Rock Me Amadeus

So it's been quite awhile since I even logged in here, a few weeks or even a month. : D I missed quite a lot and yeah, shit's just been busy. With friends, family and eating cookie crisp, how much can one man handle? Cookie crisp is quite delicious though, I suggest you all try it. If Heaven were a cereal, that would be it.So I feel in quite a random mood, so I decided to write this and to just...
April 6th, 2009 at 05:24am

It's Lacking Strings of Words

Lucky Charms!So I haven't been here for a quite a while. I apoligize, my life is a whirlwind of messy ness. I just wish someone was a vacuum, so they could suck up all the whirlwind's messy ness. So how is everyone? Swell? That's just fucking awesome, just stupdendous! I'm in a really hyper mood, you'll have to forgive me and it's too cold to go outside to run around.So uhm, I feel good lately....
February 12th, 2009 at 11:50pm

Go Pikachu!

I choose you Pikachu!Hello there all, you may be wandering if this may be some crazy crackhead pikachu lover. No, unfortunately I am not one of those people. Though I did like Pokemon quite a bit as a kid and still know some of the names of the old generation ones. Damn, I always get off topic when I start writing, but for real Charmander was ill. I always loved his little flaming self.So today we...
February 4th, 2009 at 12:58am

Comment Rape|Mibba Love

Comment Rapin~Dear Lovely Little Cookie,I am writing you once again, to let you all know that I have come to think this site may be quite amazing. From the comment rapage to the love and affection from everyone, it was quite surprising. This all seemed to literally happen in about 10-20 mins after signing up. All drinks and cookies are on me.To anyone that read my last journal entry, kudos to you...
February 3rd, 2009 at 04:14am

Drakulya's Lessons

Drakulya's LessonsDear Unfortunate Reader,In case you are reading this, you have stumbled upon my writings and teachings. For this, I may apoligize with all my effort and heart, for I did not wish to release all my life upon yours. You'll have to forgive me for not introducing myself yet, I am Marcus. You'll either find me very amusing or a tad bit crazy, one of those two. I'm the poor type of...
February 3rd, 2009 at 12:38am