Help me out?

Hey, Can you help me out, Im a little stuck, Can you read my story "What About Stacey?" and give me some more ideas of what to write please. I have writers block, Your help will be really appreciated.Also can you please comment on the story to give me tips weather or not you think im doing ok for my first story. Anything at all will be highly appreciatedThanks Kel,:Da b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p...
February 12th, 2009 at 06:56pm

Why Does He Play With My Mind?

OK, So theres this guy who I REALLY like (I've REALLY liked him for FOUR years) but he sends me weird signals, EG, he regects me when I ask him out but then he compliments me on my ass?, he puts his head down when he passes me, but sticks up for me when im in an argument- even if he don't know what it's about? Im really confused. Why are boys so strange. oh yeah, erm he's 14 and im 13. If anyone...
February 11th, 2009 at 08:40pm