Whacko / Comments

  • How's life going for you?
    March 31st, 2010 at 09:39am
  • Your welcome :)

    I've been trying to study as well!

    I'm glad you liked the kicking update! I liked that one too :) Haha. Zacky and Gena. I'm not sure what I'm doing with her in AH yet :D
    March 10th, 2010 at 04:47pm
  • Edit: I takes that back. She's not a maltipoo. She's a Yorkipoo. (Cross between a Yorkie and a Poodle.)
    March 9th, 2010 at 01:52am
  • Haha. Yeah, Mibba has a tendency to do that. Even with story comments, I believe. But yes, at least now we're even.

    Lemme just end your confusion by saying that yes, the power did come back. I've had power for over a week now. :]

    LOL. Woo for being your newest favorite person! That just made my day right there. XD

    Haha. As the saying goes, 'to assume only makes an ass out of me and you.' I have plans for Matt. To disclose this with just you, Matt and Marsy are not over. Not that I know of, actually.
    Hey! I'm social enough :P But she's a cool teacher, like my favorite, so it was cool either way just sitting and chatting with her. But I'm glad you're wondering about my sudden sadness. Glad to know. :]

    Haha. Drama entails friends relaying their drama to me. About boys, most of the time. Jeez, it's high school 24/7 with them sometimes.
    I don't think I'd have the effort to make myself un-blah. That would take a while.
    :nods head: Yes, I have a dog. I have a chihuahua and I also have a maltipoo. The chihuahua is a boy, and the maltipoo's a girl. She's bigger than the boy.
    Hah..I think freezing is a total understatement. Lucky you with the hot chocolate.

    LOL. Well, I can't say I've actually experienced the feeling like that, but I've felt something like that. It's awesome.

    Yeah, company. Annoying company at times, but company nonetheless. No, we're actually not the same age. He's 21. So he's about five years older than me.
    March 9th, 2010 at 01:47am
  • Haha, it's alright. I totally forgot that you commented yesterday, so when I check out my comments today I'm like...HEY! THAT WASN'T THERE BEFORE!
    But it was. I'm just blind.

    It's alright, I know how it is to be in a no internet zone. I was at my house, a couple of days ago, without power completely. I know how that feels.

    Lol. Well, coming from me, it's a compliment. I don't say truly nice things often. My negatives at times are as good of a compliment as people will get. But you're aewsome! (See, I made an exception for you. XD)

    HAHA. I'm working on Matt being more involved. He will be, once something's happened to Brian and Marsy. Something good. I don't want to give it away (but I probably already did).
    School's getting the best of me. Even my teacher's starting to notice that I have bouts of just mini-depression when I'm in school.

    I will update again during the month. Of course I will. XD

    Haha. Up? Not much. School and all the drama it entails. Down? My emotions. But that's slowly getting better. I'm trying not to be so blah and just enjoy things for whatever I can. Left? uhm. Well, my dog's to my left, and he's sickly. But he's getting better. Right? Uhm, the window's to the right. We had an epic snowstorm a few days ago! Where we lost power and all. It gave me a new appreciation for power and warmth.

    Awesome. XD

    E tu?

    P.S. Si, that cousin of mine is still here. He's gonna be living with us for a while. Been in school since he got here in January and he's workin' his ass off to pay my mom all the money he owes her. lol. That's just grand.
    March 4th, 2010 at 03:56am
  • i'm sorry, he blocked the message somehow :(
    but yay! you're ok lmao

    been good, pissed and ranting, but good overall :)
    March 3rd, 2010 at 01:56am
  • Aww! I'm glad you liked them. :D Like your character in TU?

    I'm doing okay! Just trying to balance my time better. How have you been?
    March 2nd, 2010 at 07:35pm
  • Lol yay! No worries, :) let me know when you post.
    March 2nd, 2010 at 02:01pm
  • im baaaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!
    sorry my computer had over 400 viruses and i could only use my phone and i can't see my comments on there :(
    February 22nd, 2010 at 07:28am
  • updated Fairytales...Finally. :) your turn. xD
    February 22nd, 2010 at 12:58am
  • Haha. Your little bi-polar moment totally had me crackin' up. I loved it!

    But, the next update should be delayed some...since I'm kind of stuck right now. Before, it's like I had the old version to know how I wanted things to go. But now, since I went [i]that[/i] way with things, it's like UGH.
    Plus, I have to work Matt back into the scheme of things.
    February 20th, 2010 at 07:31pm
  • Oh I pay attention to the classes and things I'm interested in as well. It just seems that my interests are always with things that are more...difficult to learn? I mean...I go to a media-based school, and just HAD to pick the program that is statistically the worst when it comes to the pass/fail ratio. I think the percentage of kids that actually finish the program with the degree is like 70%. It's not easy stuff lol But it's entertaining.

    Ohhh engineering. It's weird to think that I now fall under that category...sound engineering sounds way better than...mechanical engineering tho haha I actually just started getting into the drums on Rock Band, and my friend picks on me cuz he plays them on expert, while I play on easy. And it's like "jeeze I've only been playing drums on here for half an hour, give me a break" lol Apparently when he first started playing drums, it took him longer to get all coordinated with stuff... I didn't think it was that hard. Moving up to Medium I think might be harder though =X

    hahahah I went to see Paranormal Activity with a bunch of guys, and the guy I was seeing at the time...his roommate was SO freaked out. We got back to their apartment and he just looked at us and goes "...No one is allowed in this hallway til it's light out. I don't wanna hear any noises...I don't want no one creepin' outside my room... Now excuse me while I go drown myself in Nyquil so I can go to sleep..." The sad part was that he wasn't even joking. And while I was trying to sleep, every time I closed my eyes I'd just see the chick standing there at the foot of the bed all creepy and shit haha
    February 15th, 2010 at 10:29pm
  • yes, yes he would and it would be a sad sad day...all over again lol

    that's awesome, if there was actually something to do here i would too lmao
    February 14th, 2010 at 07:24pm
  • Lol that sounds like me and my friends. xD I'm trying to update, but I start one too many stories and now I'm playing catch up. I'll get on that though, sorry about the wait. :p

    Peace, Shade.
    February 14th, 2010 at 05:57pm
  • Haha. That sounds like fun! Me and Ally. My bestfriend we were going to go to the mall and do that. :) But my boyfriend is dragging me away today. Lol
    February 14th, 2010 at 01:58pm
  • Lately my lectures are Monday thru Friday 1.15 - 5pm. They're all four hours >.< Crazy. And labs are scattered all over the place. But the good thing about doing no summer vacations is that we're doing a four year degree from start to finish in the span of two years. So it's worth it, especially since I'd already done two years of college before coming here, and didn't want to have to go through 4-6 MORE years of it. I just want the damn Bachelor's that I came here for haha

    The funny thing is that I'm not a big fan of Physics, but I'm good at it. I sometimes find I end up being good at stuff I'm not a fan of, but not as good at things I like? It's really weird lol

    And yesss... I love Guitar Hero/Rock Band. that's what I like about going to a school that is 80-90% male. I get on good with guys, and the ones I hang with LOVE those two games, so it's not uncommon for me to hang out with one til 4 am playing Rock Band haha

    The thing with me and scary movies is that I'm easily terrified haha When I saw Paranormal Activity, it was probably only in select theaters for a week, so there still wasn't much talk about the movie other than "ITS SCARY GO SEE IT" kind of way... and I've had experiences with ghosts and stuff like that... so the fact that it wasn't like... a really OVERDONE type of haunting movie? I dunno. It made it that much more believable for me. And the Strangers just makes me want to never live in the middle of nowhere hahaha Creepers...
    I've never seen Jeepers Creepers; that movie came out during my NO I WILL NOT WATCH SCARY MOVIES phase...and now I still wouldn't say i LOVE scary movies, but I apparently just like scaring myself? haha
    February 13th, 2010 at 10:46pm
  • lol, you will and it shall be awesome :D

    brilliantly creative lol
    watching courage the cowardly dog and missing all the other great cartoons. i mean what the hell happened to them? and they replace them with stupid ass ones. stupid people.

    what's down with you?
    February 13th, 2010 at 07:17pm
  • awwe well happy belated birthday! :) well the suburbs are a nice change of pace sometimes. I live in them 24/7, so anything to get me out of them I leap at the chance. lol. I'm stuck with a lot of my writings at the moment so it kinda sucks. :(
    February 13th, 2010 at 05:42pm
  • Haha, yes, you'll have to wait a bit.
    That guy stuff is just that. Some guy talk, actions. I should have the chapter all done by tonight, if I can pull myself away from the television. (The Crow: Salvation) just started, so I think it's going to be a good day.

    As for who she's gonna end up with, I'll let you in on a little secret...I'm not even sure myself. I guess, like her, I'll end up choosing when the time comes.
    February 13th, 2010 at 04:07pm
  • Haha. Happy Late Birthday!!!!
    Your brother probably wants something. Lol. I know mine does when he is overly nice to me.
    February 13th, 2010 at 03:15pm