Sick Boy. / Comments

  • You're very welcome. I loved reading it. :)
    June 25th, 2009 at 10:29pm
  • Hopefully that'll work out!! I just think it's ridiculous that Mibba still has that feature when it doesn't work. And they don't fix it. It's like, wtf?? lol. Maybe try some kind of mp3 player?? I can't think of any of the top of my head, but go searchin' the web. lol

    I know, right!? At first I didn't get it, but I've come to understand just how awesome classical and opera is. I've started a new story (just in case I had any free time to kill that wasn't already dead, lol) and I've been listening to Paul Potts (the guy who I think won Britain's Got Talent or something like that) opera cd. He's actually really good. And I'm contemplating getting a Sarah Brightman cd off of iTunes. But I'm not sure just yet.

    Before you repost Circus I'll definitely download Dance of the Dead for the full effect. lol. Then be like, "Omg, this is soo cool, everyone else should, too!!" = ]
    May 30th, 2009 at 02:04am
  • Yeah, I know what you mean. Usually with 'SASGYK' I can be flexible and most can listen to what they like, but with song inspired one shots I want to just tell them, "Go download the song before you read! NOW!" lol. I suppose I could add the song onto the page, but it hardly ever works and in ultimately a waste of time.

    Ahh, that's so cool! Personally, I love opera. I don't know if The Phantom of the Opera counts, but it's my favorite. And I really like classical, but I have to be in a certain mood to listen. I got this set of cds from my grandpa of classical orchestrations from the 1800's and I love it but I've been trying to find more, but I haven't had the money to buy any cds or records. It sucks. lol

    Haha, I'd be afraid, too. Luckily I work in a store that all the employees are women. I don't know if that can be better or worse, but at least you don't have all of the testosteronal, under pressure guys yelling around you. As much as I hate retail, it quite an easy job.
    May 21st, 2009 at 11:00pm
  • Wow, that's very...sporty!! Haha. I kinda suck at sports, actually. No hand-eye cordination. Like, at all. I can be very girly about having to do any outside sports. When I was eight my parents made me play soccer. Honestly, it was four years, eight seasons in a row. I hated it. lol

    Cool!! Ahh, I can't wait!! I love all the charaters!! And the way you write it makes me feel like I'm right in the middle of a old circus!! Fantastic story, I tell you. And not just because I'm trying to kiss your a** to get you to post it sooner. Well, maybe. Kind of. Whatever. = ]

    Really, working isn't that bad after you've done it for a while. The only time it gets tedious is when you get into arguements or anything with co-workers. Especially bosses. I did once with the STORE MANAGER, did not end well. Now I keep to my business and that's that. lol
    May 20th, 2009 at 12:02pm
  • So you have inspired me to post an update. That's it, I'm going to finish this Godforsaken (haha, not really) story!!

    Enough randomness, go about your business.

    (jeeze, I'm a freak.) = ]
    May 18th, 2009 at 10:35am
  • Tennis, eh?? Nice. lol. Yay, more Circus!! Whooo!! Haha, awesome!! Definitely looking forward to that!!

    I haven't been up to much. Just working and looking for another or a second job. Fun, fun. I know I haven't been posting much, myself. Mostly just random stuff, nothing really post-able. I've been working on a new chapter for SASGYK, but I don't know how to end it and it's about five pages now. lol
    May 18th, 2009 at 08:14am
  • Hey, hey, hey!! It's good to here from you!! I know, I've been abondoning my mibba stories and friends. I've been looking over the great comments and conversations with you and think, "why did I stop?" lol

    How are you doing??
    May 14th, 2009 at 11:05am
  • Aw, you're pit bulls sound adorable ^^
    January 10th, 2009 at 03:15am
  • our oldest pitbull is 15, and i call him my "old man puppy-dog" haha it's kinda cute. "Puppy" is a good name. ahah

    i told my cousin i'm gonna come over to her house all the time and make some cakes with the easy bake, and she had no say in it xD
    December 26th, 2008 at 10:09pm
  • yeah, that's how our new pitbull puppy [okay, she's almost 2, but she's still a puppy to me haha] is. she sits on our lap all the time, even though she's almost as big as me...she weighs almost as much as me, too...i'm doomed for being tiny my whole life haha

    lucky for me, the only little ones around was my baby and my 7-year-old cousin. she got an easy bake oven, which i tried stealing from her haha
    December 26th, 2008 at 08:15pm
  • one of our pits was abused before we got him. so for the first six months we had him, he was a bit aggressive. but once he realised we weren't going to hurt him, he calmed down. he's never bit anybody, and he hasn't turned on us.

    i'm doing okay, just updating a lot of stories and commenting a lot of people. my christmas kinda sucked. only good thing is i got to see my baby on christmas. it was his first actual christmas, since he was only 3 weeks old last christmas. that was a plus-side to my day. how was your christmas?
    December 26th, 2008 at 07:43pm
  • HeyHey.

    I've updated 25Cosmetic Wipes.

    How are you?
    December 26th, 2008 at 01:59pm
  • hey random commenter..
    i saw your comment on Vixen_Furry's page.
    i love pit bulls. i have two now, and used to have three.
    they're really incredible dogs, it's just that no one ever takes the time to actually love on them.

    but anyway how be you?
    December 26th, 2008 at 04:47am
  • You're right.
    People are compleate assholes about pits.
    It's terrible.
    I really hope people vote no against that damn bill.
    So you have a pit bull, huh?
    Cute! What's she look like?
    December 22nd, 2008 at 08:38am

    Eheh, sorry. I am excited. Obv.

    How are you?
    December 16th, 2008 at 03:20am
  • :)cool.
    i'm just hanging out,
    taking a break from packing all my crap.
    December 13th, 2008 at 12:07am
  • oh, don't worry about it ^_^
    constructive criticism is always a good thing.
    what r u up to?
    December 12th, 2008 at 03:00am

    LOL sorry. No really, have all the German you want. The entire language now reminds me of Joshua. LOL.



    Well thank fucking god because I was so not ready to let it go either.

    And this will have so much Faris. Oh, I am delighted!

    OH HAI perhaps now I can be a character, yes? I could be Faris' sister! WE'RE BOTH BROWN!

    ...okay, I'm shutting up :)
    December 10th, 2008 at 08:43am
  • heyy :)
    thanks for the comment on my song :)
    it was mucho appreciated.
    .my name is star by the way :)
    how are you?
    December 9th, 2008 at 02:01pm

    Shut up, lol. I went through an MCR stage.
    December 7th, 2008 at 07:32am