Cursed; / Comments

  • Trishhh

    Trishhh (100)

    United States
    I can't believe my mibba got deleted :P
    October 1st, 2009 at 02:42am
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    It’s okayyy. I understand you’re busy (:

    That’s good to hear. Cause what I learned, is that in high school, you learn who your true friends are (:

    Haha. Well at least you guys had entertainment! :D

    Lol. I’ll take your word for that.
    Ah, yes. Cookies and teddy bears. The good old days.

    I know what you mean! Well, except for me it’s math. I took mixed, which is a college/ university level, and it was like, wayyyy to easy, so I had to transfer out and into university, which is like academic.
    Well, think of it as nap time, or time to catch up on your other homework? ^.^
    Sweet. Haha. I love field trips. Cause you get to get out of school! :D

    Yeah. But if you’re like me, you have school and stuff to keep your mind off it (:

    Awesomeness! :D I am in desperate need of some new music too. Cause when I can’t find anything to listen to on my iPod (even though I have like almost 700 songs), I get all frustrated and what not.

    Ahhh, I won’t laugh at youu. Lol.
    At least you got to go to a concert to a band you liked at the time! Even though you kinda regret it. Haha. And like you said, it was kinda fun.
    Ahaha. Lucky Ducky. My friend keeps saying that to me. It reminds me of my stuffed duckie I have at home ^.^

    Yes! You must obey me now xP

    So what’s new in the life of Jackie? (:
    September 26th, 2009 at 06:53pm
  • SimplyComplex

    SimplyComplex (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    wow I havent commented in ages, sorry about that lol!

    Well guess what, i've moved school. Its really weird to be honest, I like it but its just really strange not having my best friends around me lol!

    I have one best guy friend really, although I dunno if he would count me as a best friend. Ahh well, as long as he counts me as a friend thats all that matters lmao!

    You know what i'm quite happy about, since ive moved to this new school i havent been questioned about my love life. It great! I mean, not that I mind being questioned or anythign but ive been able to avoid the awkward moments :) Luckily for me there is no walking around the playground convincing people to say no when friends ask them if they will go out with me. Freedom! Well sort of. Lol, If you understood that then your just plain amazing lol!

    I watched marely and me with my step-mom and at the end she was in tears and I wasnt and I felt heartless cuz its ssooo sad :( Poor marely. You know in real life they got another dog after and I think it was just as bad as marely but they got some dog trainer bloke to come help them. You know I think I would love to have a dog named marely XD

    And yes tomas the tank is super cool but I think it would be a bit strange to have tomas the tank borders at our age lmao! Just imagine what people would say when they saw it pmsl! It would be really embarassing if I ever brought someone in here!

    Well I would write a much longer comment but im shattered and am off to bed. I will speak with you soon x

    September 20th, 2009 at 02:11am
  • faded memories;;

    faded memories;; (100)

    Yeah hoppit, let's chat!

    Let's chat about hwo you havn't updated in like 5 fucking years! :P

    ODAAT either budd :P
    September 17th, 2009 at 04:17am
  • KnightMare

    KnightMare (100)

    United States
    lol i had a best friend that couldn't keep any secrets lol i just didn't tell him anything O_O
    but aww tell me about it maybe i could help lol
    September 15th, 2009 at 11:18pm
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Got that right., But we probably have different dramas. Haha. What’s yours?

    Ouu, Sauble Beach. Sounds cool…where is it? Lol.
    Hahaha. I guess getting high was not a very good thing for your friend or anyone around him xP

    Haha corrupting a minor. Good one.
    Speaking of, usually when I see kids way younger then me playing outside, I feel the urge to shout out, “Yeah, have fun now kids! But wait till you get older! Your life will end!!!!” Lol. Then I’d be the creepy girl so I chose to keep it to myself (:

    Haha yeah. I find it better to take a certain course when you’re actually in that grade. It’s probably much easier. Unless you have reasons, like wanting to take other courses and what not (:
    Ugh, science. How come you hate it so much?
    Oh, in my media studies class, we’re taking a trip to much music and the city tv building, and I think the teacher got us spots in the audience for MOD. So that should be cool (:

    Haha. Yup. Now all I need to do is find a guy who’s uber and a half nice to me (:

    Yeah, the concert and afterwards was awesome.
    Lol, kudos to your friend for liking The Latency :D

    Yes, she totally does owe it to you. Who did you see in concert?
    Oh, and you’ve heard of Paramore, right? Well, I’m gonna see them in concert October 15th (:

    If I’m your mibba mom then you must obey me! Lol. No worries. I’m a cooool mom :D
    September 14th, 2009 at 11:15pm
  • KnightMare

    KnightMare (100)

    United States
    actually getting better XD theres a girl im starting to talk to whos a mega hot moma XD ( not an actual mother of course). lol hows your life in canada Eh? :P
    September 10th, 2009 at 01:56am
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Haha it’s cool. I saw on your profile that you gone til the 7th. Where did you go? Did you have fun?

    LOL! Fer real? She let you drink? That’s nuts. Haha.
    How was getting drunk with your mother?

    I ate cocky people too. Thank god my friend actually works hard to be that smart. Haha. She stresses out soooo much, even though we tell her she’ll do fine. Haha. But I guess the stress helps her.

    Oh! I went to school to get my timetable a few days ago and change some classes. It’s horrible! Well, not that bad, but still! I have Grade 11 University Law first thing in the morning. Ugh, I didn’t even want to take law, but it was either that or Marketing. Stupid school. And second semester, I have Grade 11 University Chemistry ): That’s not the bad part though. It’s the teacher. It’s the same teacher I had in grade 10, but he got suspended early in the semester for something, so we had a supply for the rest of the year. Ugh, this teacher is like, ugh. Let’s just say, he isn’t a good teacher. But I guess I’ll have to deal. I mean, I could’ve taken art instead, but it would be ‘wise’ to a science class. Not to mention, I also have computer technology, which I do NOT want to take. All the good classes were full, and my other options were blah. The stupid school system is messing everyone up this year.

    Haha yeah, I’d feel sorry for them too. Lol, good to know I’m not the only one.
    Lol, yeah. Forget those guys. They’re dumb heads (:

    OH!I got highlights in my hair!! They’re like, a redish/ purplish kinda colour. But mostly red. Haha. It kinda reminds me of a popsicle now ^.^

    YES! And it was amazing! I was like right in the front in the middle! Haha. The band was signing at their merch tent after the show, so I got them to sign some stuff. Anddd, I got to hug and take a picture with Faber, the lead singer. Lol. It came out aweful because we weren’t allowed to take pics, so it rushed. But I still love it! Anddd, I got to meet Ryan, the guitarist for a band called The Latency. Oh my god. Not to sound like a fan girl, but he was soooooo dreamy. Like I literally started gawking at him when I first saw him during sound check. Hehehe. He’s the guy in my profile pic btw (:

    Lol, yup. Let’s hope she lets you go! A lot of good bands are playing (:
    Agreed. It is quite cheap of them.

    Haha, okay. It’s settled. I’m your mibba mom :D
    September 7th, 2009 at 02:16am
  • ImPerfect Beauty

    ImPerfect Beauty (100)

    She DELETED IT?!?!?! How rude! :(
    August 31st, 2009 at 04:18pm
  • ImPerfect Beauty

    ImPerfect Beauty (100)

    Awe!! dont feel bad!! :(
    It's ok.. It looks fine lol... if you want you can try again though... if it makes you feel better ;P
    August 30th, 2009 at 09:31pm
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Exactly! My mom and I actually had a talk a few days ago, and she admitted she tried drinking when she was my age. At least I know she’s human. I guess maybe parents don’t want us to follow their mistakes so sometimes they pretend they didn’t make any?

    Gosh, if I had to do grade 10 math questions in grade 9, I would of died! Yup, you passed =] Haha thanks, it was a proud day for me when I found out I got a 77 xD
    Oh gosh, I hate people like that! Especially when you’re one of the kids that get average marks, aka moi.

    Yeah, it’s like all the good boys have some secret society and are hibernating. Then once hibernation is over, they send one boy out into the real world, while the others stay back and examine that boy with a girl, to see how girls should be treated, which makes them good guys. Haha do not ask, I just came up with that crazy plot xP
    Ugh, guys like that deserve to fall down a hill…or worse. Depends how jerkish they are.
    That totally sucks ): But they haven't disappeared really. You just have to highlight the page and you'll see them.

    Yes, no fun at all. But, I’m going to the CNE tomorrow, and one of my favourite bands Faber Drive is playing. So I’m pretty excited about that.
    Gosh, lucky! If you do end up going, you have to give me like a full recap on it. Haha.
    The only good thing about a December birthday, is that if someone is that you get all the money and presents at once (gosh I sound greedy, but im not!). But it sucks when someone gives me a two in one present (birthday/Christmas).
    Haha your birthdays are that close? How awesome is that though? =]

    Mom?! Well I am older then you, so it’s suitable. Lmao xP
    August 30th, 2009 at 01:56am
  • ImPerfect Beauty

    ImPerfect Beauty (100)

    Sooo... When do you plan on tripping out my profile again?? lol
    August 30th, 2009 at 01:46am
  • Color My World

    Color My World (100)

    United States
    It was for the best.

    AWWHHH, where is your mother taking you?
    OOoooh tell me about Zack and you.
    August 28th, 2009 at 03:58am
  • dramaqueen5454

    dramaqueen5454 (100)

    United States
    im suckish because im sick, my friends ditched me!!, and my life suxxx. i've been doing homework and thinking of thoughts 4 a new story, i decided 2 try again =p...and that sux! that it fried and that u cant do anymore chapters. at least ur not in school!! lol. w/b
    August 28th, 2009 at 02:45am
  • SimplyComplex

    SimplyComplex (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    lol! My friends when we were younger just used to walk round the playground, arms linked, asking every boy they came across whether they would go out with me, they used to do it for other people aswell but I used to get really really pissed off. I used to go around trailing behind them shaking my head at everybody to signal to say no. Of course you got the really nerdy kids saying yes, thats when I would scream no and drag my friends away. Not that I dislike them (the really nerdy kids) I can actually get along with them. Sometimes. Its just they annoy the hell out of me, cause half the time these kids act better than you.
    Your mate sounds funny, I actually laughed when you were saying how he could be scrolling through facebook going- he's good - he's good. Lol! Most of my close friends are girls but I have one or two boys Im quite close to aswell.

    I think I'd feel rejected if some boy said that we had to keep our relattionship a secret, also suspicious. I think I would launch a full on invesigation to see whether he's having an affair lmao! OK i wouldn't but I would get a friend to do some snooping, I mean, why keep a relationship a secret if you have no reason too? It just ends up causing a big mess which you then have to sort out. Your friends hate you for not telling them and people bitch because...oh wait, people always bitch. lmao!

    Aww poor guy you punched! Although it did sound hilarious! Nah what I find funny is when your trying to be impressive and trying to get a lid off something or something along those lines anyway, and you pull it with such a force that you smack yourself in the face suddenly and the lid or whatever is still stuck on the bottle or can. I did that once, it was really embarassing pmsl!

    Lol! Your just like me if you never cry at sad films. I always sit there awkwardly when people are crying because usually it's at big sleepovers and I'm the only one sat there with dry eyes. I'm all like - so yeah...drink anyone?- just to get out the room lol!

    I have to go on a tour of the school september the 8th i think, but I don't start at the same time as everyone else. Which in a way is a good thing. I'm less worred about making friends now than I was before, but I still find it scary. Oh and trust me my friends arn't very happy I moved, but because my mom still lives near them I have the choice to visit them whenever I want so thats a good thing. My room here used to be a little boy's room so at the moment the border on top of the wall is Thomas the Tank engine. Makes me feel yound again roflmao!

    And sorry for the late reply- but you know why. We were on pay as you go internet all week! My god it was annoying, but finally some guy's came and installed the proper internet where we don't have to use this plug in thing on the computer.

    So anyways I'm off, I think I have some major story writing to make up for lmao! Speak soon my friend xxx

    August 27th, 2009 at 03:20pm
  • faded memories;;

    faded memories;; (100)

    loving the new layout girlie!

    have fun camping :)
    August 26th, 2009 at 04:44pm
  • Rollie Pollie Ollie

    Rollie Pollie Ollie (100)

    United States
    Yeah, and my grandma tortured me, in pretty much every way you say your twin does.
    But maybe she's just jealous of you, or feels like she'll do better if she puts you down?
    That's sometimes a reason behind that sort of behavior... I think.
    :O, I'm going to have a "[i]mommy moment[/i]": Don't Listen To Her, Dawg.
    Make sense?
    August 26th, 2009 at 06:31am
  • Rollie Pollie Ollie

    Rollie Pollie Ollie (100)

    United States
    I feel your pain, seeing as I JUST went through that, haha.
    Twins not adoring eachother? That's a first, for me atleast :o
    August 26th, 2009 at 02:21am
  • Spencer_Reid

    Spencer_Reid (100)

    Ugh. Lectures. I hate it when we get lectures. Besides, I’m pretty sure our parents might of sworn a bit when they were our age. Lol xD

    Oh yeah, that usually happens to me too. Like I remember in my math exam, there was this question on investments, and I studied all the questions similar to it, except the investement one. It was like 5 marks, and I left it blank cause I had forgot to study it. But the exam still ended up bringing my mark up to a 77. Haha =]
    Awesome! A 98 is really good! I think I only got an 80 something in geography. But my friend got 100 as her final mark. She is freakishly good at school. For all her courses, she’s gotten marks in the 90’s. I’m just like, wow. Lol.

    Haha. How about funny hats? =D
    Yeah, there does have to be someplace where there are good guys. Maybe it’s hidden somewhere?
    Oh, and I totally agree with the whole “guys only care about hot girls” thing on your profile. It totally sucks -_- But I do like the layout though =)

    Yeah, it is quite depressing when I think about the awesome tours I’m missing. But I guess I’ll ave to wait till I’m older to go by myself even though it wont be half as much fun.
    Boys Like Girls is headlining the tour. Cobra Starship, The Maine, A Rocket To The Moon, and VersaEmerge are the supports.
    December 19th. Making me the youngest of my friends. Lol.

    Hmm, I guess that’s true. But hopefully he’ll come around eventually. If not, you still have the rest of your life ahead of you :) Gosh, that makes me sound old.
    August 26th, 2009 at 01:49am
  • ImPerfect Beauty

    ImPerfect Beauty (100)

    Thank You!!!!!
    August 25th, 2009 at 03:51pm