to pierce, or not to pierce?

ok, so i turn 18 this summer, and, seeing as how i can do almost anything i want, i decided im going to get a belly button ring. (Now, if anyone thinks belly button rings are stupid or whatever, please dont say anything about that). the problem is, i announced it to my mom, and she put her foot down, with a big fat no. but, i'll be 18. i can pay for it, sign for it, everything. so: do i do it and...
June 9th, 2009 at 09:08am

ugh, i hate this, don't you?

so the other night i was in bed, and right as i was about to fall asleep, a great idea for a poem popped into my head. it was like, 2 lines, but it was amazing, and i think it could have been one of my best poems EVER. but, like the moron-face i am usually, i didnt write it down...i was too tired. "oh, i'll remember it in the morning" blah blah. uh, no. i forgot it, and it's been bugging me ever...
April 29th, 2009 at 01:53am