GoldAndGrey / Comments

  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    haha lol everything below the lower back is numb!
    It's gross right??

    haha I think desexing anything is cruel...
    Because it's only natural for a dog or cat to want to mate etc...
    and you just need to restrain them!!
    lol But I'm all for Ferrets getting the operation which takes out their scent glands... ew...

    lol since year 7, I've been the "emo" kid haha
    I've been all "depresso" and misunderstood...
    I'm like, "LOVES LIFE!" though!!

    haha well get a guitar :P

    haha I'm most likely not going to live past 35, because apparently I'll be getting schizophrenic in my mid twenties... hahaha weird much??

    haha we used to do that all the time too!
    lol I hated walking there XD

    haha nice!!
    lol I won't cancel it :(
    I'll just try to understand all the driving issues :)

    haha It's all better now...
    The end of the school week means that I can relax for two days ahhahaah

    lol I'm so bored with school...
    I mean, It's been like 11 years now... and routine isn't a me thing!
    I hate routines...
    I'm a spontaneous person, and I like to do random things, go random places, and do all weird things, like go shopping at midnight ahahaha
    See, I hate having to wake up at 7, get home at 4:30, and do it for the whole week!
    lol are you like that??

    Michael xx
    March 13th, 2009 at 12:00pm
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    haha yeah!
    when you get a caesarean, they give you a needle at a certain point in your lower back so it numbs the bottom half of your body!
    Ew right??

    I think it's called female circumcision or something...
    Where they cut the skin bits off the outside... EW!!
    I was like :|

    haha I'm considered the emo... lol
    I couldn't care less!

    haha that's a good idea!!
    Get an electric guitar, and you and I can go in a band... all we need is a drummer.. hmm....

    haha it's not hot per say, it's just humid... and gross ugh...
    lol I hate humidity... If I wanted to inhale water, I'd just drown myself!

    haha I was playing GTA4 on my friends PS3...
    She lives on mount macedon, so I was like :( so far away...
    (half an hour drive!!)

    You're getting your learners???
    Damn you... haha
    I've got my test booked for the 30th of april XD
    But I might cancel it because I'm no where near ready!! LOL

    lol stuff is going at like 100 kms an hour... I'm soooo busy!!
    School is consuming my life :|

    Michael xx
    March 12th, 2009 at 10:48am
  • K.I.T.T.Y

    K.I.T.T.Y (100)

    United States
    I have just been going to school, hanging with friends...The usual. You?

    March 12th, 2009 at 07:14am
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    lol when that happens, they give you a pelvic injection to numb the entire area, and then they stitch it up :)
    haha Health classes are always fun!

    haha I agree!!
    lol I'm generally optimistic, but I act so different around everyone I know...
    I act as though I hate myself...
    I don't!!
    lol I actually really love myself... I mean, you'd know... I'm so "hot" haha

    haha lol well... tennis is awesome, so play that!!
    haha my dad is making me learn bass guitar... I'm fine with it!!

    haha no, the apocalypse is said to happen in 2012 on december 21st...
    So, I won't live past 19 :(
    lol i doubt it haha
    actually a lot will happen in 2012...
    Like, the earth will change because it's axis is tilting so the hotter parts might get cooler and the cooler part might get hotter, meaning bad things... ahaha

    haha i had fun...
    I played Guitar Hero... I was like *awesomeness*

    How's stuff going for you??

    Michael xx
    March 11th, 2009 at 07:54am
  • K.I.T.T.Y

    K.I.T.T.Y (100)

    United States
    Hello, and thank you for the welcome. I’m all right. How’re you?

    March 10th, 2009 at 06:49pm
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    Ouch... lol I skied into some stupid little kid, and then lost control and ran into a tree and twisted my ankle... lol But other than that, I was quite lucky!!

    haha but I'm sure sometime your opinion will change and you might want a kid...
    But yes, your vagina can tear... Isn't that gross!!!

    haha lol I love those people...
    You know, the everything-about-them-is-perfect... lol
    Apparently I'm one of those... haha

    I know!!
    It just so happens I'm sort of friends with her... lol
    She's also really stupid!!
    lol like she's doing VCAL and everything haha

    haha lol you can't be tooo sick to play tennis!!
    I mean, it's not too difficult!!
    What sickness do you have lol?
    I have a cold... haha

    haha lol Yeah I felt the "tremor"....
    It wasn't an earthquake lol...
    haha and guess what our religion teacher said!!
    She said, "This is the end of the world. This is just like what god did to Noah." and I was like, "WTF???"

    haha no... my mum is smart, but she's just like an overgrown child with three kids (me being youngest) haha
    She's super nice too :P

    Michael xx
    March 7th, 2009 at 01:19am
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    haha lol i remember one time I had to cross-dress and I wore a black leather corset and a red mini-skirt...
    I looked like the biggest tranny!! LOL

    haha coming home in an ambulance... pfft...
    My mum said that to me about skiing... worst Injury I got was sunburn!!

    haha How come you don't plan on having kids ever??
    lol Is it because childbirth is disgusting and that there is a chance your vagina can tear?? LOL

    haha I agree!!
    I'd much rather a home gym!!!
    Then I can get sweaty in my own comfort :P

    haha our school is just dog ugly... lol
    We went through every guy in our year level and I said yes to one, and maybe to two!! HAHA

    lol It's really weird!!
    I mean, I know people older than me in Year 10... that feels bizzare!!
    We have someone who is almost 18 and in our year level... she's like two years older than me!! WTF!!

    I love public holidays!!
    What do you have planned??

    hehe didn't go to school because of the fires?? Was it cancelled like my day was?

    haha my plans are my mum's 50th birthday party :P
    And I'm hanging out with a friend...

    Michael xx
    March 6th, 2009 at 10:55am
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    HAHAHA lol I'd be lighter :P
    I mean, for a dress up party, I had to dress up as something scary, so I went as a "dead emo kid".... I made my face pale white (which wasn't hard...) and I made my eyes black... I drew scars all up my arms and everything... It was funny!!

    lol It is and it isn't...
    You need to take into account that the ground is very slippery and harder than concrete...
    you also need to wear clothes which won't make you freeze... I wore skinnies last time, and that was easy for me :)
    But yeah, make sure you're "balanced"...

    haha lol really?
    I don't get drunk for that reason... :|
    I mean, I have been many times, but now, that's become my worst fear!!

    haha exactly!!!
    lol my friends go to the movies in stuff you would work out in, and I'm like, "I don't know you..." but I mean ew...
    haha You need personal standards!!

    haha lol I mainly get alone well with the pretty girls, because we don't have many pretty boys!!
    But I'm sure if we had more, I could get along well with them!!

    haha lol no homework?
    You must do homework or else you'll fail XD
    I've done year 10... it's easy... ish...
    haha that's so weird... you're doing year 10 and i'm doing year 11, and you're older than me... :O

    my day today was good...
    We had the day off because of the fires etc...
    Which is cool :)
    How about you??

    Michael xx
    March 3rd, 2009 at 08:34am
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    haha lol

    haha I know right!!
    I mean, we live no-where near the beaches, and yet apparently everyone in Australia is tanned and surfers...
    I'm like, i'm pale and like skiing...

    haha lol you should try skiing before you snowboard, because snowboarding is VERY balanced and you need to understand the snow first...
    lol Ice skating is easy... I'm great at it!!
    I went to Bendigo with friends to the skating rink... It was cool :)

    lol you've got a point...
    My list of things I'll never do involve "conscientiously having sex with a girl"....
    I never plan on doing that!!

    haha I'm pretty self absorbed, so I enjoy making myself look good, and I hate when others say I look bad...
    I mean, to go down the street, I straighten my hair and put on my skinnies... I could never go down in my feral clothes!! LOL
    and haha don't worry, I'll never lower them!

    haha lol because you're quite pretty and she felt intimidated??
    that's cute!!
    I know people who suffer from that!!
    lol I actually feel normal around really hot people...
    It's great.. :)

    haha lol have some fun first!!
    Homework later :P

    haha hooker boots!!
    lol that's cute!
    I'm getting a pair of high top runners!
    I'll be like *swoon*

    Michael xx
    March 2nd, 2009 at 10:25am
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    haha lol I reckon drugs are a pathetic excuse for "having fun"...
    We have a guy at school and he's like constantly high!! Isn't that funny?
    He looks like he's in his mid twenties too...

    haha me too...
    But yeah, I mean, I hate being so Isolated...
    And I hate how people are like, "Wow.. Australia would be nice, beaches and everything"...
    I'm like, "I FUCKING LIVE INLAND!!"

    haha exactly!! lol
    I mean, Who knows how many people have gathered to see the Leaning Tower of Pisa, or the Eiffel Tower??
    I mean, they're amazing...
    WE have a rock...

    haha nah, I'm not into surfers...
    I'm not into like full on footy players either...
    I actually have a thing for snowboarders and tennis players LOL
    Snowboarders are sooo hot...
    on Camp last year, this one guy helped me up when I fell off my skis!
    It was so cute, because he goes to me, "first timer?" and I'm just like, "Yeah... teach me?" and he laughed...

    haha an injection for that?
    lol I know a few people who could use that... lol

    OMG I know!!
    My best friend went out with like, the town manwhore and I was so disappointed... because she could have done so much better...
    But yeah, I have high standards!!

    haha not shallow?
    It's okay... I am heavily!!

    well... tonight I might be going over to my friends house for a movie night, and then tomorrow I don't think I'm doing anything (when I get home, that is...)
    I have some homework, which would only take like half an hour haha
    How about yourself??

    Michael xx
    February 28th, 2009 at 12:40am
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    lol we do that at school.
    Because our school is majorly on a hill, we always lie on the hill and stare at the clouds...
    It's quite relaxing!!

    haha exactly!!! Drugs do bad things....
    haha no, I can't drink beer, it makes me sick... lol
    If I'm to drink, it's either vodka or bacardi XD

    haha exactly!!
    lol mysterious...

    haha I KNOW!! Everyone is like, "Oh my god I wish I could come to Australia" and I'm like, "It's not that great... I wish I could come to LA!!"
    haha I know... i want to leave once I can.
    I actually don't like Australia (especially how it was founded... ugh), because it's such a young country...
    I have a thing for Historical places...

    lol tall dark and handsome cliche rocks... lol
    I have a thing for taller guys, darker hair... obviously handsome :)

    hahaha EW!
    I'd prefer someone who I knew...

    haha I don't even like cars!!
    I just hate how every car has doors that go outwards...
    The delorean is like, different...
    I don't even want one because of the BTTF series!!
    I want one because of its doors!!

    haha you can't be as picky as I am...
    I have a list...
    If you don't possess a certain amount of traits from this list, I couldn't like you in any way possible.
    Number 1: needs to be skinny...
    lol If I listed them, we'd need a whole web page...

    Michael xx
    February 27th, 2009 at 07:04am
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    haha I know right!!
    This is so sad, but I had scheduled "wake-up-early-to-run" days during my holidays...
    I got up naturally at 5:30 one time and went for a run and came back dripping and then I had a shower and slept... lol

    haha yeah, we're getting a new girl in a few weeks, and she is definitely crazy... She's like, black died hair, stick thin, but surprisingly, she was wearing white skinnies, black t-shirt and grey vest... haha

    haha I know right!!
    I would never do it... drugs are gross...
    So is drinking... If I had to drink it'd be orange juice with straight vodka XD

    haha private schools are worse...
    everyone is so "rebellious" but hidden... it's so weird!!
    I'm just like, "For god's sake, go to the high school if you're going to have a threesome..."

    haha exactly :)
    see, most people are from USA... so you're like half an hour from my house, which is amazing!!

    haha yeah my ideal boyfriend needs to be taller than me, and soon enough that'll be harder, because doctor said I'm going to be 6'2"...

    haha lol I need to find a girl who will have a baby for me :)
    lol they need to be hot and willing to give it away XD

    haha that's awesome!!
    I want my delorean!!
    haha I will want to drive when I get that XD

    haha I know... but I'm so fussy and I would never find the guy of my dreams... Infact, I have, but you know... I'm not his...

    haha ok!!
    lol she'll probably be some crazy obsessive scene betch....
    lol and you'll just need to talk her down and she'll kill herself!!

    michael xx
    February 26th, 2009 at 08:59am
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    haha have fun learning it!! lol speak it to me soon!!

    haha lol you should go for a run in the early mornings... It's so much easier...

    haha I know... I went to a party with it there... and I was like *leaves*... but we have a few drug-fucked sluts at school so yeah...
    I know, I even go to a private school, but no, it's still bad!!

    haha my mouth is all gross when I wake up... like real bad...
    Mainly because I have to sleep with my retainer in... but you know... It's still gross!!

    haha some random weirdo chick? is that all you see yourself as?
    lol You're actually quite special because you live close to me, therefore, you're not random!

    haha lol at least you don't have man hands like a girl I know...
    We think she's secretly a dude!!
    She has the shoulders, the body structure, the FACE!! and hands!!
    lol testosterone much?

    haha My kids XD
    See, I wanna have a kid with my friend who is beautiful (she agreed), and then our kid will be gorgeous!! haha I get to keep it XD

    haha lol you're older than me... that's so weird...
    I get my L's in April!!
    Yay!! totally...
    I couldn't care less. I'm really stressing... because cars and I don't go together!!

    my week has been good...
    Still having boy troubles...
    Things would be so easy if he could just be gay for me!!

    lol Michael xx
    February 24th, 2009 at 09:34am
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    haha Chinese is hard... if you learn traditional it's hard, but if you learn simplified it's still hard!!
    one of my best friends is chinese and she's learning it now!!

    haha when I go jogging I go in the early morning when there's like no-one around!!
    for exactly that reason... people stare...

    haha that happens to me with my lover!! hahaha
    lol Myspace would have deleted it within moments XD
    lol My friend has a "penis and boobs" folder on her computer, because everyone seems to flash her on webcam!! and she printscreens it lol...

    haha yeah? That's cute... "she's a party girl, with a bad habit, a bad habit for drugs... She's a slut and she knows it!"
    lol Loves summer heights high!
    hahahahaha That's cute!! lol I sleep like a dead person...

    haha I shall try that someday!! Literally, I'll go buy an apron, and when I stay over at my future lover's house, I'll make sure no-one else is home, and haha michael naked but apron XD

    well, you're quite the pretty, so who cares where it comes from!!
    and wow... That's really complicated... with the whole family thing...

    haha hot people should breed with hot people to make hot babies.
    That's my theory!!

    (a lot of your last comment was cut off.., so we'll forget about those bits haha)

    So how was your week??

    Michael xx
    February 22nd, 2009 at 09:13am
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    haha social suicide much?? XD

    True... But i mean, it'd be interesting to learn each one of the languages of the country you're part of...
    I mean, I'd need to learn Italian, French, Austrian, German, and maybe Spanish... LOL like four latin based languages... I'd rather die!!!

    hahaha That is so coincidental... Jason has always been one of my favorite names too!!
    I know this guy, his name is Jason, and he likes to be called "J"...
    I think it's cute :)

    haha my bones do that in the first place...
    lol I played tennis yesterday when I did my "hour of working out" where I go on a 30 minute run, play tennis, and ride my excersize bike :)
    lol I'm not a fitness freak or anything, but I just think it's good to have cardiovascular strength :)

    lol perving on people is the best... Especially when they're really hot and you're in love with him... HAHA
    We have this guy in year 10 at school, his name is Ethan, and everyone thinks he's so hot...
    But I don't...
    I've also seen a video he sent to one of my friends of his *cough* penis *cough*
    Not too impressive XD

    haha exactly!!! It's so annoying... I mean, We have a lot of "whores" at school, so we have one in our group :)
    She's done a lot of guys :P
    She thought she was pregnant and had chlamydia... That was funny!! because neither of them were true!!

    I think they've raised over $80 million...
    That's amazing!!!

    haha I get cold all the time!!
    I get run down easily, and then I get like, 2 days off school a month, and after that I'm fine :)

    hahahahaha .... Michael in an apron and only an apron... That'd be... interesting... LOL

    Well you're pretty, so does pretty run in your family??
    haha my "hot" family is weird, because my dad has a few stunners in his family, and my mum's family is all like northern italian, so beautiful!!!
    does that mean I have perfect genes?? o.O

    That sounds like a very very very very full day... *phew*
    haha I should go jogging with you sometime XD
    Or play tennis!!
    haha I actually suck at tennis now, because I haven't properly played it for like three years... I just hit the ball at the wall with minimum strength so I don't hurt my wrist again XD

    OMG i hated wolf creek...
    It just so happened I was going camping with friends the next week, so I was shit scared hahaha...
    I was like *HOLD ME!!!!*

    Well my weekend so far has been okay...
    I spent Valentine's day alone and didn't even get any phone calls or myspace messages or comments or anything... I was like *hates life*
    But I did some homework, and plan on doing some more today.
    My sister is also coming home, which is cool :)
    I haven't seen her for like two weeks :( I'm really close with my sister!!
    But yeah, I plan on going for a walk down the street to buy chocolate.
    I need chocolate haha... I hate cravings!!!

    Michael xx
    February 15th, 2009 at 01:27am
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    haha that was like our French exchange student!!
    Him and our teacher were just talking away, and he didn't know that much english!!

    Mixes are a bit boring... because it's so indefinate... But in a way I like to be able to say I've got german descent, because german's are hot... haha

    haha Rafael is a sexy name, I agree :)
    But you're right!! The spanish boys are on a roll!! Loves hispanic guys *drools*

    haha It does!! I was asked by someone if I wanted to play tennis, and I was like... I wish!! *cracks wrist where all the metacarpals grind*
    It's so gross...

    haha it was so good.... I love him :)
    we were laughing about it yesterday, and how we took a photo of his arse when he bent over after he got out of the pool hahahaha
    Dripping wet... swoon!!!

    haha I love those lyrics!!
    I also love Cute Is What We Aim For's "In every circle of friends there's a whore, the one who flirts and does a little more"...
    If I was a girl, that'd be me :P

    haha yeah, I have no more money to donate... so that sucks haha

    lol dreading!! I'm dreading my mid years!!!

    haha it only hurts when I sit in awkward positions because it's just like, organs stick out!!
    haha but I feel healthy sometimes... I get sick really easily because I have no fat to store health... which sucks!! so If I eat too much shitty foods I get sick within an hour.

    lol haha is the apron the ONLY thing I'm wearing??
    hahaha joking!!!!

    lol I know right!!! Apparently hot runs in my family too... Like my sister is apparently pretty (says my friends), and my friend also thinks my brother is a "babe"....

    haha i know!! It's so much better warming up than cooling down!!
    I love it!!!

    What's happening on your weekend??

    Michael xx
    February 13th, 2009 at 11:33pm
  • Demolition-Lover

    Demolition-Lover (100)

    Czech Republic
    Thanks :)
    I am fain and u? :)
    February 12th, 2009 at 09:25pm
  • jasper-hale_721

    jasper-hale_721 (100)

    Both of the Chronicles of Narnia movies... :]
    Lord Of the Rings.....(But only if you choose a character and say their lines :P)
    Pirates Of The Caribbean
    Sweeney Todd...
    And lots of others....

    Where are you going..?
    I'm going to Sault Ste. Marie
    February 12th, 2009 at 04:55pm
  • x.mickel.x

    x.mickel.x (150)

    haha lol When I was at my friend's house they spoke spanish and I was like talking back in english!! It was cool :) That's like when I talk to my aunt and uncle. They speak Italian like all the time and I reply in English. It's funny :)

    haha lol I wish I wasn't a mixture and just pure Italian or French!! That'd be so good because I'd have the language done easily haha
    OMG typical... All girls seem to love Nadal.
    I love Fernando Verdasco :)
    He's my favorite. He's so pretty :)
    lol Yes, I watch the tennis. I also used to play tennis. I used to be quite good until I ruined my wrist by falling over hahaha

    haha at our sports day today, I was hanging out with him... It was amazing!!
    we took photo's and laughed haha.

    hahahaha that's so funny!!
    lol my friend made me laugh when I was drinking something and I choked and ended up crawled in a corner laughing to death!!

    haha I know right!!!
    She now has this gross click in her jaw. It's so gross!!!

    My favorite line in Sophomore Slump is "The Best Part Of Believe Is The 'Lie'"
    I think that it such a good line!! Not as good as some CIWWAF lyrics, but close :)

    Yeah? Our school has raised like $5000 dollars, it's insane!!
    I gave like $50!! haha

    Yeah, I hate exams. They suck!! I have like 6 Exams this year...

    hahahaha I sometimes weigh 58, and I sometimes weigh 56, but a few months ago, I weighed 63!! And I was so healthy!! But now I'm too thin... It actually hurts!!!

    haha If only...
    lol as I said earlier, we were hanging out, and it was so good, so I'm pretty sure he doesn't know...
    I'm still dwelling upon the fact that he said no to going out with all the "hot" girls in our year level. I was like... "Maybe he wants me :)"
    His sister is sooo pretty though!!
    It is like him, but in a girl, and tanned, and shorter, with long black hair.
    She's so beautiful :) Hot must run in the family!!

    haha I know, I'm so happy that it's cold again!!
    I was like *radiates heat whilst everyone else suffers!!*

    Michael xx
    February 12th, 2009 at 09:34am
  • jasper-hale_721

    jasper-hale_721 (100)

    lol yeah me too....
    it was always something i had to do....
    now i go on like once a day to check my watchlist....
    that's about it.. X.X

    i've been pretty good.....hmmm...
    i'm not going to school on friday because i am going on a trip...
    but that's really about it .... :]
    do youu have any favourite movies...?
    random... :P
    February 11th, 2009 at 03:18pm