patrickstumps / Comments

  • Oh, yes. But she doesn't have a Facebook. So it can't happen yet. :( Ha-ha.

    And he does! Hahaha. Little cutie pie. :D

    That's true. Ha-ha. They seem like the kind of guys that wouldn't want me to stand there awkwardly. Which is, you know, nice. Hahaha.
    June 5th, 2012 at 01:00am
  • YAY! I'm glad you like them. And whoa...that's hardcore love right there. Thanks! I must be writing them well enough, then. I'm glad you enjoyed the chapter! Thank you for commenting.
    June 5th, 2012 at 12:55am
  • Hahahaha. I hope she wouldn't actually cry. She'd just probably put pictures of people she knew I didn't like onto MY wall. And then there'd be a battle. :p

    That's so dumbbb. One bad side of the internet, I guess. And he is stinkin' adorable. I love him so much.

    And hahaha. It's cool. I am, too. Though, recently, I've learned that as long as the other person/people know what to talk about, I can answer back with somewhat ease. So if they directed (...HEH) the conversation, I'd be fine. Then it'd be fun. Hahaha.

    And yeah, I agree with you there. And it does look good! It's starting tomorrow, yeah?

    Yeah, same here. New people to obsess over. ;) And Liam Hemsworth is attractive. :D Oh, is he? That's pretty cool. :D
    June 4th, 2012 at 08:53pm
  • I'm sure my mother would, too, if she had a Facebook. And I'd just spam it with pictures of One Direction. And she'd cry. You know, maybe. Hahaha.

    Yeah! It's like, she's still a human being...would you send her crap like that if she was just a girl at your school? NO. So don't do it just because she's in England and you are JEALOUS. :p And YES. Hahahaha. That made me die. I love him so much. He's so lovely.

    Yeah, same here. Though, if I was in the same room as One Direction, I probably wouldn't talk, 'cause that's how I am around people I don't know. So it wouldn't be that great. It'd be embarrassing. Hahaha.

    And I was conflicted, too! Ha-ha. I was like, "Alright, well I REALLY want Samuel to win because I totally called his victory. But I want Damian to win because I LOVE HIM." So yeah. Both of them winning, while kind of a cop out, made me happy. :)

    And hahahahahahahahaha. Oh, God, that's great. I had an obsession with Taylor Lautner for a while in...eighth grade, I think, and my mother liked to tease me about it. So yeah. :p And Liam Hemsworth is solid. My mother likes him, too. Over Josh Huthcherson, anyway. She said so while we were watching the Hunger Games.
    June 4th, 2012 at 06:12pm
  • HAHAHAHAHAHA. That's awesome. :D

    I know! I felt so badly. But it's like, people should act like that and send hate to Danielle. She's just a normal girl who happens to have a famous boyfriend. She doesn't deserve people jumping on her back and saying cruel things to her. Not that she would deserve it if she was also famous...*sigh* What I'm trying to say is that fans should ship the boys with happiness harder than they ship the boys with themselves. Because, in the end, they should completely be allowed to do whatever makes them happy. And there's my mini-rant. Hahaha. So yeah, I didn't blame him getting upset. But when he called the people dicks, I was like, "WHOAAA, Liam. YOU GO." And then later, he was like, "Dicks is not a swear word. In fact, in America, it's a popular sporting good store and the name of many men." That KILLED me. Hahahahaha.

    It is the MOST WONDERFUL of places. :D Well, maybe being in the same room as One Direction tops it, but... ;)

    I so am. Ha-ha. And yeah, Cameron quit. I always couldn't stand Cameron, but Damian was my favorite. So yeah. Hahaha. And my best friend, his favorite was Cameron, so we'd get into these squabbles about who was better and who was going to win. It was funny, since Damian and Cameron were such good friends.

    And hahahaha. That's great, though. My mother only has a few of them. Tim Urban on American Idol a couple years back, she was completely obsessed with him. And now Samuel. I'm not sure she's shared any others with me. Ha-ha.

    Wow, I just left, like, a novel on your profile. My bad. Hahaha.
    June 4th, 2012 at 05:52pm
  • Just...beautiful. Maybe you should try putting up pictures of them with their beautiful hair around the house until she comes to her senses. ;)

    That's true. Liam is always adorable. Lil' babay. :)

    YAY FOR THE INTERNET. Love this thing. :D

    I love Samuel, too. I actually called that he was going to win at his initial audition. HOLLA. I was SO proud of myself. Hahaha.

    And that's actually really good to hear. I was worried that I'd have to put my mother in an insane asylum or something. :)
    June 4th, 2012 at 05:10pm
  • God. I don't even know how she could be like...say that their hair...I just...I can't. Hahahaha. My mother loved Liam's hair long, like when they showed those videos. She thought it was adorable. But she only said Harry was cute. So whatever. Ha-ha. And hahahaha. And aw, that's sad. But at least you can talk about your obsessions on the internet! Tee hee. :D But yay for liking Glee! My mother does, too. And you know the guy from the Glee Project, Samuel, who played Joe? She's in love with him, not even kidding. Like, I think that she would probably drop everything and move to LA if he smiled at her. Hahahaha. :D
    June 3rd, 2012 at 05:01pm
  • Aw, shucks. Thanks. :D

    Hahahaha. Aw, your mother's not acting very fun. AND WHAT?! NO. All of their hair are (wow, that's incredibly awkward-sounding, but I'm not sure how to edit it) BEAUTIFUL. :( And yeah, my mom's kind of a good sport when I get obsessed with things. Hahaha. Sometimes she just rolls her eyes, but she genuinely tries to support me. Hahahahaha. She even listens when I tell her random crap about them that she does not care a bit about. And she doesn't even complain. At least, not out loud. :)
    June 2nd, 2012 at 11:15pm
  • Mwah ha ha. :) I'm glad I could enlighten you.

    And it was fantastic. :D Hahaha. She should have been, definitely. Even my mother admitted that Harry was a cutie. When I told her that she was totally in his age range for a potential girlfriend, though, she rolled her eyes at me. So I'm not sure she's interested. Hahahaha.
    June 2nd, 2012 at 11:07pm
  • Awww...depressing. Just get the DVD when it comes out, and you can watch it loads of times! :D

    Hahahaha. At the changing part, I was just like, "Oh. HELLO." :D And your mother should have been impressed. ;) Heh heh.
    June 1st, 2012 at 11:07pm
  • Aw, shucks. *blush* I'm just glad I didn't screw it all up. :)

    And si. That is always good. :D
    June 1st, 2012 at 02:44am
  • Hahaha. You sound like my friend at school. She's seen it twice already, but she still whines every day about how much she wants to see it again. She probably would have seen it twenty times, but her mother won't let her. Hahaha.

    Hahahaha. So was I. My mother told me somewhere in the middle that she was worried about me. I think I was fake-crying over some ridiculous note that Zayn sang or something... hahaha. And I think I'd die, too. Legitimate keelage. Hahaha. :D
    June 1st, 2012 at 02:37am
  • Oh my God, I'm grinning like an idiot. Hahahahaha. Your comment just made me SO happy.

    I'm so glad that you liked the chapter that much. :D

    And ugh, that really stinks. So maybe it's better that I was in school! Ha-ha. Because I would have cried if I got everything set up to watch while they tweeted, and my internet ended up being a brat. Ha-ha.

    Anyway, thanks so much for commenting! It made me super giddy. :D
    June 1st, 2012 at 02:35am
  • :) Thank you! And I know I'll love it. I've already reblogged so much crap from Tumblr about it...hahahaha. And it was kind of sad, but he was totally fine the next day. So I think he was just being dramatic. Hahaha.

    And it was COMPLETELY amazing. Oh my God. They are so good, I just want to crawl into a corner and sob. Hahahaha. But yeah, it was totally fantastic. I'm so glad that I got it. :D :D :D :D
    June 1st, 2012 at 12:10am
  • Yay! :D I'm starting a revolution. ;)

    And OH MY GOD. I'm so jealous. I still haven't seen The Avengers... *sigh* We were supposed to go last Friday, but my brother's girlfriend decided to break up with him, so he spent the entire night locked in his room. So I'm going to see it this Friday, maybe.

    AND I OFFICIALLY HAVE THE DVD. I have to wait until dinner to watch it because my mother's making me wait (even though she doesn't like them...but whatever), so it's just sitting next to me on my chair...being beautiful. Hahahaha. That probably makes me sound SO pathetic, but I don't even care. :D
    May 31st, 2012 at 12:41am
  • Me, too. Hahahaha. :D

    And yeah, that's why I'm being cautiously optimistic. :) I'm preparing myself for the worst while hoping for the best. It typically works for me in life, so I'm just going to stick to it.
    May 30th, 2012 at 10:33pm
  • Yay! :) I'm glad that you liked it. And oh my God, I'm SO jealous. :( Why did you have to wait until today to watch it, though? Thanks for commenting!
    May 30th, 2012 at 10:28pm
  • Yeah, Graham Norton is a British show, and it's just hilarious because of what he makes his guests do and the subjects they bring up. I'm like addicted to it.

    Um... I had something else to say and I forget it. Damn.
    May 30th, 2012 at 06:11am
  • :D Hee hee. I try.

    And oh, yes. Hahaha. I just loved how his whole premise was so first-season-Glee, too. Like, how ridiculous was it that they were all fangirling over a COMMERCIAL actor? And yeah, definitely terrible. But maybe next season will be bomb! :D We can hope, anyway.
    May 29th, 2012 at 09:30pm
  • No problem! Love it! (:
    May 28th, 2012 at 07:35am