. Haha. How was your May 28th? :P Mine was okay. I was kinda moody today. I think a few people noticed I was kind of off. Haha. And good for you! You finished your work =) I'll put it on our fridge in our virtual mibba home. Lol :P
    Yeahh teachers need to chill with all this work yo. Haha. We have other classes too you know.
    Ahhh I'm not quite sure, but I am gonna study psychology after I graduate high school. How about you? Any plans for the future other than an English teacher? Haha which is pretty cool btw. But how come you chose that for an occupation?
    May 29th, 2010 at 02:35am
  • Ohhh that sucks =( Not the nothing to complain about thing, but the English thing. Haha. Cause it's good things are going well with you =) If I wasn't happy about that I'd be a bad mother. Lol :P
    I have a Biology ISP and English ISP due in like...3 weeks, which seems like a long time, but really, it's not =( Cause I really need to do well on them to bring up my marks. I haven't even started on Biology yet. Not to mention...uh...I forgot what I was gonna say after that...Lol. Seriously, I don't know how that happens! It just disappeared in a second! Creepy :S But I should be use to it by now. Ohh yeahhh now I remember. Okay, let me start over, Not to mention we have a bunch of other little stuff they give us. There, got it all down before I forgot. Haha.
    May 11th, 2010 at 01:04am
  • hayyz
    May 11th, 2010 at 01:03am
  • It's alright =)
    I'veee been pretty good actually. Nothing to complain about so far. Except for the amount of work I've been getting lately. Well, it's not a lot, but our final projects are major, so it seems like a lot. Haha.
    How are things with you =)
    May 10th, 2010 at 11:56pm
  • Hahaha. I think that’s every girl’s favourite answer: He’s a boy. But it’s soo true xP
    Yeahhh. Welll I talked to him about it (On msn of course. Me talk to him in person? Ha! That’s funny. Note the sarcasm). Anyway, so yes, we do like each other, and I asked him what he thought of going out, and he said he was kinda iffy about. Something about his emotions being confusing. Lol. He’s such a girlll. I swear if we were to ever go out the gender roles would probably be switched. Lol. But I like him anyway xD And yeah. I told him I kind of wanted to take a chance, but thinking about it now, it’s like, WTH did I do? Honestly, I don’t think I’d be ready for one, even though it would be nice to be in a relationship with him. I brought up the topic of hanging out, like me and him, and it terrifies meeeee. I think I’m gonna go hide now. See ya xP
    Haha awesome possum. That’s funny ^_^ And that’s not sarcasm. Lol.
    :O I’m proud. I’m a good mother xD My daughter’s a nerd! I think we need to party and invite a whole bunch of hot guys for the both of us xP
    How come you guys aren’t talking?
    I am good. I already told you the latest boy news. So there’s not much to tell now. Uhh, I’m actually busying myself with school work now. I don’t know why though. Maybe to distract myself so I don’t have to worry about anything else? :S
    But how are you?
    April 8th, 2010 at 03:33pm
  • Oh Jackie Wright, you seem to complete my life. <3
    April 8th, 2010 at 04:53am