Kristina_A / Comments

  • Bahahaha -- oh, Alex Burrows. You suck at life.

    Anyway, glad my story is still making you laugh. I'm trying to walk a fine line between serious and ridiculous, so I'm glad it's working.
    May 27th, 2010 at 06:14am
  • Thanks for the comment on my story! I think I already thanked you on Twitter, but I'm making it public. Glad my story could make you giggle. :D
    May 27th, 2010 at 12:56am
  • Ooooh congratulations on your engagement and having a little kiddo too! =) I was just stopping by your page to say that I do love your Brooks Laich and Mike Green story, and Max too! And I saw that little tidbit of information so I had to say congrats! When school calms down a bit I'll definitely give Craig a go lol.
    November 18th, 2009 at 04:12am
  • I saw about the pregnancy (I don't Twitter stalk you, as much as it seems!) and I hope that the doctors can sort everything. I HOPE YOU CALLED HIM! Maybe he's just scared about it all and being the other side of the country maybe he feels as though he's not able to do that much that's helpful.
    Aww, well it's clearly an amazing story, and I guess I kinda knew it was yours? But anyway, I love it and I'm looking forward to the aftermath after the cheating. And at some point I'll have to read Craig Adams, too.
    November 17th, 2009 at 07:42am
  • Ah yes, see I knew he proposed when you were there, I saw the picture of the ring, but I didn't realise you'd said yes! I think last I saw you weren't sure because you'd never even dated. But I'm glad it's all working out, even if right now you're having the "Fight 'o the century via text messages".
    And TC. Oh. My. God. Poor Mike, but damn Brooks, way to go boy. At first I thought 'crap, he's calling her out because she'd cheat on his best friend' until I realised it was Mike. I'm worried that now it'll take them ages to get back to that point though and things will just turn awkward between them for a while. And I feel mean to Mike, but I hope she doesn't go back to him. Oh Brooks.
    I really need to figure out the Blogger commenting thing, huh?!
    November 16th, 2009 at 11:17pm
  • Haha, well they need to stop cause I hate it.
    I have not had the pleasure of seeing KB's in person but Hannah has and she said he looks like a rapist.
    Not cool.
    Oh & soon, I swear I'm going to get around to reading your stories on blogger.
    November 16th, 2009 at 07:35pm
  • Haha, I know right?? I can't help but make him perfect. I can't really picture him any other way.

    I may have started a Sharpie story, but I don't know how long it's going to be. Or if it even IS going to be. It was just something I started scribbling while I was bored, so we'll see if/how it turns out.

    As for the wild, crazy sex, I'll see what I can do, lmfao.

    Thanks for the comment!!
    November 15th, 2009 at 10:48pm
  • Ok so I know Twitter told me you were pregnant (congratulations again by the way) but I didn't know you were getting married as well?!?! Congratulations!!
    Max I assume? :) Are you moving to Pittsburgh, too? Such a happy story, it gives me hope, haha.
    Oh, and I love how the Craig Adams story link is ocdwhiskey, hahaha. Off to read it now. And more TC soon, please? :D
    November 15th, 2009 at 10:23pm
  • OMG. That's awesome news. We miss you here, but I alway read your stuff on Blogger.
    November 15th, 2009 at 07:50pm
  • OMG, congrats on getting married and being pregnant!
    Best of luck with everything.
    I hope to see you back on here soon.
    November 13th, 2009 at 06:50am
  • Congratulations on getting married and being pregnant!

    I wish you all the luck =)
    November 13th, 2009 at 04:30am
  • Omg. I'm really excited for you. I hope that's not weird or anything, lmfao.

    I want babies so bad. I need myself a man first. That's how I hear it's done, anyways. ;)

    Btw, I just posted some more Ben. I have been on a roll with that story, lol!
    November 13th, 2009 at 03:05am
  • I happened to come across your page and I just wanted to say congratulations on getting married and being pregnant. =)
    November 12th, 2009 at 11:21pm
  • Haha yeah, Ben's being an idiot AGAIN. It's almost too easy to make him that way, lol! Thanks for the comment!!

    AND OMG YOU'RE PREGNANT?!? Congratulaaaaaaaations!! Omg. That's so exciting!! =D
    November 12th, 2009 at 05:14pm
  • I really like "these next nine months" i hope you update soon.
    November 5th, 2009 at 03:08am
  • I just don't knoooooow Kristina! Lmfao. I can [i]not[/i] decide. But I'm glad I could help you out there, haha! (Although Hal Gill is a fine hunk of meat as well.) But thanks for your thoughts!! I appreciate it =)
    October 13th, 2009 at 04:16am
  • Lmfao @ Aimee's comment below mine.
    So fucking weird.
    ANYWHO. I just realized that you @replied to me on Twitter.
    I'm not getting the tweets of people I follow until, like, the next day?
    Anywho. Yes. A couple new things are in the works, actually. :]
    October 9th, 2009 at 09:40pm
  • Awe thanks! I'm so happy you liked it!! And as for Lyss' comment below mine, it was SO weird, because [i]I[/i] was re-reading Namaste at the exact same time she was.

    LyssRKO (10:38:16 PM): you know what I've been doing all night?
    LyssRKO (10:38:21 PM): rereading Namaste
    LPgal1313 (10:38:25 PM): STOP
    LPgal1313 (10:38:29 PM): ME TOO
    LPgal1313 (10:38:31 PM): RIGHT NOW
    LPgal1313 (10:38:32 PM): I AM
    LyssRKO (10:38:41 PM): HAHAHAH
    LyssRKO (10:38:44 PM): NO YOU'RE NOT
    LyssRKO (10:38:47 PM): omf
    LyssRKO (10:38:48 PM): g
    LPgal1313 (10:38:49 PM): “You’re in my head. I can’t get you out. These fantasies. I have to focus on hockey. I have to win that damn cup, but all I can think about is you in your little leopard print panties, or in yoga class with sweat dripping down your back.”
    LyssRKO (10:39:08 PM): i'm on chapter 15
    LyssRKO (10:39:18 PM): “Thank you. I think I’m going to head home, grab my things and head out to a yoga class, if anything will clear my mind, it will be yoga. Thanks Adam, for everything, really. Sorry for chewing your ass out last night too.”

    “Don’t worry about it my little big snake maiden.”


    LPgal1313 (10:39:23 PM): that is tooooooo freaky
    LyssRKO (10:39:33 PM): i can't believe
    LyssRKO (10:39:44 PM): aimee
    LyssRKO (10:39:48 PM): NO WAY
    LPgal1313 (10:39:49 PM): LMFAO
    LPgal1313 (10:39:51 PM): YES

    Sorry to spam you with our conversation, but I just thought you'd like to see that. Haha
    October 8th, 2009 at 04:50pm
  • I'm sorry you have the flu!
    But I'm happy my chapter made you feel better!

    (I re-read Namaste and These Next Nine Months last night. *cough*)
    October 8th, 2009 at 04:31am
  • Omg. YES!!! I couldn't watch those videos for a while, because every time I tried my internet would freeze, but I am finally caught up, haha.

    Thanks for the comment on Davey! I'm actually going to try to get the last one out either tonight or tomorrow, so we'll see! And don't worry. There will be some sexual action. =D
    October 6th, 2009 at 08:08pm