starry nights.

Just running away,

I'm Katie, Kat, or Kate
Anyone of those apply.
Unless your my family, then I go by Creedence.
I'm a loner, almost all of the time
I'm socially Awkward, unless on my computer, and then I talk like it's nothing
I Have been threw a lot, like most people
I like giving advice, weather you take it or not is up to you.
My family is important to me, in almost every aspect, even if we annoy one another.
I write a lot, and always have a story going on in my head.
I have no favorite color, because I think they are all beautiful.
I want to become a Graphic Designer, and I've been doing it since I was 12.
I'm 17, and a senior in high school.
I smoke, but I don't really like to drink.
I like to dance sometimes, when it fits my mood.
I live in a house that is filling to the brim with people, all of those I love.
I don't really know what else to say about myself, so just talk to me.
Follow My Story Updates On my Twitter: KittyxLunatict
I like talking:3


Chilling In a Basement with my Family

Tuesday, January 31st, 2012
Feeling: Happy, surprisingly
Listening: My cousins watching Teen Mom 2
Time: 10:56pm
Updated: None, atm.
Working On: True Life of a Fabulous Killjoy


True Life of a Fabulous Killjoy

Characters:Kally xxxx, Frank Iero, Gerard Way, Mikey Way, Ray Toro.
Time Period:Neh?
Chapters:Chapter 7 out of ??

And When I Said I Love You...
Characters:James Paterson, John Moore, OC
Time Period:SoFuckingLongAgo
Chapters:Chapter 12 out of ??


At the bottom of the blackest hole.

Lyrics: "When It Rains" - Paramore
Coder: starry nights.
Coding: bloodseepingthroughmyshoes

©Dezzerz&&Erinn @bloodseepingthroughmyshoes