
Joined date
January 29th, 2009


Hey, i'm a typical teen. Live in Ireland in a city (yep they do exist here) and i'm very much a townie. I go to an all girls school but its not that bad as there are many all boys schools nearby and our school (Dominican College) might be joining with St Malachys which is basically the boys equilvant of our school. We have to where a horrible green tunic(pinaform) as a uniform and everyone refuses to take their jumpers off.
I enjoy shopping, art,hanging out wit my mates, reading, writing, listening to music and other normal stuff.
I have 4 best mates: Eva, Aoife, Beth and Aisling.
I have known aoife since i was 2 cause i live next door to her granny and she lives nextdoor to my 5 cousins. we have been best mates ever since.
Eva, i met when i was 5 we are close but are always having little fights that we forget about like 10 mins later. she is great crac.
Beth and Aisling, i met in1st year (form 1) of grammar school. Me, aoife and them were in the same class cause we all chose to do irish. And along with Orla, Orlaith, BronĂ¡ch, Sarah and Maria we formed an instant group within our class.
We loove to mess around and always make up little funny, catchy songs to tease Aisling with cause she the sort of person who thinks they fancy someone very quickly. In Fact they are on this website;
I love Disney but mostly the old cartoon movies they're class and the songs are really catchy.
I'm a really hyper person and live by the motto ' DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY' or at least as much as i can.
Gtg see ya later
and for now i'll leave u with a traditional irish saying BUT a very rarely said one since most of us aren't actually country people,"Top of da morning to ya"