Na Na Na (Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Na)

Hi, I'm Sydney :) I love music; it's my everything, and has saved my life more times than I even know.
I'm generally an optimistic person; there's no point in focusing on the bad things when there is so much beauty in the world.
My dreams revolve around the world not ending in 2012. I want to go to college and change peoples lives for the better (or at least offer new perspectives).
I love listening to acoustic sets and ancient demos of my favorite bands; they make things seem more intimate.
My favorite feeling in the world? The rhythmic rumble in my chest from the bass line at concerts. And when the floor is so packed you can't move and can barely breathe but wouldn't dare get out. And when you're jumping around in sync with the strangers that surround you, and you feel accepted and free and weightless, like nothing can hurt you.
I'm a very sarcastic person with an odd sense of humor. You should find that out soon enough.
I don't always fit in, but I'm okay with that. I've learned that I don't need to change to fit in; and if someone doesn't accept me for who I am, it's their loss.

shut up and let me see your jazz hands

aim: squirrellover727

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I love meeting new people. I like to think of myself as a pretty nice person, so feel free to add me or follow me :]

Layout: Claire @ liesforaliar
Header photo by Neil Krug