
Self Made Zombie
United States
Joined date
May 25th, 2007



Heavens No.This is an unbirthday party

My life consists of::
Being epic Coloring in coloring books watching cartoons sleeping in past noon on the weekends texting a gloomy bear by the name of zonbee bert(I try to take him every where.We're gunna see the world together) Fall Out Boy best friends awesome adventures(specially with janice and kara) converse hair dye rainbows sketch books(i go through them like coke addicts go through cocaine) reading(I love it) hoodies(i live in them pretty much) myspace merry go rounds(wheee!) being afraid of just about every thing(seriously) Concerts hugs (lots of them) Makeing friends Loosing friends breaking hearts tattoos piercings school photography walking barefoot on warm days cuddleing on couches smileing(even if i have nothing to smile about) laughter being Bipolar and last but not least living life not wasteing it.

Hello world I am Merissa Lynn Peralta, and its nice to meet you?

I was born september 27th 1991.That makes me 18 this year.I have blonde hair blue eyes[hitler would love me]not that my hair ever stays that color,im part europeain,part american,full time freak.I am a meer 5'5". I love eskimo kisses and cuddleing on the couch. Im not the thinnest thing around,but im quite the adventure. I fancy boys with piercings,outragious sense in fashion and good taste in music[ex: The Misfits,Blink 182 Avenged sevenfold..you get muh drift]I have quite the smart mouth on me,I swear like a sailor who's stubbed his toe.You might as well just call me a Bubbly Bitch[according to charli who's good at describing people].I hate sports,I love drawing. Katvond is my IDOL,i want to be a tattoo artist just like her. I wear my eyeliner thick and my hair quite short. i like disney movies not scarey movies. i have the mind of a child[just call me peter pan and we'll go to past that second star to the right],i fear death,so the way i see it the younger i act the farther i get from being dead.i like making nick names for people and i like making people smile. im nice all you have to do is talk to me...if you want more info just message me or comment me:3

The End.

Smile everybody
Your guts are about to be everywhere, but we'll paint
hearts and rainbows with the bloody mess.
And don't worry about your houses or things cause they're
all gonna be destroyed too.
Just think of me as the bomb thats going to set you free.
From love, from heartache,from dissapointment,from life.
-Clandestine Industries?