broken_city_sky / Comments

  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    oh yeah, i actually dont either because of what my aunt has told me, but they made us take those, too, because i went to a crappy school.
    December 15th, 2011 at 11:49pm
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Yeah, I was in hughshool at the time and I was forced to take it or be kicked out of school, and I put it off do much that I was kicked out for a few days
    December 13th, 2011 at 03:15pm
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Yeah, I'm not really scared of the needles, I have no idea what I'm scared of, but this one time when I was getting the H1N1 needle, I was at a community centre or something like that and I was fine, it's just beig in doctors offices and surrounded by doctors is si scary to me for some reason. It'salways been that way with me, when I was a kid I thought doctors were the ones who got you sick just so you had to go see them, haha.
    December 12th, 2011 at 05:41pm
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    I also dislike having to tell them about what's wrong with me. I'm incredibly awkward and I'm already scared enough when I get there that if I had to explain something I feel like I'm going to be told I have a cold and asked to leave. Hah and I don't cry when I just want medicine, I have asthma and going in and asking for another refil on my puffer is fined, but blood test and needles and pretty much anything they I don't know what the outcome will be makes me cry. The people in my doctors office know that I need a personal room when they usually just have you get needles in a certain area, it's pretty bad.
    December 12th, 2011 at 04:46am
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Wow, I thought I was the only one who does that. I just wait as long as possible before I force myself and just go " hey stupid, it isn't gunna get better." and it's just days of a broken body part with no help and ignorance goes to waste because I still end up going. It's weird I'm scare of them though, because my aunt is a nurse, but I just hate doctors and hospitals for some reason. They seriously scare me. I'm an adult and I cry almost everyone I go.
    December 12th, 2011 at 04:35am
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Haha yeah, my amazingness is what would get them to call security on me, not acting like a crazy chick from a horror movie :)

    Ugh it's the worst, because you just feel so helpless and scared to do anything with that part of your body. I used to be so playful inside but im afraid of hitting my toe and breaking it again. My high luck for breaking things is also terrible because I have a bit of a phobia of doctors and I put it off for days and I make it worse. I don't even understand why I'm so scared, I hit have this fear of going there. I literally cried last time I got a blood test and I was freaking out si bad that they had to take me to a separate room, it's horrible, I think all doctors have a fear of me now, too haha.
    December 12th, 2011 at 04:24am
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    I know! But if I meet them I know that releasing my amazingness lm them would be to much, haha. Ugh, I have hurt myself so many times it isn't even funny, I seriously break a bone at least once a year and this has been going on since I broke my finger about eight years ago. It was like I was made by someone to purposely be the one human being that they enjoy watching slowly mess up the bones in thei body.
    December 12th, 2011 at 04:11am
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Yeah, I figured that after, but I was having a mild seizure just because I over react and whenever I piss someone off who doesn’t deserve to be pissed off I go insane. I actually don’t ever log out because no one ever goes on my account, and I ended up checking the old inbox or whatever that is, and didn’t see anything, which is why I asked you. Yeah, exactly.

    A lot of people do, even I feel like I mildly know some celebrities to the point where I will joke if I meet them, but I wont go all crazy and be like I am with my friends, just because they don’t know me or my humour, even if I know theirs. I hate mosh pits, ever since my friend ended up with a broken bone, I'm pretty terrified, because I don’t want to break anything. Oh gosh, I hate breaking bones. I already have a messed up finger from when I was around 11 years old.
    December 12th, 2011 at 03:56am
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Yeah! All three just randomly stopped working, I got so mad! Yeah, same! Everything I do is sarcastic and its never portrayed over the internet or text at all. I have gotten people to stop talking to me until I explain that I was being sarcastic and after that they are still sometimes mad about it for a day or two. I don’t blame internet friends for not asking, either though, cause I probably wouldn’t. I always assume the worst, like when even when you just typed ‘I did, check your inbox’ over the alternate endings, I was worrying over being a super annoying stupid person until you responded saying it was okay, haha.

    Yeah, in one of my classes, the kid beside me has the softest hair I have ever felt, I always pat his head and compliment him haha. Yeah, that’s what I mean, you get to know a lot about them online, and when you meet said person, you can have a pretty normal conversation because you feel like you know them already, but you really don’t, and some people feel more welcome to do things because of how much they know. Haha, I think its just a curse upon us. At least a random guy helps you haha, I have to shove myself the hell away from the stupid thing. My friend actually broke his leg in one of those! Yeah, I think abuse victim is a good way to describe my look after a concert, too, lol.
    December 12th, 2011 at 02:32am
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Yeah, what sucks is that I have finally convinced one friend to watch with me and then my disks broke, and I cannot find any where to get them replaced :( I know exactly how you feel! Even if I get my friends in real life mad, I could tell if they are mad, but if its online, they just stop responding and bam, no longer friends. I also feel like my jokes wont blow over well over the internet. Sarcasm is a bad thing to get used to doing when your online..

    Same with me, actually. When I was at a concert, my one friend kept grabbing my ass and pretending it wasn’t her. I knew, obviously, but it was still funny. Then even if I was doing that to a celebrity, or touching them, I know It would come across as odd, because we aren’t really friends. I might know a lot about that person, but they don’t know me, so it would be weird. Which brings me back to patting Josh’s head. I could pat my friend on the head and they wouldn’t think twice, but to him, probably something odd to have done to him. I feel like people feel they know a certain celebrity when they know so much about them, but in reality they don’t actually know them, I also know what you mean, between rock and pop shows, there is a big difference. Oh, that happens to you too? I thought I was the only one! There is always a mosh pit, right beside me. I think some greater force wants me to hurt myself when I try to have fun, haha.
    December 10th, 2011 at 11:21pm
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Haha, yeah. It just sucks because they never understand my references, or the things I say, and I just stand there and I go “No, you’re the weird one, why don’t you know what a flux capacitor is?” and I still end up being the one who gets looked at funny. Not that I don’t make fun of them just as equally. That’s okay, because that’s why I have a whole social life built up online! The lonely people of the world can unite on here :) haha

    Exactly, it’s the same for me, and most of them are cool with them. I know that when Josh stood close I definitely wouldn’t have minded jumping up and attacking him, but the part of me that actually thinks told me that would be bad. When I was at the Live @ Much, this girl actually pretended to be in a lot of pain and made herself cry bcause she thought it would get her in to see the boys. It just got her kicked out of the crowd though, and I got to be up against the barrier once she did, so I didn’t mind, but people do things tht are just wrong to get at the guys. Its like when I wanted to pat Josh’s head, the common sense in me told me it would probably be creepy on his end, so I didn’t, and it makes me wonder why other people dont think of that, too. I also see what you mean about the pop/rock fan difference, just in a general sense, the people I have met who like rock seem to be less ‘stalker-like’ then the people who love pop.
    December 10th, 2011 at 06:29pm
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    They can be pretty obnoxious. They at least like decent music, and they dont have anything against Michael himself, just the movie, but thats because they are all so damn stubborn.

    I was actually kinda surprised to hear they had multiple stalker experiences, I always had this blind hope that trenchers were always more mature. I expected some creepy girl to stalk one of those famous pop stars nowdays, but I always kind of thought that from their music that people would be at least mature enough to sometimes respect their personal lives, but i guess that these things really are everywhere.
    December 10th, 2011 at 04:22am
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Its funny because my friend (the one I was talking too) has a sister who is a hair dresser. I would love to do that, but I'm so awkward, I would end up talking quietly and no one would hear or something like that would go wrong. Or I would do it and the silence that would follow would send me into my room for days.

    That’s what I tried to tell them! I think they more thought since it has to do with science, though its not really but they seem to think so, and because I have posters and a toy delorean, they thought I was a geek. Youre lucky! I would love to see someone from that movie. My parents think I was born in the wrong time. If I was a teenager at the same time as Michael J Fox, he would probably end up being what Marianas Trench is to me today. In other words the thing I spend my boring life looking up and trying to meet. Haha. but seriously, my friends think exactly the opposite! They wont watch those movies with me, except for one friend! I need to fix whatever is wrong with them…

    Random, but I was just creeping around the bands formspring, and apparently Toy Soldiers is about not just one, but multiple stalker experiences. Oh gosh, I feel pretty bad for those boys…
    December 9th, 2011 at 05:19am
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Aww poor Ian. And what sucks is that drums use up so much energy and movement, its not like he could just sit there with a guitar and not be all excited and running around, and it would be good, but drums take so much moving and energy, I feel bad.
    Exactly! There is a difference between letting them know you’re a fan and appreciate them, then being creepy. The person who made the doll probably didn’t know that it was creepy, and I can see how it was a nice gesture to spend time on it, but those girls who freak out, don’t they realize how obnoxious they are? Me and my friend were even talking about how weird it is over how excited we get over these people. Its just their job, and then just because they happen to want to be a certain thing, it includes the annoying ones. We were saying things you wouldn’t run into a hair salon screaming and freaking out because you like how someone does hair, so why do people do that to people who happen to sing and play an instrument for a living?

    I know…ugh, I cannot stand them at all. Oh yes! A secret geek! Finally! Everyone I know apparently is normal, and I just have to sit alone in my room to let my geekness out, because my friends got really bored with me. Last year, I rediscovered Back To The Future and it has been my favorite movie ever since, and after my constant talking about the 3 movies, my friends got bored of it, fast. Yeah! Whenever I talk about certain things, the looks I get are extremely odd. *high five* hurray for nerdness.
    December 9th, 2011 at 05:04am
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Yeah, if I saw him in the Eaton centre with my friends when we were there earlier, I would probably do more of a whisper thing and we would take turns trying to get one another to go up to him, eventually I would call them all babies and just for my pride go up to him, get a hug and pictures, and walk away calmly. I wouldn’t chase after him and be yelling “JOSH RAMSAY OMG FUCK ME!” because that’s exactly what these annoying girls behind me were yelling out and I was just about to lap them with a shovel. Oh yeah, Josh was the only one who I didn’t get to sign my Ever After cover, and he only stayed in one corner of the little stage thing, I assume because everyone near me was groping him to no end. Although, my friend took a video of him answering a question, and when he bends his head down so he can hear the girl, you can see my hand hesitating because I was seriously dying to touch his hair, but obviously I didn’t. I can imagine him just looking up at me strangely and then making fun of it after, “Some girl decided petting my hair would be a good choice when I was trying to hear someone answering a question.”

    Oh gosh, I have a mental breakdown when I see clowns. Well, the other day there was a clown (randomly I might add) shopping in a store in a mall, and it was a nice old man who didn’t have the whole face makeup getup, but when their face is white and and red and stuff, I freak out. I have had my share of those little ‘precious moments’ dolls and haven’t had a problem with them, but I swear that some people make dolls specifically to scare people like me. I agree! I used to have a doll my friend got for me of (nerd alert, don’t judge me) the evil guy from a game called Legend of Zelda, and it just laughs creepily and scares everyone. I laugh at them because I thought it was cool, but it would randomly go off in the night, which is why I got rid of it. It was broken, but I can just imagine the possible mild breakdown I would have if I kept hearing laughing coming from the dark corner of my friends room.
    December 9th, 2011 at 02:54am
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    No no, I insist, ill handle all the crying. Don’t worry about it hahaha. Oh, and no I meant its dangerous here, now. Since they are so big in Canada, its painful to their health. At least here, anyways, the people in Toronto would rape josh without hesitation. Haha, well the closest I have had to a conversation with them was Matt asking me if a pen worked, and mike taking the sharpie/pen or whatever after he signed my thing and I didn’t know why, then he rose his eyebrows as if saying, ‘Can I use it for someone else?’, but I have still been bragging about it. I would probably do something like you, cause when they were all near the crown I was all calm and shit, then Mike and ian hugged me and Mike kissed my cheek, and I freaked the hell out after the show, and I have met other celebrities before (like stereos, when I used to like them) but I have never been crazy about anyone like MT but I still managed to stay pretty calm. I kinda rushed away though, I was like “Can you sign this? Kay bye” because I was scared. If I end up doing that with the guys, I would try to punch myself.

    I know, when I was really young, around four, I moved in with my grandparents half time with my dad when my parents got divorced for a few years, until I was about nine or ten, and I had to share a room with my brother, but in that room my grandparents had a weird old doll of what was supposed to be an old lady, and it scared the hell out of me, I would end up either in my grandparents bed or sometimes my brothers bed when I was younger, and even before my grandmother moved in with my cousins, I would drive down to visit her and make sure she was okay, (she was 86, and had already fallen down the stairs, so I wanted to make sure nothing happened) I would end up sleeping over, because, well mainly because I was lonely and hungry and she had a cupboard full of cookies and always made me tea in the morning, but she still had that stupid doll, and even when I put it in the closet, just knowing it was there..ugh.
    December 9th, 2011 at 02:08am
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Well, seeing at how the chances of either of us ever getting to fix a broken heart of his are quite slim, I think we both should just agree to hope for Amanda to stay with him. And if the chance arises for you to fix his broken heart, introduce me to him, ill take over the hassle, free of charge. Lol.Yeah, I actually love that he cries though. Well, I don’t love him being upset, but I do however love how he really does hold strong emotion to his songs. Oh man, I died when I saw that sphere video. It was so random and awkward. If I ever get the chance to see them in the US, and they haven’t taken over there yet, and can still sell their merch, that will definitely be the first thing I ask for from them. Man, I wish it wasn’t hazardous for them to sell merch here. I just don’t understand why people try to literally attack them. I might cry a little from being/ talking to the people that have helped me through so much, but I would attack them. All those over reacting people ruin it for me, haha :)

    Yeah, but even just any doll in general, I mean, how would you feel if someone you never met before probably knows everything they possibly can about you, and then to boot, theyspent god knows how long to make a doll of you, and then cut of a piece of their own real hair and dyed it blue, then gave it to you. I would actually be a little scared at night, lol. I also just hate dolls, though, so I don’t know which it is. But its just…ugh gosh. And yes, I write poems, and if they have hidden meanings, I don’t tend to tell people about what they are. First of all they are a personal thing anyways, and because even if it could make things that much more meaningful (again, Lover Dearest started to mean so much more to me and touch my heart a lot when I found out what it was about) it could also ruin it for someone. As long as you like whatever it is your reading, as long as you like it, and it can mean something personal to you, then don’t worry about what it means to anyone else.
    December 8th, 2011 at 10:18pm
  • Shawna Sikora

    Shawna Sikora (100)

    Baby Kyle and baby Shawna are completely different. I was very loud and vocal. Now, I'm not. Well, I still am loud, but that's only around people that I know very well. Now,if I'm in a group of people that I don't really know, I can slip out undetected and it was like I was never there.
    December 8th, 2011 at 09:04pm
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    . I know! And since they are so close with one another I imagine  she would know about the stalker! Like honestly, I find it obnoxious enough to shove your relationship in people faces but when your dating someonedmlmll famous that makes it worse, and I think she is totally forgetting that it could potentially affect her health! Man she reminds me of a thirteen year old who is in their first relationship with someone older then them.

    Yeah I didn't know but I ended up ping online to try and spot myself and happened to notice him crying, it made me pretty damn sad :( haha and yeah, she's pretty much the only one of their girlfriends that doesn't completely piss me off, I wouldn't want them to hurt each other! Unless of course I get to help heal Josh's heart. Then she can break it and I won't mind at all. The live @ much thing was pretty fun and we did alot of fun thinga but I also had to wait in the rain for seven hours before anything started, so that sucked but it was pretty worth it. I somehow didn't get sick so I was good! Oh yeah haha! I like the end of that one studio update when he goes "I really love pineapple" because I totally have awkward moment like that when I am devouring grapes and I pretty much just say things like that constantly. 

    Well he also kind of generalized it like people can't really relate after the story is fully out. For example, mostly everyone knows that the song Lover Dearest is about his drug use, and I have seen people comment about various things that are 'their lover dearest' and people complain and tell them to shut up because it's not about cutting or eating disorders or something like that.. Also he said it apparently wasn't supposed to be a voodoo doll but he could only look at is as one, so technically it wasn't one but it's still creepy beyond belief to get someone's hair they died blue glued to a doll of your face... 
    December 8th, 2011 at 08:48pm
  • MoonLitSkies

    MoonLitSkies (100)

    Exactly what I mean! Don't treat it like your dating someone famous, even if they are! I mean, if mike is mature enough to act just like he normally does and be himself, then she should do the same thing!  And yeah, what's the point of her having a twitter if she is just going to use it for what exactly? Posting something like that would probably only get her hate mail, seeing as how so many people probably already hate the fact that they think she might be with mike but putting it out there would probably piss someone off a lot.

    Haha yeah my friends think I'm extremely weird when it comes to things like that! I always remember the smallest things and they say I'm secretly the one he wrote toy soldiers about, but I don't want to admit it! Yeah!  and the other day he was crying when he preformed by now, and it makes me wonder what that could be about, but maybe they just hit a rough patch like everyone does at one point or another and those songs could hold some bad emotion, because the thank yous were written just before the album was done, anyways. And yes, Matt is very much awesome! It just kinda amused me that he was like "thanks, bye!" haha but I love how awkward he is, it makes me feel slightly less alone in my indefinite awkwardness! Haha.

    Yeah! He was asked about it once but he just generalized it saying thy songs should just have their own meaning to everyone because knowing the story could technically change your opinion on it! But yes, it's most deck ately very creepy!
    December 8th, 2011 at 02:00pm