
United States
Joined date
February 19th, 2009


Hello. I'm Lorelei Black.

People think I am a rebel without a cause, but they can shut the fuck up because I have thought out my positions more clearly than most women have planned out their weddings.

I love humanity and desperately want to help. To this end, I went to community college and I loved my school. Now I must go to a four year school to seek a political science degree, even though I know that getting myself caught in the bureaucracy won't help.

I am not a writer. I am writing a story anyway. Sometimes, I even write poetry.

I'm a feminist. Like one of those crazy ones who thinks everything is sexist and flips her shit over privilege, racism, etc etc. I used to call myself a radical feminist until their batshit transphobic faction began growing larger and larger.

On that note, I have no tact and have problems with just shutting up and letting people talk shit/say racist or sexist or homophobic or transphobic or classist shit/be rude or pretentious/etc. However, I am still hella classy.

I study astrology. I believe in divination, that most religions have got it right, and in reincarnation/the ability to remember past lives. Hell, I even believe in ~*the power of your thoughts*~, whatever that says to you.

I'm also insanely naive.

I speak Romanian and French. You know, in that way that whenever I speak to a Romanian or French speaker, they try not to laugh at me.

I am glad I never had one of those normal teenage/college experiences. I went to a dorm party once and hid under a bed the whole time. Yeah, I'm that girl.

Damien (chillingworth) is my boyfriend and we are epic. Do not even attempt to tell me that a couple who dresses like they stepped out of the 1940s who tells people they met in 1774 when he was a Tory in the revolutionary war, and considers a romantic evening to be drinking cheap whiskey and watching MST3K is not epic. DO NOT EVEN.

I love a bunch of shit that SHOULD be guilty pleasures, but I cannot even bother myself with it.

I keep meaning to have a drink but then I forget to. Oh well.