Emmy.TheMCROne.xo / Comments

  • GnomeGiggler

    GnomeGiggler (100)

    United States
    Ah, well I'm pretty sure I told you I moved to Virginia from Florida in October, if I didn't, well I did =p
    And now we are moving back next month. I don't really want to go, but don't have a choice.
    I have to leave my boyfriend behind =(
    Ahh, I'm trying to learn how to drive, which is scary. lolz.
    For the most part, I've been pretty good.
    A rough patch of relationship issues really messed me up a couple months ago, but I'm okay now. As we say "We will carry on"
    How have you been?
    May 17th, 2009 at 05:17pm
  • GnomeGiggler

    GnomeGiggler (100)

    United States
    Emmy :3

    I am soooooooo sorry, it took me so long to reply!
    Aghh, so much has been going on, I totally fogot all about Mibba -_-;;
    I didn't forget you though!

    How have you been??

    Tapity Back!

    May 16th, 2009 at 08:35pm
  • newjerseyatemywallet

    newjerseyatemywallet (100)

    United Kingdom
    Sorry it took me awhile to reply as well, I've just come back from holiday.
    Nothing exciting - mud, farm, family that pretty much sums it up.
    I've been alright the exams are now panicking me more than anything but other than that I'm alright.
    I'm not doing art - far too much work, although I do take Drama which is endless work – thank god now I've finally done my scripted and my impro so it’s over, just the written exam left now.

    Don't worry about college the best thing you can do in a new place is to stay calm and be friendly. Although I have to say from my experience that a small mcr badge on your bag is like a magnet for nice people and it works great as a lucky charm too :)
    Have you sent your letter yet, what did you write in it?
    I'd say it’s got a pretty good chance of being read, most likely by bob - he seems to be the one checking those sorts of things out.
    April 11th, 2009 at 05:02pm
  • MoonageGoddess

    MoonageGoddess (150)

    United States
    Hi! I am Becca! and I am IN LOVE with My Chemical Romance. I am pretty much to the stage where I can't stop thinking about them. xD
    April 1st, 2009 at 09:55pm
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Miss you too
    March 31st, 2009 at 04:42pm
  • newjerseyatemywallet

    newjerseyatemywallet (100)

    United Kingdom
    What instrument do you play? And what type of music do you think you will play? Just out of curiosity. I wish I had the talent to start a band; sadly my beautiful guitar has rarely been used. Although I can play the starting bit to Disenchanted. I’m staying on for 6th form so I don’t have all the upheaval of moving, I’m too chicken for that. Do you have any friends moving with you?

    My favorite mcr song is probably Fashion Statement, though it very much used to be Demolition Lovers, what about you? I know what you mean about just wanting to thank them, I know it sounds cheesy, but just saying thank you would really make me happy. You should send a letter, as stupid as it sounds not many people will have thought of that, they’re too busy sending in red bull cans and cars atm.

    I’m not really doing much this week, I just performed a gcse play, and now its finally over I just want to sleep, all those lines took along time to learn :/ What about you? Unfortunately I have many an essay to write. Which is why I have absolutely no time for revision right now, and sadly no tips. Just knuckle down and do it is the best I can think of :/
    March 30th, 2009 at 12:31am
  • I C G P

    I C G P (100)

    United Kingdom
    My summer is going to be a bitch! It's going to be fricking awesome! Hopefully I'll be doing loads of stuff like going to the beach, fun fairs, festivals etc. As much as I can. Also meeting up with friends that I won't see in sixth form sounds like an idea too. What about you?

    I want to be a tour manager or a manager of a band. I'm not that fussed about being [i]in[/i] the band, I'd rather be someone who works behind the scenes. Plus I have a huge admiration for Brian. What a legend.

    I think you could be a band photographer. It's not impossible. Nothing is impossible. If you take Photography as an A Level or as a college course or whatever, you're well on the way to doing it. Magazines are always in dire need for photographers.
    March 29th, 2009 at 10:02pm
  • I C G P

    I C G P (100)

    United Kingdom
    OH MAN DO I!

    We had a revision day - called Brain Friendly Revision - that my History teacher set up. We were off timetable for the whole day and learnt the best ways to revise and such. If I'm honest it was quite helpful, but some of the things don't work for me.

    First off you're only supposed to revise two/three hours a night, although during the holidays you might want to up it to three/four hours a day. You're supposed to work for half an hour periods, and have a break in between. During the holidays, if you're awake at about nine [b]do not[/bn] start working until 11, as the teenage brain doesn't wake up properly until midday. Linked to that your brain works best in between 11 -> 1 in the afternoon, so do the harder subjects before you do the ones you find easier.

    Erm... I had loads more. Oh, mind maps, colours, silly stories etc will help you to remember things. I used one of a person called 'Bert' to remember the Mormons going West, as Bert McCracken's family are all Mormon. Post-stick notes help you if you put them around your room. You'll subconsciously look at them so you'll pick up on the information.

    March 29th, 2009 at 08:39pm
  • rumbleroar

    rumbleroar (100)

    United States
    Oh, ok. Can't wait!
    I wonder why they take so long between different countries. At least it's not that long.
    No, I could've seen them with Bon Jovi but I didn't want my dad to take me. Now I'm regretting that.
    March 29th, 2009 at 08:23pm
  • newjerseyatemywallet

    newjerseyatemywallet (100)

    United Kingdom
    Well I'm doing Psychology, English, Biology and History for a level, but after that who knows, how about you? I agree with you about the accepting thing, everyone is so nice on here, although that might be because the majority of them are mcr fans. I’ve actually never been to a seated show, and I go to quite a lot. I would give up all my shows for any of the one mcr shows you went to though :) As for the summer, I have no idea probably a whole lot of shows/festivals I was also thinking about getting a job. what about you?
    March 29th, 2009 at 08:16pm
  • I C G P

    I C G P (100)

    United Kingdom
    It's fine. I know, GCSE's suck. I have so much revision to do, but I just came up with an awesome storyline for a new story. It's kinda The Suicide Diaries mystery-esque. I so can't wait to start writing. I think I'll start today.

    Sure I'll comment, it just might take some time. I'm in the midst of revision and whatnot (I'm sure you can sympathise), so my comment may be slightly delayed.

    March 29th, 2009 at 07:49pm
  • rumbleroar

    rumbleroar (100)

    United States
    I'm in America so I guess we get it sooner. When's it released for you?
    Now I really want to read the books because I can't.
    I'm confused about the note. Aimee’s dad sent it? But it’s not life threatening right? Just sign to the label or you’ll never play again? I’m guessing it’ll be explained later on, it’s a good cliff hanger.
    March 29th, 2009 at 06:16pm
  • newjerseyatemywallet

    newjerseyatemywallet (100)

    United Kingdom
    No I really haven’t started revising, and I have three essays to do by tomorrow, my teacher kinda gives them in bulk :(

    Both my aunties are deaf, one is real profoundly deaf, she tried to teach me sign language it didn’t work out too well. I suck at learning any type of language, which is why I reckon I will fail my german gcse. She got bullied for it too, from the age of thirteen but now she’s happily married with four kids and if she hadn’t been deaf she never would have met her husband. She had a trained dog, and the dog went up to what would later be her husband while they were on the tube. It’s so romantic :)

    I can’t believe you’ve seen mcr that many times. You are so lucky. It’s only really my dad who has anything against them; my mum really loves them and wanted to go herself. She even has bullets on her mp4 player, bless her. And she read a biography of theirs, when she gradually realised how much I was talking about them. Those shows sound amazing, I hope mcr go to all the smaller venues when they next play, like Brighton and Bournemouth etc, otherwise me and my friend have plans and are saving money for plan tickets. I would love to meet them too, though Gerard after the baby, may come over here for an Umbrella Academy signing, at forbidden planet, he did that before. Plus Frank said leathermouth may tour the uk. Have you been to any gigs recently? I went to the kerrang tour in Brixton last, all the power went off and the show got cancelled. Though me and my friend did chat to Zach and Austin from Black Tide out an open window for awhile. Which was weird but awesome. (they did start humping each other 0_0)
    March 29th, 2009 at 06:03pm
  • x-Bleeding-Fire-x

    x-Bleeding-Fire-x (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know! It was over a year ago!?
    Boy they were crappy times for both of us!!!
    My day was good u?
    Heard anymore from Sam? We could meet up in the hols to discuss this/practise.. =]
    March 29th, 2009 at 05:22pm
  • newjerseyatemywallet

    newjerseyatemywallet (100)

    United Kingdom
    Yeah I like Simon Armitage's poems too, though Carol Ann Duffy seems to be the one everyone raves about. Have you read the SA untitled one that starts with 'my father thought it bloody queer'? What do think it’s about/what do you think of it?

    And no I have not had the fortune to see them live, it saddens me greatly.

    My parents used to be kind of funny about concerts, now they seem fine though, and although I love seeing other bands it’s annoying and kind of depressing that I still haven't seen them live when I've been a fan for so long. Like weeks after mcr stopped touring, they decided I could go to concerts. I guess I was only 15, but still.

    I was a kind of a closet fan for a really long time, I had TBP, but I only really knew Gerard and Mikey's names plus I really wasn't interested in the band members at all(!)

    Then I went on a german home stay and shared a room with a girl from my school who’s now my best friend. She had life on the murder scene and a portable dvd player, the making of teenagers famous last words and WTTBP all came on the German tv channels. (Which I still find freakishly fate like.) Basically that whole week, introduced me to mcr, and gave me my best friend. Anyway…How did you get into mcr? And what concerts did you get to go to?
    March 29th, 2009 at 05:18pm
  • x-Bleeding-Fire-x

    x-Bleeding-Fire-x (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    heh... well in my 'lovely' brain i am thinking omg the silent project!!
    Just gonna read our story again from the start =]
    For inspiration purposes!!
    March 29th, 2009 at 05:09pm
  • x-Bleeding-Fire-x

    x-Bleeding-Fire-x (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    im not either! ill read it again just to check =]

    how are you??
    March 29th, 2009 at 05:05pm
  • newjerseyatemywallet

    newjerseyatemywallet (100)

    United Kingdom
    Aww, thanks and yeah I loved that poem, its a real breath of fresh air compared to some of the other poems we have to do.
    Nice to meet you Emmy, I'm Rosie :)
    Yes LOTMS is awesome, its always in our dvd player, my family are under the impression that mcr are permanently on the tv. TBPID doesn't helped matters either.

    Every time I watch the both of them, I find something new. Like *random fact* did you realise it was Frank and Bob holding Gerard back, at the end of ghost of you? Much pausing and stopping proved this to me :) But jeez, yes it does seem like a long time ago.
    March 29th, 2009 at 04:37pm
  • rumbleroar

    rumbleroar (100)

    United States
    Hi! I saw, I'm gonna read it today.
    I've been good, reading a lot but only regular fiction because I gave up Fantasy and vampire books for Lent. How're you?
    I got Twilight last Saturday, I watched it 3 times in two days :]
    March 29th, 2009 at 04:15pm
  • I C G P

    I C G P (100)

    United Kingdom
    Awh thank you. I love my display picture too. :) It's very cute, makes me laugh.

    I'm glad you liked The Suicide Diaries. That story was written about two years ago, so if you go back and read it now, it's appallingly written! Haha!
    March 22nd, 2009 at 06:45pm