ZombieBeth / Comments

  • i hate people who do that!
    my best mates sister went to see kasabian a few moths ago, this guy started swearing at her and sayingstuff like how girls shouldn't be here and how she's in the way and stuff so she unked him in the nose, she had a maga ring on her finger and his nose was all bloody apparently!
    wow, a really lond day then, huh?!
    yeah i saw MCR in march, have you seen them before?
    was an awesome show, i don't think anyone could top it.
    i know, they do just generally rip you off.
    the ticket masters must make a huge lot of money from download.
    they rip you off for everything at download and other festicals, the food, merch and everything.
    oh, that's it, just met a load of bands XD
    wow, you're really lucky.
    haha, i heard that Oli Sykes was in court the other week XD
    where was the give it a name festival?
    April 28th, 2007 at 11:26pm
  • LOLi love it when you laugh so much your tummy aches XD
    mine aches!
    hmm, my tummy dosn't really hurt afterwards, it's feet that suffer!
    oh i want to go to give it a name ):
    i want to go to download festival, its 15 minutes away from my house, and i'm not allowed to go.
    2 of my favorite bands are headlining and i can't go :'(
    why they make the tickets too expensive is beyond me!
    i've never met anyone famous, let alone members of one of my favourite bands!
    i'd certainly die happy if i poked ray's fro XD
    April 28th, 2007 at 11:01pm
  • wow, i think you can ay you''l die happy now XD
    i think that partly makes up for FFTL cancelling.
    i'm pretty happy (:
    had a great day, was my best friends birthdya, we went paint balling, had a blast, had a BBQ, were total camera whores and laughed the most i've ever laughed in my entire life!
    so yeah, you could say i'm pretty dandy XD
    hang on, how comes bert was waving at you and you met jeph howard?!
    sorry, abit slow XD
    April 28th, 2007 at 10:46pm
  • yeye thanks :]
    how were the lostprophets? i only know of one of their songs, but they sound really good. and i've never heard of the other band, are they good?..actually..thats a dumb question..b/c you went to see them..
    April 28th, 2007 at 10:07pm
  • i'm pretty good. really bored...but pretty good.
    im going to a killers concert tonight. im pretty excited.
    im not a big fan or anything, but i love concerts :]
    April 28th, 2007 at 06:25pm
  • heyy, what's up?
    i like your info page.
    April 28th, 2007 at 04:30pm
  • Heyy
    Thanks for the comment on my story =]
    Im Sam btw =D

    Oh and me and my mates figured this out:
    Matt's Good but Sonny's got Moore
    April 26th, 2007 at 10:20pm
  • hey thanks XD
    hey blu --waves--
    i be sarah, but you can call me jayyne XD
    or whatever the hell you want!
    it sucks that FFTL pulled out all 3 times ):
    i'm not really a FFTL fan, but i'd be really upset//angry!
    i'm great thankyou, slightly sleep deprived, but ya know!
    how be you?
    April 26th, 2007 at 07:48pm
  • hey chapter 24 of CTT is up
    April 23rd, 2007 at 04:38am
  • hey! I updated CTT read, rate and comment!
    April 20th, 2007 at 12:19pm
  • hey! ! ! yeah I updated CTT already read and comment
    April 19th, 2007 at 03:28pm
  • thank you!
    April 16th, 2007 at 01:00pm
  • Yay you're thanking me? Oh that's such an honour *choked up* Thank so so much, I would like to share THAT privilage with...:-
    Elton John for no apparent reason
    Tenacious D
    Music People in General
    And my dead goldfish, Bubbles.


    Lets's hold a silence for poor Bubbles though...Okay silence over.

    Yeah I was kinda like you, I dound msn on the computer and I was like, okay this is cool...and I only had like 5 adds lmao I was such a loner, but since then I've been on a whole bunch of sites, including Mibba (three cheers for this site?!) and met a bunch of people, cos I've never been that popular in person, probably cos I'm shy in person and I have dark hair and eyes and listen to rock music...but my best friends look past that :D but I find it easier to make friends online, like on here, cos then they cant hit me or push me around, plus you can find more of your own kind on the internet...lol was that a load of rubbish? I just read it back and it confused me a bit...oh well.

    No I dont proper like her, there's a few songs that I do like by Christina but the majority is a bit TOO poppy, ya know? I kinda like one called Fighter and one called Hurt, but thats pretty much it. lol

    Aw wow your guitars have NAMES?! Mine is called Pansy Junior lol...how original. I couldnt think of a name though. I might get another one soon though, call it...Venom? Yeahh!!

    April 10th, 2007 at 09:39pm
  • mee !
    April 10th, 2007 at 04:39pm
  • Dude happy easter to you too.
    Although i find most celebrations as explotation of rabbits and chickens....
    I know im insane right?
    lol but anyways,
    i havent commented u either
    and Grr, so much has gone on!
    April 9th, 2007 at 06:08am
  • Add
    April 4th, 2007 at 08:41pm
  • I DO feel privialged to have such a long message on my page, bigs me up a bit yeahh?! lol

    Yeah that's the one, Matt Willis!! Yeah he was proably my favorite...and no, I wasn't watching that thing religiously...*cough* HONEST!!

    Ah gosh, computers completley consumed me, I was like you, reading a bunch of those massive books in one day, but then BANG I got hold of this game called Monkey Island and I refused to come off it...I dont play that game any more but thats the reason why I got into computers...now it's all about msn and Mibba and just random sites lol!!

    Yeah Spice Girls sucked...she also tried getting me into Madonna, but I wasn't having any of that. She'd take me by the hand and try and make me dance to this Spanish one by Madonna, but I was much happier sat on the kitchen tiles with mixing bowls, pans and wooden spoons, attempting to play drums...Now I'm all for guitars!! lol

    Ah you like Britney? I never ever did, there was just something SO irritating about her, not just the nasaly voice from some songs, but her personality seemed awful too - I prefered Christina Aguilera :D I still like her a bit now yeahh!!

    LMAO Tribute? Me and my friend Emma always sing to that, always always always!! On the way to MCR we were just sat there going 'Me and my brother KYLE here...' but then we put MCR on after a bit lol. It's a mint song though, I just remember been scared by the old woman's eyes at the end of the video first time I saw it...Hey I was a bit young okay??

    DAMN that was a long message. You must also feel privilaged :D

    April 2nd, 2007 at 05:22pm
  • lmao bless!! I know you're not a physco baby killer *shifty eyes* cos I'm not either. Ahem. Anyhoo...lol YEAH YOU BETTER COME SAY HI!! It could be me!! Awww bless, you liked Catarpillar brows. I hated them all, but if I had a favorite then it would probably be the one thats doing a solo career now, I dont remember his name but I just remember seeing his pants fall down on live tv (I was at my cousins house) and feeling a bit bad lol

    Oh gosh, I didnt really get into music until pretty late, I was such a nerdy bookworm (still am, actually), but I remember my mum trying to get me to listen to Spice Girls...she made me a cassette and I HATED it lol!! I used to dance to that 'I'm Blue, abadeeabadyyy' song though lmao, we have it on film somewhere, it's so embarrassing!! I had funky moves though, I did. *Cough*
    April 1st, 2007 at 10:31pm
  • lol YES TORO ROCKS!! And I know, I biro-ed Gerard all over myself when I stayed out one time, forgot it was there in the morning, looked in the mirror just before I was gonna go to town and saw it...tried getting it off - unsuccessfully - so I had a (thankfully more faint) I <3 Mr Gerard Way on my cheek. lol

    And aw, Busted? I never liked them, but lots and lots of my friends were INSANE over them...not any more. lol why did you cry? Did you like the one with the huge eyebrows? lol!!
    April 1st, 2007 at 01:15am
  • lol it's okay, I like reading huge messages lol!! I know, me and my friends were SO hyper!! And before the show we wrote all over eachother, mainly on my friend Emma (and in eyeliner so it wouldn't come off until like 2 days after, it's that eyeliner that really doesnt budge lol...) and it was all like, 'BRING BACK PANSY!!'/'Leanne IS Mrs Way!!'/'There's no buisness like Fro buisness like no buisness Ray knows!!' and all this random stuff lol...and You Know What They Do...is always a hit with everyone I think, no-one can resist that song...I just love all the random stories/noises they do before actually singing the song lol!!

    Ohhh come on tell me the first time you cried at a concert!!
    March 31st, 2007 at 11:18pm