mattpaul61 / Comments

  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    Do you value your life so little that you would bribe Freddy with tickets to Twilight?? Do you have a fetish to be sliced into little strips of bacon? seriously...besides, he likes the ballet much more. I'd get him a couple of tickets to swan lake instead.

    Lets call a truce, since we can be here for a very long time debating who's story is more captivating, and i'd feel horrible if i gave you cavities with all my sweetness ;)

    March 1st, 2009 at 04:51am
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    *polishes her nails on her lapel and grins smugly.* yea, my laughter IS pretty awesome, i know. *sighs dramatically*

    But i totally agree with you about the whole "less is better" notion. you can have a piece of art without cluttering it with a stream of random ideas that really have no backbone to it. But keep it light and flowing and you have brilliance.

    If you keep feeding my head WILL implode. Besides, mind is nowhere near as descriptive as yours and that's what makes yours so incredible! i love how you open the imagination and captivate the reader! And if you stop writing...i will go Freddy on your behind!!!
    March 1st, 2009 at 04:00am
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    That's what i'm saying...where's my slice of the pie? that kid was impossible to work with! *shakes head muttering dejectedly*

    hmm, what inspired my story, eh? well firstly let me say that i love your idea. the explanation is...perfect and flows so beautifully with the story. The drama is...awesome!!! can't wait to read the rest of your ingenious ideas!!

    As for me, Forgotten came to me while i was getting ready to head into bed...kinda attacked me out of the blue...moved so fast i couldnt even think to call a lawyer and sue. So, instead i did what any brilliant scientist would do, i formulated it into a plot! HA HA!

    I'll Never Let You Go Again, came to me when i was closing the blinds one evening and thought i glimpsed something in the yard, like a shadowy figure, turned out it was a pine tree covered in snow, but it was enough to get the rusty cogs in my head turning, so, where we are.

    I liked your drum roll better...*sighs and heads out to hire a new drummer*

    March 1st, 2009 at 03:08am
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    Who do you think taught Damien??? seriously, i got no credit for that movie. Oh well.

    So tell me a little about what your story is about...
    March 1st, 2009 at 12:30am
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    OMG you make me laugh...too funny!! Good work on the seems i'm rubbing off on you. i perfected mine at the tender age of 5 so i'm kind of an expert

    Thank you so much for reading my stories and for your encouraging comments!

    and you're right, i DO feel the POWER!!! *rubs hands together, electricity crackling between her palms* oh yea, i feel...unstoppable!! Freddy...beware!!

    February 28th, 2009 at 11:16pm
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    There is no such story that can survive WITHOUT a Lego reference!! It's impossible!! And i know exactly what you mean by all these cool stories! Everyone i've read so far has had such wonderful tales to tell!! i dont know which profile to check first!!

    And DUH! Of course i read your story!!! and of course i LOVED IT!! I think your dude and Ariel from Forgotten have a lot in common. Both are just seeking something bigger, something other than that which they are given and these traits can either make them better as people or not. But only you and i know what will truly happen *laughs menacingly*

    Unlike you, i can see Freddy tearing everyone apart for watching Twilight saying "take that you twilight lovers! i'll teach you not to come see my movies instead! ingrates!"

    p/s thank you for being my twilight buddy!! yay!

    February 28th, 2009 at 10:42pm
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    Firstly: YAY!!!! On a new chapter by you *does happy, excited dance*

    Secondly: I have no life, reading and writing are the highlights of my day

    Thirdly: Had you been, and i see you're denying the facts, Freddy, i seriously doubt you'd tell me. But as it stands, i really don't believe you are since you went 'willingly' to see Twilight where's Freddy...wouldnt. LOL

    February 28th, 2009 at 09:45pm
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    I'm still working on the first book...i've had it for roughly a month and a half...and trust me that's a record for me. It usually takes me a day to finish a book, no matter the size. I read the last harry potter book in 7hrs flat.

    But you know what, and if you tell anyone i'll deny this conversation ever took place, i'm actually hoping the movie will save the book for me. I haven't seen it yet. But maybe i'll enjoy that a little better. We'll see

    P/S if you WERE Freddy Kruger, would you tell me?? i mean honestly? would that be something you advertise, especially if you're out to get someone? the element of surprise is always the best!

    and thank you for the inspiring comment regarding Forgotten! I just added another chapter BTW :)

    February 28th, 2009 at 08:33pm
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    No, you had it right...RUN...bury the little F*@kers and RUN...but that's just me lol.

    Thank you for the wonderful compliment! i actually started writing these stories for my niece...she's a fan of twilight, ugh...i told her i'd write her something that didnt make her auntie nauseous from slamming her head against the wall. I dont think by any stretch of the imagination that anyone will compare my writing to Stephanie Meyers, but it's slowly giving back the three hours i spent reading the first chapter of Twilight. my way of....releasing the "oh god kill me now" groans.

    *hopes you're not a huge twilight fan and you won't hunt me down and kill me in my sleep*

    February 28th, 2009 at 08:08pm
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    Ugh...ok you win...i HATE essays with a passion! To this day, i want to duck beneath a table or climb a wall at the thought of writing an essay. But you have such a talent writing that it must be a snap for you!!
    *grumbles menacingly at you* ;) jk lol

    February 28th, 2009 at 07:41pm
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    I cringe at the mere mention of work...God that makes me sound so lazy...but you're right, there is just no fun in working, unless your work is fun, which doesn't seem to be the case for you and i
    February 28th, 2009 at 07:11pm
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    Thank you for the wonderful comment :) and I'll do my best to update faster...but life...just doesnt want to listen lol
    February 28th, 2009 at 06:35pm
  • Airicka

    Airicka (100)

    Hello, :) Welcome to Mibba and Thank you for that lovely story. I'm absolutely hooked and i hope you'll be continuing. I've subscribed, and i've got my fingers crossed.

    Job well done

    February 28th, 2009 at 06:35am
  • Lara-Dee

    Lara-Dee (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    *Squeels with delight*
    Looking mighty fine in your profile picture there Matty-boy :)

    Welcome to Mibbaaaaaaa. Haha.
    Corr, that shish kebab has not gone into my stomach well at all :(
    Me. Puke.

    February 28th, 2009 at 02:43am