Werewolf Boy

Werewolf Boy
Great Britain (UK)
Joined date
February 8th, 2009


Hi my name is Iain.

I am 17 now and I go to Lourdes Secondary in Glasgow. The wettest place in the entire world. lol.

I know that i made this profile a very long time ago and i barly got past chapter one of my first story but that's just because it wasn't going to be shit.



This story started out as a conversation between me and my best friend on msn [and she's in it] about this crazy dream i had and then a had a sequel to it and then she said that i should continue it as a story on the internet. It's about me and three of my friends who have become mutants with the abilities to control different elements; lightning,water and air,earth and fire, and what we do as we try to escape the institute that created us. Enjoy. All the characters in the story are based on people I know but aren't really them if you catch my drift, including me.

The Vampire and the Werewolf

This story was initially a poem, as you can see below. It's about Amie - a vampire - and John - a werewolf - and how they meet and fall in love. They both want a relationship with a normal person. However find out that they are both abnormal. Will their love work? Who knows if love has bounds or none at all.


The Vampire and the Werewolf.

This poem is basically what I think would happen if a vampire and a werewolf had a relationship with each other. Well I've only actually written about when they meet and find out about one another. Can their love work?