Don't Trust A hoe!!!

The other day my friend Yakima told me that she heard Jackie and Shannon talking about really mean stuff about Sidney.... my really good friend who i LOVE!!..and i don't know if i should tell Sidney or not.......i think she deserves to know, but i don't want to start drama and stuff esp. because Sidney is really good friends with Shannon and Jackie..... But Yakima, i don't know if i can trust...
February 7th, 2009 at 01:53am

Don't Trust A hoe!!!

The other day my friend Yakima told me that she heard Jackie and Shannon talking about really mean stuff about Sidney.... my really good friend who i LOVE!!..and i don't know if i should tell Sidney or not.......i think she deserves to know, but i don't want to start drama and stuff esp. because Sidney is really good friends with Shannon and Jackie..... But Yakima, i don't know if i can trust...
February 7th, 2009 at 01:53am