/ Comments

  • Don't you worry sweetie I know how you feel! I have been having writer's block for like ALL of my story's so I know how you feel :) How bout we help each other?? Tomorrow I'll make a comment cause I'm going over my friend's house sooo no computer for today :'(
    July 11th, 2009 at 05:51pm
  • Thank you so very much for your comment on my poem, and for taking time out of your day to take a moment of silence for Michael. Knowing that [i]my[/i] poem, of all, moved you like that, moves me in itself.

    I was really expecting to get a lot of bashing from the Michael Haters of the world. They truly disgust me. The horrible things they can say about him, and the accusations they unknowingly make. =//

    I wrote this poem because of how I feel about Michael, in hopes to reach out to others. And I'm really glad it worked. You don't know how big o' smile that puts on my face.

    Michael truly will forever be missed.

    I, too, have done nothing but listen to his music and, unsuccessfully in some areas, throw myself into his dance moves. It's like I'm an addict now, and he's my drug. I'd always loved the basic songs, Thriller, Billie Jean. But now, now since he's passed I can't go a single [i]day[/i] without listening to his songs on my MP3 player or watching "Black or White" or "Beat it" on youtube.

    And that's really sad to say because now I'm grieving even worse than I would've if I would've known about him, more so, before. I never got a chance to beg my parents to go to one of his concerts. I never got a chance to go crazy every time I knew he was coming to St. Louis. So it really just eats me up now that he's gone because I never got that experience, and so many other people did. So they're able to be at peace with this, while I'm still trying to find ways.

    Part of the reason for this poem, reaching out to other people like me, still grieving.

    I'm [i]really[/i] sorry this is so long. I just felt that all needed to be said. Oh yeah, and I just went back and proof read my poem, 'cause I was like super tired last night when I felt the need to write it, and I fixed all the spelling errors. =DD

    Thanks again!
    July 11th, 2009 at 02:40pm
  • Your very welcome! Trust me my friends (and even my parents!) tell me I should be a critic because I'm very picky when It come's to stuff I actually like :D It's the same with me on quizilla If I like the story I send a messege to the person expressing my thought's. Oh! and I'm also very happy I motivated you for another chapter make's me all happy inside <3
    July 11th, 2009 at 09:05am
  • Ya I heard about MJ. AND farrah fawcet. And another really well known avlctor fell in new zeland. Yesterday was not a good day. On the bright side, wait there is none....:P haha :)
    June 26th, 2009 at 04:52pm
  • my friend has taken over GTSAL and im not too sure what she's doing with it... really sorry about that...
    June 4th, 2009 at 02:19am
  • omg, u really need to update ur story! trust me, ur fans want it! *builds lydia fanclub* lol but seriously, u NEED NEED NEED TO UPDATE! coming from 1 of ur best friends, I COMMAND UUUU!!!! seriously >;)
    June 3rd, 2009 at 01:49am
  • I do have amazing fans =P

    It's gonna be a JoBros story and well...I don't wanna give anything away...

    I'm pretty sure it's a coincidence because I don't remember reading that story...sorry... lmao
    June 2nd, 2009 at 06:46pm
  • Love the story.. plz keep updating! its GREAT and the poems too!
    June 2nd, 2009 at 09:09am
  • ummm, what's wrong with Timbucktoo!? haha, guess what!!!!... i have been stranded ona tropical island for the past couple of days... :)i went away over the school holidays (obviously different to where you live ) and i was suppossed to leave on the last day of the holidays, but then on the day we were suppossed to leave, thnere was a massive cyclone and walls were ripped off buildings, boats flipped, and the airport runway was ruined. So they had to spend two days fixing the runway, and we had a flight scheduled for the first day it was opened. there were 5 flights that day, the first two flights got in, but then when our plane came, it circled the runway twice then went back again coz they said it was too we didn't get THAT flight either. so now it was our fourth extra day and everyone was getting annoyed. (there was 22 of us, it was a whole extended family thing) so , yesterday, we FINALLY got a flight, but we had to fly to the other side of Australia and then back down to Melbourne. Blegh. LOL sorry, i was bored, coz im suppossed to be on camp today, but they're all coming back today so no point on me going up there. So i get a day off, being bored and writing massive profile comments on your profile :D

    Hmmm, my cat smells like spaghetti...
    April 24th, 2009 at 03:00am
  • hey!
    i love to comment
    and you can def count on me!
    sorry i didnt respond.
    i have been SUPER busy.
    and all ballet is a nick jonas thing
    i think its ok, but feel free to read it!
    April 18th, 2009 at 07:12am
  • I call dibs!!!! So she MINE!!! lol that's how u play da game!!!
    April 16th, 2009 at 04:52pm
  • hey luchia(i havent called u that in like ever!) thanks for the comment on my story! i am gonna use taylor swift though for one of the later characters! TOO SLOW!! lol srry!
    April 14th, 2009 at 08:27pm
  • YAY, you are awesome!!!!
    April 9th, 2009 at 01:27pm
  • Haha, as if i am as talented enough to be able to make a profile layout thingymajig... all the brackets and hashes and everything is just WAY over my head. But it IS a pretty cool layout.
    April 8th, 2009 at 07:11am
  • Haha, sorry it took me so long to reply, my internet was screwed <_<. LOL um, yeah, it's 11:11 AM here, but when you said it was 1:26AM over there, it was about 6:30PM here. I suck at staying up late XD. Oh, yah, nd my friends real name is madison too, but we call her everything frommthat little french girl 'madeline' to 'My Little Alligator' Yeah,don't ask. And, yes, sorry i copied the inside jokes thing.. i'll put a little mention of you in my About me section =P But it IS a good idea. Even if no one has any idea what your talkign about. =)
    April 8th, 2009 at 03:16am
  • Haha, another thing in common (this is just a bit random, i like being random) I see in your 'about me' you have a friend called madi, spelt madi, not maddy or maddie or any other way. I have a friend called madi spelt that way too, and we say and do really random things likes you two. :P
    April 6th, 2009 at 08:52am
  • Wow, that is so wierd. I used to live in California! Santa Rosa though, near San Fransisco. Americas a nice place. But i must say, Australias betta. =D You gotta come one day :P and Yes, i came from quizilla too! And it is stupid, i agree.
    April 6th, 2009 at 08:49am
  • Oh, and I LOVE Harry Potter. (and i don't read twilight either :)) Hahaha, blonde moments bring good times.. XX
    April 6th, 2009 at 03:30am
  • Wow, i love your story, and your about me. You seem like a pretty Nice, Awesome, Cool, Sweet, TALENTED person. You have a really good way of writing stories. Keep it up. I can't write stories for peanuts. =)
    April 6th, 2009 at 03:28am
  • it's not a problem.
    your stories had a really good plot line and you could go heaps far with it.
    I reckon you should bring taylor up in it soon
    April 5th, 2009 at 09:45am