
hai, i'm mae.
remember i wrote that john o'callaghan fic called "chasing cars"? yeah well, i deleted it. sorry for those still having hope i'd update after two years. in fact, i've deleted all of my writings...at least from mibba.
i gave the official "rights" (if you want to be all professional about it) to my close friend, vivian. why? well, because "chasing cars" is based off of her and because she is the greatest bamf i've ever met. ;)
so if you see her writing or re-posting "my" stories anywhere, don't give her a hard time about it. I GAVE THEM THE STORIES TO HER.
and on that note, later kids.

time:11:58 am
date: october something, 2009
updates: always all ways
mood: :3
music: yeah yeah yeahs


layout by Kerisa @ gilded bones
photo found at fuckyeahskinnybitch and edited by kerisa :]