About me sections really aren't my forte, my life is pretty complicated and if I were to tell you anything about me I'd probably end up typing you a novel of how boring my life can be or how I get frustrated really easily. I have a Quizilla account if you want to check that out BreHewitt is my account name. My friends and family mean the world to me, I don't know what I'd do without them. Going for a hike can make my day, I love the outdoors, it clears my head. Books about vampires are my obsession. I love writing, it helps me get out my emotions and clear my head. Well I think that's enough about me, why don't you tell me about yourself? :) Hit me up, message/friend request me. Or even leave a comment.

date: Tuesday November 30th 2010
song: Don't Want An Ending- Sam Tsui
Guys can honestly make my day, but they can also make my day miserable. I really don't know what to do anymore, my emotions are so mixed. One minute I can be smiling and laughing and the next I can want to cry because I think about him and realize how things are so complicated between us. School work is a drag and I wish we just went to school to meet new people and socialize. But sadly we have to do so much homework, essays, isu's and projects. I have so much work to do.. I have to keep my good grades up. I'll update when I can.
When The Bad Boy Meets The Bad Girl: Vanessa DaSilva was a girl known to always cause or get into trouble, she's trying to change her ways now though by not doing drugs. But then she meets Blaze Valo, a guy who makes her world turn upside down and causes so much drama. But the thing is, she doesn't know if he's worth it all or not.

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patty at avalanchelyts
photos from: wehearit
content: username