Cursed; / Comments

  • SuchSmallHands.

    SuchSmallHands. (100)

    United States
    April 8th, 2010 at 03:59am
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    :O And he decided to wrestle with your laptop because…? Lol.
    It happened to me today! Like I felt sad and felt like crying, and then I talked to my friend who I haven’t hung out with in a while, and said hi to the guy I like, and I felt better. Lol. His name is Kyle by the way. I’m not sure if I mentioned that or not. Lol.
    Ahhh, we didn’t talk. Lol. We still don’t talk much in person, just on msn. Butttt I did kinda talk to him today. Tehe. A group of us was walking home and we talked for like…a minute or two. Which is a good start! Lol. It sucks that we live like far away from each other. We live on like, opposite ends of the community =( Or else I could walked home with him. Just us. Damn it! Lol.
    That’s good than :) Those little relationships never last long.
    Yeahhh, it kinda sucks. But it might also be a good thing. I’ve been learning a lot about what I’ve been going through in Psychology class though. But I haven’t heard anything from the doctor, so who knows. I might not go after all. Lol.
    Haha what exactly happened between Zach and your laptop anyway? Lol. Umm, Tuesday was the best in my opinion during March Break. I finally got the guts to tell him I liked him. Lol. He said he thinks he likes me too, but he’s not sure. Haha. His sister was kinda teasing him about it today. But I pretended like I didn’t hear. Lol. But even after I told him how I felt, things weren’t weird between us. Everything is normal. Even though that little unspoken silence is between us sometimes, it’s allll good (:
    Ohhh. Well how’s school? Keeping up with your classes I hope! :D
    I’m pretty good myself. Kind of on an emotional roller coaster. But than again, what girl isn’t these days? Lol. I’m doing pretty good in school though. No difficulties so far. Except for Biology. But than again, that’s a science course, so yeah. Haha <3
    March 26th, 2010 at 01:26am
  • Trishhh

    Trishhh (100)

    United States
    Lol, sorry for the late reply.
    I've been doing good(=
    March 11th, 2010 at 09:19am
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Bahaha yeah. Something like that. But really, I’m actually over it =) Even though it gets annoying to think about sometimes. But I’m glad nothing happened between me and him.
    Cause remember that guy I told you that was justsolikeamazing? Haha. Well, I kinda like him again ^_^ and he might be interested in me. We’re actually talking now on msn and stuff. I’m probably gonna see him at lunch tomorrow and watch me be all shy and nervous around him xP
    Like, I know that he might be interested in me, and I also know that he knows I like him. But, he doesn’t know that I know all of this. So to sum it up, he doesn’t know I know anything xP
    Aweee =( Yeah, I guess it is hard to let go of your first kiss >.> Wow, that girl sounds…yeah xP
    Umm, well it went okay. I have to go back for a few more tests in April. I might go see a psychiatrist, I’m not sure yet.
    I know, I’m anticipating march break =) But at the same time, it makes me think how fast time is going >.< Dude, there is way too much drama in the world. Haha. But I think mine is mild xP Hope things get better for you though =)
    I’m pretty good I guess. Just a bit of boy drama and school stuff going on. Sometimes I just get sad…I don’t know why. And my appetite has been a bit off…like I’m not eating much. And again, I don’t know why. Haha. How about you? Hope you’re doing well! ^_^
    March 9th, 2010 at 02:03am
  • Trishhh

    Trishhh (100)

    United States
    I haven't been on in FOREVER Jackie :O
    February 28th, 2010 at 03:31am
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Haha definitely. Trust me, if you wait and not care at all, someone will for sure come along. It happened to me…stupid jerk…Sorry bout that. I’m kind of in my anger stage right now. Haha. Oh yeah, I didn’t tell you. Okay, so here it goes. Basically, there was this guy. We liked each other, but it was too soon to do anything about it. Then a few days after we started hanging out, he kissed my friend. Well, she kissed him, but you get the point. Anyway, I wasn’t mad at either at them, cause well, it [I]was[/I] a stupid thing to get upset over. Plus, my friend, I’m not that close to her, didn’t know about me and the guy. So yeah. Then, the next day after the kiss, he called me and told me. So I told him it didn’t really bother me. Even though it kinda did. And then, the next day he sends a [b]text message[/b], saying he didn’t know who he liked, and that he wanted to stay single for a while. I’m just like…wow, I feel rejected. So, yeah. Since than, we haven’t really talked. You know, I was fiiiiine with being friends at first. But then noooo. He had to go be all giving hints and whatnot. Stupid boy….mean jerk…ahhhhhh. I seriously thought I was over it, but clearly I’m really not. Cause like, everything reminds me of it, and I’m like, fuck! Screw the world! Ya know? Anyway, there went my shot at a relationship. But whatever I’m cool with it. I don’t like him anymore, but it’s just the situation that bothers me. But it’s only been a couple of weeks, so I’ll get over it…eventually. But it’s funny though, cause at first, I was numb, than I got sad, and then I got angry. Which is weird, cause usually it’s angry, sad, and than numb. Haha. My stages are so messed up. ANYWAY! :)
    Awee. Yay for you and Zach. That’s so awesome :)
    Haha. Good look with your creeper xP
    Ohhhh fuck. I HATE when that happens. It’s like, just one freakin mark! OMG.
    Yeah, I don’t like anyone at the moment either. I just like checking them out. It’soooo freeing ;)
    I’ve been pretty okay. I have some kind of anxiety problem though. Idk. Remember how I told you I was going to see a neurologist? Yeah, my appointment is this Thursday :( Whatever is wrong with me, it’s really hard to deal with. But yeah. How are you?
    February 23rd, 2010 at 02:45am
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Yeah, I use to feel that way too, since like, practically all of my friends and the people around me are in relationships, except for me and my two other friends. But then stuff happened, and like, I realized getting a boyfriend isn't really that important to me cause like, with the way my life is, I don't have time for one...although it would be nice to even just have a close guy friend. But yeahhh, that's just me :) And I've recently learned what it's like to be a third wheeler...not to much fun. So I would never want to do that to my friends.
    Hehe no worries. I understood that ;)
    Oh my god, that's horrible! Poor guy :( Kinda funny...but I still feel sorry for him. Lol.
    Ah, don't worry about it. I thought I was gonna fail math, but I think I might actually pass. Not by a lot, but it's still a pass. Lmao. Just work hard, but not so much that it makes you go insane.
    Yes, they are very fun :) It just feels so...fresh. Especially since my last so called crush was two years older than me and I never spoke to him I don't really see how I could of liked him so much for a year and a half...but this new crush, he's actually in my grade, and I know him. So it's like, yay me :)
    Haha sometimes when you want to get out, and then you finally do, you find that you want to go back.
    Haha that's a good girl xP
    January 30th, 2010 at 03:19pm
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Okie dokie. I kinda wanna start fresh too :) Haha. There was a time I felt like giving up on mibba too. Lol, awesome. Happy belated birthday! :) *hands virtual cake* I just turned 16 December. Haha. Yeahh, I'm still single too. But I'm actually okay with it. Boys are just...a lot of trouble. EventhoughIkindareallylikethisguyatschoolwhosjustsolikeamazing. Lmao! xP Of courseeee I wanna hear the story. Please do tell :) Ah, I'm pretty good. I can't complain. Other than a new crush, starting a new semester, expecting to get a 60 something percent in math (which is really low in my parents standards), and chilling with my friends a lot, your mibba mommy is okay :) And how is my mibba daughter? Not getting into that hanky panky stuff are we? Lmfao xP
    January 30th, 2010 at 04:01am
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Haha. Skydiving sounds cool. Oh! And that thing at Wonderland that’s like skydiving where you have to pay for it. I’ve always wanted to try that…I’m gonna be one cool Granny ^.^

    Lol. I’d think I’d prefer the second option there. I kinda need my eyes to see. Lmao xP
    So, any new stories to tell me? ;) Haha.

    Ouu, long speeches. I hate those. Thank god I don’t get them though.
    Ah yes, science would do that too you. I have chemistry and biology next semester. Should be fun. Note the sarcasm. In bio, we’re gonna have to disect a rat. Totally goes against my beliefs (I’m not religious, I just think that we shouldn’t be dissecting animals) , not to mention its just plain gross ): Buttt, I’ll probably enjoy chemistry because I’ll just pretend I’m an evil genius who’s planning to make dangerous substances to take over the world, and needs to take chemistry to do. Lol. Makes things more interesting.
    Lol, same. I feel bad for neglecting my stories. But I just don’t have the time or energy to write anymore.

    Lol, I ended up getting the shot. Blech. I could actually feel the needle in my. But, I survived! No weird side effects yet xP
    Haha. Townies. Such a funny word. Reminds me of brownies. I’m such a hungry belly. Lmao :D

    Yes, yes it is a Sony Cyber Shot. Haha. A lot of people have that camera. Lol. So cool (:
    Oh, my hand just has this thing where it shakes and I find it difficult to write. Then it triggers something and I get angry cause of it. But, it’s usually only caused by stress. So as long as I keep things calm, I’m good (:
    Ouchie. That sucks ):

    I’ve been okay. I’ve changed my hair once again. Lol, no more long hair with streaks. I cut it short and dyed it black. I hope my friends don’t freak when they see it. I’ve had reddish-orangish highlights for about a year, so yeah. Um, I went to the Dominican Republic for a week. Soooo many cute guys were staying at the hotel. I was like, “Happy Birthday to me!” ;) Haha.
    And now that it’s been a month and a half, how have you been? Lol. Doing anything for New Years? <3
    December 31st, 2009 at 01:16am
  • Juno

    Juno (100)

    United States
    i'm sorry =[
    what happened was the brothers were performing at a concert and little hudson, the baby, was running around with joe's tamborine up until nick gets it back. Denise takes hudson when nick has to go on stage and lets him know that everything is going to be alright, even though alice is sick.

    at the end of the show, joe and kevin pull a surprise on nick and tell the audience they have a special guest coming out. alice's voice is heard throughout the arena while she begins 'lovebug' and hudson manages to find his way out onto the stage to hug nick's leg.

    alice comes out on the stage singing and nick is utterly shocked to see her walking and happy. "i thought you were sick, you can't be out here," he said and she replies, "remember when i said just a little bit longer and our family can be together? this is what i meant Nick. we can have a family now."

    the concert ends with them finishing 'lovebug' and they get to start their family again.

    that's the best summary i can give lol.
    December 1st, 2009 at 06:13pm
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Don’t beat yourself up. As long as you don’t put me in a virtual Senior’s Home and forget to visit, then it’s allll good (:
    First rule of motherhood, always forgive your children. You know…unless the murder you…lol xP

    Icky. I would of rather poked my eyes out then have to watch my two friends mack on each other. Lol. Then again, that’s just me xP

    Good girl! Do not give up on school! If you do, it’ll come around and bite you in the ass! Trust me, I know.
    I kinda gave up, but because I can’t afford to get less then an average of 80% (if I don’t get Honour Roll, my parents will flip), I have to try.
    That’s good (: My mid term average is 85% or 86%, so I just have to keep it that way (:
    Yeahh, next semester I’m doomed too. I have Intro to Anthropology, Sociology and Psychology; Chemistry, English, and Biology. All hard courses except for Intro, because the teachers for Chem and English are wack ):
    But I’m gonna live through it, because I’m kind of interested in Forensic Psychology now, so I need my sciences. I’m way into my crime shows ^.^
    Do you know what you might be interested in? (:

    Yeah, at least she pulled through (:
    Awee man, you have to get the shot. Well, a lot of people got it already, and nothing bad has happened to them…yet. So, you should be good.
    I have nooo idea when I’m getting my H1N1 shot. My dad hasn’t said anything yet. Soo, I’m good (:
    Lol. Sadly, I haven’t been in that area at all. It’s kinda far from where I live. Maybe we’ll see each other another time (:

    I KNOW!!! I realized that too! Lol. It’d be so cool if we did have the same camera though. Like mother like daughter ^.^
    Ahhh, I’m doing okay. Could be better, but then that’s just cause there’s something wrong with me…I think. I might have to go see a neurologist in a month.
    How are you my dear? (:
    November 19th, 2009 at 11:58pm
  • Curlyqs913

    Curlyqs913 (100)

    United States
    hey when r u gunna start writeing again?!
    November 17th, 2009 at 10:30pm
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Yeah, my mibba daughter is pretty awesome too (: -Wait, I already said that. Haha. Oh well (:
    Haha. You counted the days?
    It’s fineeee. Teenagers have a lot going on these days xP

    I see, I see.
    At my school, we have like 4 guidance counsellors I think. It’s split up by alphabetical order that’s why. But mine is probably the coolest out of the rest. Haha. Shh!

    Haha, for real? Wowww.

    Haha. Damn right. Tell him like it is! No mushiness around you xP
    I’m full of lameness too! :D
    I love fortune cookies! Cause you get to eat the cookie while your entertained by reading the fortune! Food + Entertainment = Awesome (:

    Yeah, stress is a bummer. Which is why I gave up trying in school…well for now anyway. I’m just like, whatever now (which is something I do not advise cause you need to get good grades missy!). Haha.
    But yeahhh. When exam time comes in January, then you’ll definitely see me all stressed.

    Lol. No worries, my sickness only lasted for about a week or so. I’m all better now. H1N1 free (:
    Duuuuude. My dad wants me to get the H1N1 shot. But I don’t want too! ): Cause like, what if it has some kind of weird side effects and like…something bad happens! Ahh! Hide me!
    Thanxx. The commercial actually came out pretty good. Except this part where I look like an idiot, and my friends keep laughing every time I complain about it. Haha. I’m outnumbered though, so yeahh.

    Aweeee. That’s so sad ): You doing okay though?
    November 4th, 2009 at 01:26am
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Awee, don’t I feel special. Tehe. My mibba daughter is awesome (:

    Haha totally true. My friends all have their weird faults, which is why I love them all :D
    Aha, true again my friend.

    Awee, that sucks. My guidance counsellor is a lady. She’s really nice.
    Not to mention she knows my older cousin who graduated two years ago, so a bonus for me ^.^

    Lol. I know! It’s like, when you’re a part of it, it’s sooo much fun.
    Then when you just sit back while everyone around you screams, it’s still fun cause you can make fun of them even though it’s hypocritical. Haha xP

    “Mom you’ve been kissed” Haha, when you said that it made me laugh cause it reminded me of a little kid asking their mommy something. Lmao. Yeah, I’m in no rush. It’s like whatever :D
    Awezz, you don’t sounds lame…or do you? xP
    Lol. Yeah, you’ll get over it. At least she’s not a bitch or anything (:
    Ahhaha. I love when those things come true! It’s like, so freaky…but so cool! :D

    Ughh, yeah. Stress sucks. Like, I’ll be all happy one minute, cranky the next, then happy again, and sad a few seconds later. It’s insane! And to think, we have until 50 to be dealing with this stuff. Joy!..

    Good to hear.
    Yeah, it would have been bad to be a third wheel. I kind of know what that’s like (: Why’d a put a happy face? Cause I felt like it. Lmao :D
    That movie looks really good. I wanna see it, but I have to wait till it comes on DVD. Haha.
    Umm, I’m pretty good myself. But omg! I don’t think I told you how horrible my cold has got. My eyes are watery, I’m sneezing like no tomorrow. I cough like I have an illness. It’s horrible! Blahhh. But I’ll live. I woke up at 5 something this morning just to blow my nose then I fell back asleep…Lol (:
    Anddd, I’m filming a commercial for my Media Studies class. Its me and my two guy friends, so since I’m the only girl, I have to act in it. Haha. It’s kinda nerve wrecking cause we’re gonna have to show it to the whole class, so yeahhh. Lol. Wish me luck! (:
    October 23rd, 2009 at 01:16am
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Tis okay : )

    Haha, very true. Feeling loved is awesome ^.^

    That’s what makes life interesting.
    Everyone has their own little quirks.
    Except some people are just rather annoying. Haha.

    Lol. I went crying to my guidance counsellor so I guess she felt bad and allowed me to go into a math class that was almost full. Hehe :D

    Yeah. It’s a different story when you’re one of the screaming girls :D
    But I seriously never heard anyone scream louder then Jonas fans.

    *gasp* You sell drugs?!
    …*looks around and whispers* How much you got left?
    Lmao. Juuust kidding…or am I? Duh duh duhhh xP
    Busy busy girl.

    AWEEEEEEEE! *squeals* You got your first kiss! Give me a moment to stop awe-ing. *cough* Okay, I’m done xD *hugs*
    Hey! You’re not suppose to have your first kiss before your mother! Shame on you! You’re grounded missy *shakes finger* Lol. Just kidding. I’m so happy for you xD
    That’s so sweet : ) Darn it, he has a girlfriend. Well, if it was his idea then …you’re not really at fault.
    So romantic *sigh* xD

    Lol, yeah. That so would be a drawback.
    It was a really good movie in my opinion : )

    Yup. So thankful I live in Toronto xD
    Haha. Except for the fact that I’m sick and my shins hurt like hell. And I’m on mood swing central right now. Lol.

    Well, hope all is well on your side of the computer! xD
    October 21st, 2009 at 01:54am
  • Trishhh

    Trishhh (100)

    United States
    Pretty much, but I mean me and the latest boyfriend are juuust... ugh. right now.
    October 13th, 2009 at 09:35am
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Dudeee, when I clicked on my comments, and I saw yours, I’m like whoa! Haha. The long comment surprised me.

    Yeah, it’s strange how people can change in a short time. Even if it’s a bad kind of change.

    Lol. Who isn’t messed up these days? xP

    Ahahaha. I came close to falling asleep in class one time…but I can’t remember why I didn’t…lol (:
    I know what you mean there. My old math class, the one I transferred out of cause it was too easy, soo many people failed this one test, and it was basic stuff too. When my friend told me (she passed though), I was just like, wow.

    Lol. Sounds entertaining xP
    Yeah, I use to have like, wayyyy more then 600 songs, but now I only have 300 something because I’m getting tired of everything.
    OH! Have you heard of a song called You And Me? It’s by Lifehouse. That’s like my all time favourite song. I use to love it, but couldn’t remember the name of it or who it was by, until recently when I searched it on youtube. Haha. Now I can’t stop listening to it.

    Exactly (:
    Oh, you’ve heard of We Day, right? Well if not it’s basically this thing to help make a difference in the world. So this leadership group in my school which I’m a part of, went to the Air Canada Centre, where motivational speakers were there talking and stuff. There was also musical guests too. And guess who was the surprise guest? The Jonas Brothers. LOL! I almost went deaf from the screaming girls. But it was cool though ^.^ They’re pretty good live.

    Lol, it’s totally cool. But I do have to ask, what do you do that makes you so busy? Haha.

    More Zack drama? Damn. Lol. At least school isn’t so easy that you can skip a week and not be behind. Haha.
    Hmm, well let’s see. I went to the mall with my friends yesterday. It was fun. We watched Fame, and me and my friend were drooling over this guy every time he sang. Haha. My other friend thought he was hot too, but she couldn’t say anything because her boyfriend was there. Lmao.
    Umm, my Media Studies class is going to MOD on Wednesday for a school trip ^.^ And PARAMORE, is gonna be there. Hehe. I can’t believe it. I’m gonna be in the audience like, hyperventilating. Lmao. And then I’m going to the Paramore concert the day after. Andddd…yeah. That’s about it. I’m pretty content with life right now ^.^
    October 11th, 2009 at 04:57pm
  • Trishhh

    Trishhh (100)

    United States
    Don't worry about the love life. Enjoy the moment your
    given now. lol. Trust me boys and me are just to the point
    of blowing a fuse. lol.
    October 6th, 2009 at 09:04am
  • Trishhh

    Trishhh (100)

    United States
    Life is absolutely difficult :P
    How about you.
    October 4th, 2009 at 07:09am
  • Trishhh

    Trishhh (100)

    United States
    Yeah, that's why i have a new one. lol.
    I was so mad when i found out. I was like my stories!
    October 2nd, 2009 at 08:14am