Jessica Rose.

Jessica Rose.
United States
Joined date
February 10th, 2009


Hi, my name is Jess.
I ride horses and that is my life. I show western pleasure horses (if there is any of you who know anything about horses) and I wouldnt trade it for the world.
I joined the site to read. I can not write and it bothers me but, those who can not write, must read. So here I am. :D I get creative spurts once and awhile so you may see some genius pop up. :)

Lets see, more about me.
I love music. All types.
I have been told by a variety of people that I have amazing taste in music.
I want to be a vet for horses when I get out of college. I've been kinda contemplating that though.
I love chocolate. Enough said.
I love to read. All types of things.
I'm generally a fun and very nice person but, when need be, I'm not afraid to say somthing.
I love bonfires. Bonfires nights in the summer are amazing :D
I love to swim in the summer.
If I could live somewhere else I'd probally pick somewhere where there was a ocean beach. Lake beaches aren't bad but I definatly like the ocean better.
My favorite movie of all time is The Notebook. But the book is definatly better.
I'm amused by the smallest stupidest things.
I can be extremly random.

More to come later probablly.