
i'm ember, but most people get by on calling me breezy.i live in manchester, england but english is only my second language. i'm originally from cluj-napoco, so if i comment in romanian, i'm sorry. i love strangers, they tend to be very interesting to me. i'm a workaholic with a romeo and juliet complex. i love to clean. i have OCD tendencies. i have three tattoos. i have cancer, leukemia to be exact. and i'm fucking preggo, bitches.


date: 24 august, 2011
time:2:34 am
mood: pregnant. 'nuff said.
music: hurricane by 30 seconds to mars ft. kanye west.
updates: re-writing my stories, and continuing with my old sequel.

put your heart where your mouth is you clicked your heels and wished for me
turn back time love type thing
love me dead carpenter!


layout by Kerisa @ gilded bones
Photo found at skinny. and edited by Kerisa :]