I wasn't aware that religious beliefs had to be directly by the book? [Literally, and metaphoric]

So, yeh. This was inspired due to reading some previous journals; both from today, and spanning back a good half a year.Also, from discussions through both form and chatrooms on Mibba, and other sites. So, I'm a bit of a hypocrite, but this doesn't just apply to one subject, nor is it inspired by one specific interest. I just decided to get off my arse and finally post this, as I've been meaning...
March 1st, 2009 at 07:33pm

Higher powers have finally convinced me to never get off my arse. I blame Mibba. =P

I can't be bothered to repost the stories I've written.Every single time they get deleted for one reason or another (certainly not banning, if that's what you're thinking), I always forget to save them in Notepad. Or, I save them, but only later chapters.Even so, as soon as I get off my arse and put my mind to a story or something, things are destroyed (certainly not banning), for reasons that I'm...
February 22nd, 2009 at 08:08pm

I have to wonder; Do you people on Mibba know that it's okay to be happy?

I don't think you do, but that's a problem that most of stereotypical-White-America seems to be having,See, I've noticed this for a while, but most of you seem to think that it's not okay to be happy, for some reason or another. Yeah, yeah; you say 'I know it's okay to be happy, I'm just not!'Now, you're going to tell me that I don't understand what you've been through, right?Nah, I probably do,...
February 17th, 2009 at 05:24am