The Works
All That Glitters Is Silver complete.
Dark Side of the Moon complete.
The Capitol's Tribute
The Winchester Gospels complete.
This Ain't Goodbye complete.
Mibba again
yet more Mibba
hey do you need a link to Mibba?
About Me
Holla. I'm eighteen and live in Oregon. I heart Teen Wolf and Game of Thrones. My newest addiction is Supernatural. I love to dance and I'm a captain on my high school dance team. SYTYCD is fab. I do enjoy Josh Hutcherson but my celeb crush at the moment would have to be Dylan O'Brien. I hate mint and people who use text speak. I find the sound of knuckles, backs, necks, (etc) cracking to be heinous. I use the word heinous a lot. Winning. Oh, and I love to write. Talk to me. I love making cyber-friends. (:

Not to be brag-a-docious, but I made this layout. Pretty damn good for a rookie. Actually, it's pretty bad and it took too long but whatevs. I can dream.