Sick Boy. / Comments

  • La Mort D'Ophelie

    La Mort D'Ophelie (350)

    United States
    Oh, that's neat! Thanks for explaining. :)
    August 12th, 2009 at 06:10am
  • XoXmajesticgiraffeX0

    XoXmajesticgiraffeX0 (100)

    United States
    your welcome = )
    Ill cheak it out!
    August 8th, 2009 at 05:31pm

    FICTION (150)

    United States
    I'll be sure to read it.
    True, but fruit makes good stories.
    July 28th, 2009 at 06:57am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Hey, I have a contest now. It would be great if you entered.
    July 8th, 2009 at 08:59pm
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Dude, you're making me feel old!
    I mean, granted it's only a year and a half, but still. I'm touchy about my age. ( not really [i]that[/i] much.)

    Yeah, it's really complicated now. It used to be you got your learner's at 15, driver's at 16, and [i]official[/i] grown-up license at 18. But now it's 15, then 16 with course or 17 without, and then 18 official.
    And it is "bull schnoley."

    That sounds familiar.
    My Spanish teacher went up to Washington with her husband last summer. She told us the beginning of the year. She's like "We went to Seattle, and Olympia, and Forks, and Portland...." And I was like checking it off.
    I don't really care. I just want to live in Washington. XD Any place where the sun isn't shining all the time. Oh, you do get snow as well, yes?

    I was waaay into Harry Potter then. (I sort of still am, but I'm not constantly rereading the books now.) And he's sitting there dissing Harry Potter, its educational value (believe me, there's a lot. Besides, Yale's teaching a HP class now. Relates to theology somehow...), and going to see the new OOTP movie. In Latvia. You can't get much better than that.

    Jerry also got into an argument about science vs. art. He was in favor of science which was a complete paradox because he's a strong Christian. He's like "Science is awesome yada yada." And someone says "What about music and art?" "They wouldn't have been invented if science hadn't created them." "Yeah, but without the passion for it, they wouldn't have [i]felt[/i] like creating them."'s one of those ongoing discussions that are really thought-provoking as well as tiring. Like arguing over science and religion or free will.

    We had a discussion on free will in English class after reading/going over Paradise Lost. "If Lucifer was jealous of God and turned against him, then did God create evil?" "No." "Yes." "Yes, He had to have if He made everything." "But no because it was Lucifer who made the choice." "Do angels even have free will?"
    Also, there was one on sin. "Is a minute old baby sinful? Is he born with original sin? If he were to die a minute after birth, would he go to Hell?"
    It was a very interesting few days in class.
    Question: Is religion a big deal up in WA?

    Yep. They made us wear name tags. But on our own time we took them off. We weren't about to be mugged.
    I couldn't take my eyes off it. It was pretty. Aqua is my favorite color. I was hoping she was going to be in my group, but she wasn't.
    Oh! And I saw someone who looked like Daniel Radcliffe. O.o
    July 7th, 2009 at 02:21am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    You [i]lied[/i] to me?! How dare you!
    I just got over being 16. I turned 17 May 1. Got my license now and everything.
    (It used to be 16 you could get your license but Joshua's Law made it where you had to take Driver's Ed or else wait until you were 17. I refused to take the class. I mean, I'm a good driver. A lot better than some of those people who actually took the darn class. Taking it wouldn't have made me a better driver. The only thing I think it could have done was increase my knowledge of the law. And not really even that because I studied the book like mad just in case they would test me on it when I took my driving test.)

    People here tend to not know how to drive when it rains or hails or snows (haha...I'm laughing really hard at the last one.).
    Yeah, I know the cause of all the rain is the mountains. Something about the ocean and the mountains stopping the moisture from continuing on to the rest of the country so the clouds just dump everything to the west of Seattle.
    I sort of want to live in Washington. I love the rain. Oh, and I wanted to live there before the whole Forks mania.
    My dad lives in the country so when it storms the electricity usually goes off.


    I forgot about the chefs. Oh wow. I'm sure they're under a lot of stress. I mean, just check out Gordon Ramsey. He's a heartattack waiting to happen.
    So way is enough for the waiters/waitresses.
    I'm the same way. I think one time that happened got me to like brocolli. Steamed only though. And I really like Red Lobster's spices. They're, like, amazing.

    It really does depend on who you get as to whether you'll like the trip. Most of the kids are nice -- and interesting -- so that's never a problem. It's just the adults you have to worry about. Even on my second trip there was this really disrespectful, close-minded leader. He didn't think you could learn from reading fiction, but I'm living proof that you can. Actually, one of my first journals was about him.
    Gosh, I've come a long way since writing that journal. I sound a bit stupid in it actually.

    Yeah, they want you to look all nice and normal. Which I think is stupid because in Europe you see all sorts of people. Us walking around with name tags and bookbags is what sticks out. Not earrings and eyebrow rings.
    XD I just remembered something. At the airport I saw this girl with aqua-colored hair. She was part of another People to People brigade. It was obvious that she had just dyed it. Probably just to tick them off actually. She went to Russia first (if I remember correctly. Or she could have just been in another group that started in Germany at the same time), but everyone met in Poland. Her hair was the same color so I'm guessing it didn't bother P2P too much. They didn't sneak in her room at night and change it at least.
    Yeah, and keep Jerry's out of it. He's the evil close-minded guy.

    Yep. Poland is the place to be.

    And England apparently. =)
    July 6th, 2009 at 10:55pm
  • isobelle;

    isobelle; (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Wow, thanks for the comment. I will take your advice into acount - there was quite alot of it lol, but I like big comments because it's nice to here what people have to say. I am starting on the third chapter now so feel free to read it when I post it. =) x
    July 6th, 2009 at 07:28pm
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Whoa. That's even freakier if you think about it. We're from the opposite corners of the country.

    I never hear about....uh, Wyoming. Yeah, I never hear about Wyoming. Or Colorado, though I'm always mentioning it in little stories I come up with.
    (I dunno why Colorado. I've never been there, but I've used it twice. Once for Spanish class in a story about helping old people walk their penguins. And another time just recently in my one-shot A Letter to Alice. Maybe I lived there in a past life? O.o)

    Washington, however, I hear about every so often from my father. He was stationed up there for a while when he was in the Air Force. (To head you off, there's no way we could have the same father because he was up there in the 80s. We were born in 92 (or I suppose you could have been born in the latter part of 91and just haven't turned 18 yet).

    Do you live on the side of Washington that always gets rain? My dad was on the rainy side. He told me one time that it stopped raining for like four days. The grass started to brown and everyone there was like "DROUGHT! We're in a drought! Oh no! How are we going to live without water?" My father was off to the side laughing.
    Georgia, despite the lush greenery, is always in a drought. A year ago was [i]really[/i] bad. Even pine needles started going brown. Lake Lanier (In the northern part of the state, the ground isn't porous so water doesn't sink into the ground. So they rely on lakes and reservoirs instead of underground aquifers.) practically disappeared because they let loose the dams so people downstate could have water (though I live in the central part beneath the Fall Line so I'm good). But they let too much out and so the lake will never be the same. There was also this raging swamp/forest fire in the south. Again, I live in the central part of the state (dead center almost) but early in the morning before everybody was out you could see and smell the smoke from miles away.
    Another funny story my father told me about Washington centers around a golf course. They had sprinklers.

    It really irritates me when people are rude to waiters and waitresses. It's like they handle your food. If they really wanted, they could get you back.
    Whenever my mom and I go out to eat somewhere and something in our order messes up, they start to apologize profusely and we're like "Oh, that's okay. We have time. Just get it right, okay? We're good. By the way, can we get some straws? No straws? Oh, that's okay. We're good. No, we're good."

    I saw a powerpoint on it too!

    Yeah, I'm by no means well off either. I had to go beg my rich grandfather. (Which I really didn't want to do but had to.)
    The first trip was horrible. I mean, the places were wonderful and everything but if you get stuck with bad group leaders, then your entire trip will suck. They practically dehydrated us all because they wouldn't let us have water on the bus. Yes, water. Because there had been an accident with some soda and crumbs. I remember every meal there would be a fight for the water. We would pray for the bottles not to fizz. (They like fizzy water over in Europe for some reason. It tastes horrible.)
    I swore I would never go back to Europe again. At least not with People to People.
    But then....I got a really cool brochure.
    You would want people I had on my second trip. They would let us do whatever. (The second one was for alumunus and had older people so that could be a reason.) But yeah....if you happen to decide to go this year and can, you should request (I dunno if they even let you do this) some lady from Connecticut. Adele. (On a related note, there is a small town in Georgia called Adel. And I would call her A-dell like the town instead of ad-dell like her name. Whoops!)

    I'm like you. Again.
    I want to go to Europe and just wing it. Have like a sleeping bag and a gigantic backpack, buy a rail pass, and just go wherever my heart desires.
    We should meet up in (let me think).....Krakow, Poland. It's an awesome city. They just turn 1250 years old.

    I want to do some relief work as well. But I want to do it in some Spanish speaking country. You get some practice in. So I might better straighten up my Spanish before I go.

    See you know what I'm talking about! The Italian -ah is just irresistible.

    Yeah, I suppose it's really us who are the ones with the accents. They're the ones talking correctly. o.O
    But the way I see it, we speak the same English (minus the differences in slang). It's just they sound sharp to us, and we sound flat to them. (I don't exactly have proof for this theory (actually, I guess it's technically a hypothesis) so ask Nathan from the Northeast what he thinks.
    July 6th, 2009 at 04:03pm
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    We even have the same name. (I'm assuming that Lizz comes from Elizabeth.) There's like one letter difference. I'm Eli[b]s[/b]abeth.

    I'm the same way. People really shouldn't get me mad. I'll still be polite and everything, but I'm really plotting a way to get revenge. And I'll get it. They'll just not know it had anything to do with me because I do it behind the scenes.

    I still have to get this one kid back.
    I was at my locker one day changing my books. Alli, this girl from my class who has a locker near mine, comes down the hallway with some boy. I had turned to see who it was (my friend Jared used to always meet me at my locker so I was looking for him) and saw him. Well, they walk past on the way to her locker and he says at me. "Hey girl, I have a crush on you." I turn and just stare at him. Then I return to my locker. And Alli says "Elisabeth, he does not."
    Like I needed her to tell me that. The idiot was trying to impress her because he obviously he liked her. I dunno how he expected his little stunt to work, but now he's on my hit list. So...great job, boy-whose-name-I-do-not-yet-know. You didn't impress the girl and you ticked the wrong person off.

    By the way, the kid really is an ass.
    My cafeteria's tables are close together so it's really hard to walk down them without hitting someone with your stuff no matter how careful you are. So most people go down them saying "Excuse me. Sorry. Coming through. Again, sorry. Sorry."
    But this kid and his gay lover (I don't really have a problem with people being gay. I mean, it's not my business what other people like. But you know how straight guys are. They're really insecure. So I call this guy gay because I know he's the type that hates it. But he and this dude really are together a lot.) don't do that. They just fly by quick as you please without even one sorry. So Jasmine (my grade's crazy, outspoken, outgoing girl) said one day "Whatever happened to an excuse me?" And the dude's like "Shut up." "No, I will not." And he calls her a bitch.
    So he's not just on my hit list.

    There's hardly anything said in my English class. We're all afraid of her. XD
    But I'm sure I'd prefer your remarks over my classmates'. Having you in my class would be more entertaining, I'm sure.

    I used to write a bunch of Harry Potter fanfiction.

    XD It's like you trick them into reading.
    I was going to do that one day actually. Like just use the name Ray or Gerard or Nick or someone famous just so I could put the name of the band in the tag.

    You know, it's really scary to think this way, but China and India have more [i]honors[/i] students than we have [i]actual[/i] students. And our honors students aren't learning on nearly the same level as theirs.
    Ditto. I'm just going to live in Europe for a while.

    I've been to Greece, Italy, France, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Russia. All with this group called People to People. I was a "student ambassador."
    The first three I spent about a week in each. The next seven.....were kind of a blur. I remember Germany, C.R. and Poland the most clearly. And I remember watching Harry Potter in Latvia. And I remember having to walk into Russia. Other than that, it's just a bunch of churches, castles, and legends.

    It's a bit hard for an American to live in England or Europe because of the conversion rates. So I'm thinking about Mexico or something like that now. I can go to Mexico and live like a king.

    You should do the Japan thing. I mean, it's a foreign country and a new experience. Plus, the kids there are a lot more respectful.

    Another similarity we share. I'm constantly thinking about the ways people are similar and not. Like, I really like the word chaos. Who else likes that word? Or what would someone else's favorite word be? Why do I like blue and my friend likes red? Why did so-and-so's mother name him that? But despite all the little things that make us who we are, there's still common traits between us all. I mean, the physical is obvious. But all people [i]generally[/i] don't like to be cold or hot or sick. We typically react to events the same way.

    I think it's just adorable the way Italians add -ah when they're speaking and then stop to think of the next word. For instance, "So you take-ah the bus to-ah...."

    Heehee. I like that word: posh.
    I know what you mean. Whenever you see British people on the news or in movies or whatever, they all sound different. I can't hear one similarity. I mean, here, you have your regions. Like I'll sound Southern to you (well, that is, if you don't live in the South) even though I don't have one of the strong accents. And I can pick out a Virginian accent (they don't like to think of themselves as Southern for some reason) because I don't hear anything. Their accent is an absense of one. But a particular kind of absense, if that makes sense.
    One this one girl on the second People to People trip told me I had an adorable little accent. And I'm like "I do?" I felt sort of bad because I couldn't tell her she had one. She was from Nebraska, which is, apparently, another accent-free zone.
    July 3rd, 2009 at 10:59am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    It's mostly the shower for me.
    Just the other day I was in there thinking about what my password to the College Board was. I had tried for like three days to get my SAT scores. And I take one shower and it hits me. They require you to have letters and [i]numbers[/i] in your password. So I added the number to the end of what I thought my password was and boom, I'm in.

    I guess you can say that I'm the same way. It's like, "Listen, I didn't want to do all this for homework either. But I did mine anyway and you didn't. It's your fault. You didn't have to rake the yard all [i]night[/i]. You [i]could[/i] have finished if you had really wanted." (By the way, my English teacher always uses the example "Suzy Q.")

    I think you're my twin. Or doppelganger. Tell me, are you by any chance evil?
    I'm the same way. The teacher'll understand, but my peers won't. Or at least I think they won't. (Which in most cases they [i]actually[/i] don't.)

    Yeah, usually I don't read bandfics or fanfics (because most of them have the same plot). But every so often I'll click on a story that I don't know is one and start to read. And then it's like enter MCR or the Jonas Brothers. And it's like "Honestly?" because the author is really good enough not to have to rely on bands to help sell her story. But I get how it's needed.

    It really upsets me how far behind we are. I mean, we're the "superpower," right? But we can't automatically [i]assume[/i] that we're better than the rest of the world just because we come from America. And that's how many Americans act. And it pisses me off. Don't get me wrong, I love America. It's just....I don't really want to be around when it finally falls into a sinkhole.

    Me gusto mucho hablar, escribir, y aprender espanol. Porque es un idioma uniqua. Quiero estudiar en espana.
    I think living in [i]any[/i] European country would be amazing. They're really nice in Poland, by the way!
    But I think I would want to know a least the basics in the language before I lived there. (Of course in England you'd just have to rename things. "I'm going to watch the telly." "Okay. Well, I'm going to listen to the wireless.")
    I love Irish accents. And Scottish ones. And English ones. But particularly the Irish ones.
    July 2nd, 2009 at 07:34am
  • ToriGirl

    ToriGirl (100)

    United States
    Thank you for reading my story yours was extraordinary! I's be glad to read something else of yours you recommend. I honestly didn't realize my story was all dialogue until you pointed that out! Thank you, I'm usually one for good details so the next chapter should contain some! Thanks bunches!
    July 2nd, 2009 at 07:16am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Oh wait. Never mind. I meant it for the teacher...
    Wow. Just shows you how powerful words can be.
    You could interpret that sentence in two ways. Either Stephen is a girl and didn't do /her/ work, or Stephen is a guy and didn't do the teacher's work.
    July 1st, 2009 at 05:27am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Whoops. I used a "her" for Stephen. My bad.
    July 1st, 2009 at 05:25am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    I was going to say I thought it was, but to be sure I went to the page. I saw you entered, so I'm guessing it really did meet the requirements.

    Oh, I know. I'm constantly getting ideas in the shower (I know....the shower of all places) and so I start write them down. But then I stop because I hit a point I can't get past or just because I have other things to do. I'll forget them, and then when I look at my folder in a couple of months, I am pleasantly surprised.

    I forgot the eyes. Bright, piercing blue eyes. It's like she's looking into your soul or something when she looks at you. She sort of uses guilt too. If you have homework in all your classes, you better do hers if no one else's. Because she will make you regret it.

    This one dude -- Stephen -- had the same homeroom as me. Toward the end of the school year we finally got to our summer reading (she did them chronologically so we had Wuthering Heights and Lord of the Flies at the very end). She gave us these humungous packets on each of those books, and we were expected to do like four chapters a night. I did a lot of it in band class because concert season was over and the director let us do whatever for an hour and a half (I also did trig homework in that class so I wouldn't have to take home my book), but I still had a lot to do at home. So I'd do it, or plan to finish in homeroom, and Stephen's, who never did any of her work, was like "Can I copy?" everyday.
    I can understand not being able to do it one night. You might have wanted to watch House (that's me right here). You might have had to babysit. You might have had to clean the roof, or whatever. But if you [i]knew[/i] this packet (and book) was [i]all[/i] you would be doing in her class for the next week and a half, then you should have tried to build a surplus so you wouldn't have to work really hard every night.
    Anyway, the first day I let him copy (he only got two pages out of the eight anyway and she graded one of the pages he didn't do. haha. retribution). But the next I was like, "We all have to do it. So do yours."

    I don't know exactly why I hate math. I'm not that bad at it. I suppose it's because it drives me crazy. A problem gets in my head and I [i]have[/i] to finish it or else I'll think about it forever.
    I suppose you could argue that that's passion, but I don't like to think of it that way.
    Now English....English I like. It's not precise (though I do like exact answers most of the time...). You can read something, and it doesn't have to be interpretted [i]exactly[/i] one way. There's leeway.

    England, eh? What are their requirements like?
    Oh, and I [i]know[/i]. A pound is like two dollars. So you take a basic college tuition here and multiply it by two. And that's not even thinking about transportation and clothes and food.
    But it'd be really awesome to be able to. I sort of want to study abroad in Spain or some other Spanish-speaking country. But I dunno...

    Oh, I'll let you know.
    July 1st, 2009 at 05:24am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Hey, I was just in the forums looking at all the writing contests, and I think you should enter the Fucked-Up Writing Contest. Prewritten is allowed so you can enter Of Life and Lemons. (I'm fairly certain being afraid of lemons is some sort effed up. OCD, maybe...?) Or you could write something new, I dunno. Just thought I would tell you.
    June 30th, 2009 at 10:43am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Sorry for the length. I like to ramble.
    June 30th, 2009 at 02:11am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    I used to avoid watching Two and a Half Men because I thought it would be stupid. But then I watched it one day and realized it wasn't. Okay, so it [i]was[/i] a [i]little[/i] but the writing on that just amazing. The jokes are always funny and some of the time reference things. Like once or twice Lord of the Flies has been used.
    So I love that show now.

    I wish I had your teachers. Sort of.
    Well, now that I really think about it, I'm pretty happy with my own teachers, particularly my English teacher.

    She's about 50. She's really high maintenance (loves the newest clothes and fashions), you know, but she really knows her stuff. But she sucks at math. Every time we get our tests back she's like "Check behind me. Make sure I didn't make any errors."

    Kids are always saying how she tough and mean (she's the AP teacher) she is, but she's not that bad. I mean, she just doesn't like the "great unwashed." She likes to keep her "inner sanctum" clean. Which is a bit messed up, but when you're on her good side you can't complain. (Besides, she really says it in jest. Not in a "Let's kill all the Jews" sort of way. The people she's mean to she has to be that way she'll be respected.)

    We just got done with her this last year, and for our senior year we can either take another AP course with her or go over to the community college. A lot of kids are going over to the Center just because they didn't do as well in her class as they thought they should have. Plus, they "hear" the class is harder. Well, we've been hearing that for a [i]long[/i] time and I haven't really found a problem with any of my classes (sure, chemistry didn't make sense for a while, but once we got past the whole "significant digits" thing, it wasn't so bad). So I'm staying with her. I'm sure I'll learn a lot more in her class anyway.
    (I have a problem with being lazy. Granted, my laziness isn't as bad as other people's but still....)

    Oh, and I'd like to see how many people who want to do the community college thing actually get in. You have to make at least a 530 on the SAT in the subject you want to take. (I'm going to take pre-cal and calculus at the Center because 1) my school doesn't have an AP Calculus class and 2) I'm not [i]that[/i] good at math. I want to get math out of my way so I can focus on other subjects in college.) I blew away the English part, but that's because English is my best subject. Math I made a 560, which isn't too bad. I got in at least. Anyway...
    I should probably mention that the people who want to do this are the ones who made the lowest in her class. So I figure they're not goint to do so well on the SAT. They took it June 6, the day after school ended, so I'll just have to wait and see how many people are in my AP class next year.

    June 30th, 2009 at 02:11am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Yep. Oh, and about the art teacher and advice thing...
    I remember watching an episode of Two and a Half Men. Charlie was contracted to come up with a song for the comic about Oshicuru. (Youtube it. It's funny.) He got his nephew to listen to it, but the nephew hated it. So Charlie tries again...but uses the same thing. Eventually, his brother Alan comes in and he plays it for him. Alan says he likes it and then goes to his room. And Charlie's like, "So it really sucks then."

    I'm sure he'll answer you. Especially when you tell him why you want the comments.
    June 28th, 2009 at 07:59am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    Great job!
    He sounds amazing. And yeah, I kind of figured the teacher had to be younger because of the whole erectile dysfunction thing. I'd be sort of scared to turn a story with that mentioned in it to a middle-aged or older teacher. They wouldn't appreciate it nearly as much as a younger person.

    So you have to wait an entire summer. Well, not unless you run into him at the grocery store or something.
    But you know he liked it. He gave you a 100 after all. =)
    June 28th, 2009 at 01:56am
  • nerdy_

    nerdy_ (165)

    United States
    You're welcome. =)
    And, of course, I will. I bookmarked the page and everything.

    I just knew it sounded [i]familiar[/i] in a way. Then it came to me and so I said so. Glad to know I was right.

    So what exactly was the final? Just write a story? Or did you have to base it off something...?
    June 27th, 2009 at 10:42am