Ultimatebookworm / Comments

  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I haven't played tennis in SOOO long it's so upsetting :'( I'm getting in touch with my childhood obsession that is Busted :DDDDD I can't believe I'm actually doing it XD It's hilarious :p I did go to Rolland Garros yesterday and I nearly died of heat exhaustion...I'm not joking I went through Hell's fire and back :p I got to see one of my fav players...technically he shares first place with Ferrero -but he played today :'(- I got to see Fernando Gonzalez though and he was just INCREDIBLE XD i'll put some pics up coz I love them and it's the first time EVER that I like my photos :DDD I cahnged my name AGAIN lolz do you like it?
    May 26th, 2009 at 10:50pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Katy!!! we're both officially away from those dreaded exams XD how was the german listening? luv ya hun!!! xxx
    May 23rd, 2009 at 02:34pm
  • theboyfriend

    theboyfriend (100)

    United States
    How are you pumpkin pie? haha.
    May 21st, 2009 at 12:21am
  • theboyfriend

    theboyfriend (100)

    United States
    Excuse my english!
    Just kidding.
    There's a word I didn't finish.
    May 4th, 2009 at 12:02am
  • theboyfriend

    theboyfriend (100)

    United States
    My mom is a space case at the moment.
    So she practically is a criminal.
    Oh! German!
    Interesting language. :D
    I hope your exams go well.
    Mine start on the 18th and lat a week.
    How about yours?
    May 4th, 2009 at 12:01am
  • theboyfriend

    theboyfriend (100)

    United States
    Aw thanks!
    I don't remember which poem either...
    My Easter was crappy.
    My mom forgot to buy chocolate.
    How is life treating you now?
    April 25th, 2009 at 07:55am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hahaha soz i got carried away :p i did put the whole story up on my profile coz i'm cool and i's got pics and everythin XD lolz Callum is technically younger than me...;( lolz i shall write but atm we got our exams X( i'm screwed!!! ah well went to a concert last night and it was amazin XD hahaha Lopez was gorgeous!!! lolz well as gorgeous as he could be...i was just in awe at the fact that he signed our arm XD i still got it...it's lasting but it's fading!!! ;(
    April 20th, 2009 at 01:04pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i also forgot to mention...in my mind i pictured Danielle to be 19, Rowan 20, Kieran 22, Callum 23...it works that way i believe XD if u wish i shall send u a link or pic or somethin of them so u know what they look like :D in reality they are : Rowan 9/10 i forget Kieran 13 Callum 14 goin on 15 21st April XD he was well freaked when i said i knew his b-day...well actually...Call was like i'm still 14 but i'm gonna be 15 and i was like oh yeah i know ur b-day coz ur exactly 2 months b4 mine and he was like really what is it? and i was like 21st April he was like how'd u know that? i was like oh Kieran told me (i didn't mention the fact that Kieran said we'd be the perfect couple and that i was married to him :p) haha just thought i was paired with Rowan in fitness as well...he cba to run fast...ah well XD oh yeah...today right domenico, anabell, george and me where takin the train and there's this crazy italian dude who's high on heroin there (he works there and me and domenico talked to him the last time we took the train) and when we were takin the train he shouts in italian fuck the girl-meanin me then he changed and went- actually fuck both of them crazy bastard...scared us so much o.O
    April 17th, 2009 at 07:23pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    you know i love love love u for sayin that!!! (hotel adriano) it makes me super uber happy coz i get like no comments...so i kinda thought maybe i shouldn't be writin this then? but idc i wanna write it XD i could change the name...i couldn't think of a new one so i v.slightly edited it from callum, kieran and rowan's name...haha i played tennis with them today as well XD well Rowan...me and Call were chattin throughout fitness and i was like screamin in my head 'don't fall for this guy' coz he's like in the year below us but his b-day is exactly 2 months b4 mine so we're the same age for two months haha XD i really shouldn't fall for him...i think it's the fact that i put them in my story which is makin me look at hi differently lolz :D need ur advice on that...also in other Roxy news (:D) not last night but the night b4 Domenico admitted he fancied me and was like 'when i see u my heart stops' and whatnot...he asked if we could b more than friends and i was like i dunno maybe? we could i've never tried it (think this is 12 am and i got a flight to catch in 3 hours and i'm exhausted) wait till after the exams and i'll give u a proper answer...i realised the morning after that i basically accepted his proposition and now i'm just like fuck i don't wanna go out with him...i don't like him in that way...my mind is set on matt atm u see (haven't talked to him in a while actually...stupid tennis and his work :[) now i'm gonna have to be like i don't mind goin out with u somewhere but i don't think we'd work out if we were more than friends...need to get on to that XD and yeah...now i've come to acknowledge Callum's appearance and whatnot and he's actually suprisingly attractive (don't fall for him damnit!!!) and yesterday...well...XD it was amazin right me and shivani and our dad's went to monte-carlo to watch my fav tennis tournament of all time right...here's the story and i will be puttin pics and a more detailed version on my profile update XD basically had to get up at 3 and when we arrived it was peltin it down...so we went to the tournament coz me and shivani were so desperate and we went to one court which they had a roof on :D basically there were different players practicing at different times right...and atm it was federer, verdasco, lopez and someone else (can't remember who) and i only expect u to know federer out of this lot...anyways carryin on...me and shivani went to the side of the court where the players come out coz we wanted to get pics and signatures right...out pops federer and we both don't really care bout him but we thought what the hell let's try coz there's only two of us here and what does he do? 'sorry' and walks off!!! and his bodyguard pushed me out the way!!! i mean wtf??? there were two of us and he said no!!! bastard...anyways...then lopez came out completely unguarded and he was like 'hey' when he saw us and we were like gleamin coz we were sp happy and he stopped by and took the pen and was like what do u want me to sign? and i held out my arm and was like...my arm please and he was like ok...and then he like started jokin around with us and was like 'i'm a leftie u know' coz he was writing with his right hand...and then i was like absolutely pissin myself coz i was so happy my face was like this -> :D and then he signed shivani's arm and turned to go but i was kinda blockin him so i gave him a massive roxy smile and went out of his way and was like thank u lopez!!! he made me v.happy XD and if u wish to know more i am gonna put it in my update part of my profile (this message is long enough already :p) xxx
    April 17th, 2009 at 07:06pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yay i'm too cool for school XD lolz thank u hun u know i luv u!!! i've written a brand new poem as well lolz (maybe my dad's talent has passed on - unlikely) ur dad is so funny XD i would never have thought of puttin choc in a cereal box that's LEGENDARY tell him from me lolz :p howz ur story going btw? i haven't read a chapter in ages :)
    April 15th, 2009 at 10:39pm
  • theboyfriend

    theboyfriend (100)

    United States
    Thanks for the poem comment.
    It was gnarly.
    How is life treating you?
    April 14th, 2009 at 03:55am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i missed u 2 my luv!!! also it wasn't an angry message just a demanding one :) lolz i hope my comments were helpful also i'm gonna be a pain and ask if u can read my first chapter of hotel adriano? no one has commented which is giving me a big glaring sign that i shouldn't keep writing it but i do luv how the story goes in my head and i want to carry it on just for the fun of it BUT my nathan story get's major priority so yeah x] please read and comment i'll luv u forever (even though i basically do already :p) easter well...i was with my cousins who i hadn't seen for 5 years and when i saw them again me, Jacques and Isobel clicked immediatelly (i have 4 cousins : greg-16 jacques-15 (7 months and 22 days younger than me or somethin) alain-13 isobel-11) greg kind of became anti-social but i still luv him x] but tbh in the past 5 years it's clear he's fallen in love with food if you get what i mean...aloain is the same alain mad (he has a bit of a mental disability but not to the extreme he just doesn't know his limits sometimes and looks at the world differently) isobel well she's the cutest cousin EVER!!! i luv her to teeny tiny pieces x] she is my fav coz she's so funny and sweet and jacques...that boy is gonna be the death of me i swear lolz he basically figured out i was ticklish and so is he so we had like this MAJOR ticle fight that lasted for like hours and i'm not jokin when i say that (i didn't want to say he'd won so he kept ticklin me) now i have a load of bruises and he has scratches on his arms :p woops lolz i made such an impression that he actually wants to keep in contact with me!!! after 5 years of no talkin two days with them has ensured i get to talk to at least one of my cousins x] yeah we did get chocolate lolz we had a mini easter edd/bunny hunt it was fun x] how bout u?
    April 13th, 2009 at 11:27pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    also forgot to mention...WTF??? mr. morris' son??? in YEAR 9???? oh jeez... ah well her choice i actually don't know who he is or what he looks like but year 9? :o ah well XD
    April 13th, 2009 at 08:28pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    OMG!!! i'm like gone for two days with my cousins and i get angry messages from u!!! lolz x] i waited for u to come on for like 5 days! u don't hear me complaining lolz x] thank u for comenting and no tellin other ppl what's gonna happen next lolz everyone thinks he's gonna try to kill her x] but that ain't gonna happen haha!!! you don't know all of just what happens next and i kinda changed the idea...i'm not havin Vi fall for Adam it's too weird and doesn't fit in so it's out of the picture x] but scene with Dan is gonna happen lolz i've started writing a new stroy that's gonna be a romance to the highest degree (as in...when i get to the right chapter it's gonna be like 18 standard x]) we'll see if i carry it on for now...i've just written the first chapter which i'm in the midsts of typing out now x] i shall read ur poem now and i shall comment x] thank u for ur critiscm!!! i have changed it to make it better lolz ly!!! xxxxx
    April 13th, 2009 at 02:10am
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    where have u gone Katy my dear??? i miss hearing from u!!!!!! i'm guessing revision is piling up? x] i've updated my story i wanna know what u think!!! and guess what? i wrote a poem!!! can u read that too plz? u seem to be the only one that give me crtiscm which is a gd thing i need it x]
    April 9th, 2009 at 08:28pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    http://disjecta-membra.net/layouts3.php look here and you will find your precious Rob P with Bella x]
    April 6th, 2009 at 08:34pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    aw shame! i know u would have jumped on it though x] i see... bet their gonna have fun especially gemma and toby ;) lolz aw why do u have to go? oh wait u answered..revision...i should be doing that too...i'm eating my lunch i have an excuse :D
    April 6th, 2009 at 04:37pm
  • Mat Devine

    Mat Devine (250)

    Great Britain (UK)
    oh yes typical XD i was expecting robert P but this is on the same lines :D i understand where ur comin from there i wouldn't want to kiss my bro even if i don't have one :D is carrot goin? ;) and i haven't talked to Matt recently so there is no gossip coz i've banned myself from goin on facebook coz then i'll never get off and i won't revise! i'll go on eventually and be like long time no talk! i'm seein him in like 2 weeks anyways coz we have tix to the same concert XD so it's all gd there! howz life in camp katy? lolz xxx
    April 5th, 2009 at 11:29pm
  • Vampire's_Addiction

    Vampire's_Addiction (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    ha, yeh definetly :P
    April 5th, 2009 at 07:34pm
  • Vampire's_Addiction

    Vampire's_Addiction (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    haha, brilliant! I will do it one day, probably when I have finished current ideas :P I'll let you know if I do! lol x
    April 4th, 2009 at 10:13pm