JustJazzy / Comments

  • Cassie Ainsworth.

    Cassie Ainsworth. (150)

    United States
    Ah, yeah, I heard about Panic... and I'm really not all that broken up about it. /: *ducks* Don't hurt me. Lol. I'm not a Panic fan. But it does suck that Jon and Ry left, but I heard Brendon and Spencer are still continuing so I don't really see anything to be all that upset about.

    And I'll start looking for a layout and send you the ones I could find. (: I'm not going to guarantee a Green Day one. :P
    July 8th, 2009 at 05:11am
  • Cassie Ainsworth.

    Cassie Ainsworth. (150)

    United States
    I could totally set you up with a layout. There are plenty of sites that you could choose from. If you have any preference as to who you would want your layout to be I can find out and help you install it. (: It's not that hard. :P

    And I just saw that you updated *runs off to read*
    July 8th, 2009 at 04:40am
  • Cassie Ainsworth.

    Cassie Ainsworth. (150)

    United States
    Ahaha. (:
    Yeah, you are.
    And basically only the coolest make it on that list. Feel loved! ;DD

    Awe, really?! I missed your updates. I'm still trying to update my own story and it's really turning out to be trouble. =[
    July 8th, 2009 at 03:53am
  • little.light

    little.light (100)

    United States
    I ahven't gotten my phone back, but I gess I got the computer/laptop back. I guess my mom is feeling guilty because I'm sick right now. I don't even know how it happened, but I got REALLY sick randomly. It's bad. I can barely breathe because I'm coughing so much.
    I just preordered Cobra Starship's new album. I'm waiting for Paramore's webstore to load so I can get theirs, but it's taking forever. =/
    Cobra Starship is actually a little popular where I'm at. I've seen them five times, though.=]
    July 8th, 2009 at 12:11am
  • little.light

    little.light (100)

    United States
    Yeah. Usually my parents aren't strict about it either. My friend's mom is buying my Cobra Starship ticket tomorrow and I'm somehow going to convince my mom to let me have my phone back and let me go with my sister to see Ryan Cabrera. Hopefully she's in a good mood haha.
    July 3rd, 2009 at 10:04am
  • little.light

    little.light (100)

    United States
    You should deffinately go. I dunno if you've seen them live or not, but they put on a really good live show. =]
    They're playing LA on the day their album is released and I think I'm deffinately going. I get off of "restriction" the first of August and that show is August 11, so I'm totally gonna go. I'm kinda pissed that their tickets are twenty dollars though. I mean it's still cheap and everything, but I don't have that kind of money right now.
    I'm also trying to convince my parents to let me go see Ryan Cabrera on July 15th because I haven't seen him play since 2006. I hope they say yes =/
    And YES! I [i]do[/i] like Ryan Cabrera hahaha.
    July 2nd, 2009 at 07:28am
  • Cassie Ainsworth.

    Cassie Ainsworth. (150)

    United States
    I was going to go see Avenged on their City of Evil tour, but when they stopped to do the recording for the self-titled, I wasn't able to go which was seriously, seriously depressing. But they're amazing in concert nonetheless, with psycho fans or not. They have amazing stage presence.

    I'm the youngest of my group of friends (born Nov of 91 and graduated thsi year). So I never really was able to beat anyone... even with height. So the driving thing, I'm wayyyyy behind on. I should have had my license back in like... November, but I suck in school and my dad made me wait.

    Yeah, the only reason I knew Barrington was a real school cause I think on William Beckett's Wikipedia page it says he's an alumni. Same with Sisky if you look on the Barrington Wikipedia page. I actually like researching. It kind of gives me materal to write, and time to think about what I'm actually going to write in the mean time. (:
    July 2nd, 2009 at 02:00am
  • Cassie Ainsworth.

    Cassie Ainsworth. (150)

    United States
    Lol. I just got your comment.

    I love you, too.
    And your story (:
    July 2nd, 2009 at 12:17am
  • Cassie Ainsworth.

    Cassie Ainsworth. (150)

    United States
    I just learned about Avenged Sevenfold during the City of Evil Album back in 2006. I never actually realized how popular they were until I hit up Taste of Chaos last year. The Patriot Center was PACKED. /: But yeah, I get how that is. I won't listen to a few band songs and be all like "OOOOH!!1!!!!!1 Hardcore, I love them!" and only listen to those few songs and nothing else. When I like a band, I tend to go a little crazy and find every single song they ever recorded and download it. That way I'm not really missing out. But ever since my computer fucked up, I have to find EVERYTHING again. Eew, it's such a process.

    I love my car. It's a '01 Ford Espace, White with dark windows and white decals on the back. it's gorgeous. (: I can't wait until I really get my license. I've been driving around the Beach/Stafford since I got my permit (which was well over a year ago) and this summer I'll be getting my license, which is awesome.

    And I ALWAYS research for my stories, but when I research, it's usually for school information. Like in Secrets (Becks :D) I researched Barrington High and all of that and the location of Hoffman Estates/Barrington and all of that. I mean, it kind of seems like I'm being a stalker, but it's not like I'm going to drive my ass to Chicago and try to find where they live. Lmfao, that's just creepy.
    July 2nd, 2009 at 12:15am
  • little.light

    little.light (100)

    United States
    Damn. That just sounds like a whole shit load of drama.

    I ended up not selling them. I was supposed to pay my mom back for them, but I'm not going to anymore because what's the point if I didn't go? Instead I'm going to go and buy a ticket to see Cobra Starship in August =]
    July 1st, 2009 at 10:06pm
  • Cassie Ainsworth.

    Cassie Ainsworth. (150)

    United States
    Gah! Avenged Sevenfold. <333
    My aunt is a huge fan, and she got me into them. My car (which used to be my aunts, lol) has DeathBat decals on the back windows. (: It's pretty bitchin, I'll have to take a picture sometime. :P

    But yeah, I'm definitely not going to lie, I used to be one of those crazy girls, but I actually enjoyed the music and stuff like that. But I used to be all about the personal lives until I grew up about a year and a half later and realized how utterly crazy I looked. /: It does help for good material in your stories though. Lol.
    July 1st, 2009 at 08:27pm
  • little.light

    little.light (100)

    United States
    My sister is going out to where my mom is tomorrow morning and they'll probably come home about around 3-4 so it won't work =/
    Then my dad comes home at around 10 or so. I'd get in so much trouble.
    Well The Ready Set is pretty good. A whole bunch of people are asking me to sell them my tickets, but I don't really want to because then I'd feel all bummed out that they got to go with MY tickets and I couldn't. I'm selfish I know.
    I do have AIM, but I rarely use it.
    June 30th, 2009 at 04:23am
  • little.light

    little.light (100)

    United States
    I rarely ever get out, so my lifeline is my phone to keep contact with my friends. It really sucks not having one.
    I called my mom earlier cause she's out of town right now and she told me no and to call my dad [because he's also out of town, but in a different city] and he said no because my mom said no. He chose this one time to be whipped. It upsets me. I've liked NSN waaaay before he got big, so whenever he comes to southern california I have to go see him. And yes it's the Boys Like Girls tour, but I don't like them haha. I'm just there for NSN and The Ready Set. I'd most upset about not seeing The Ready Set, though because I really like him, but whenever he tours here I can't go because I'm the only one of my friends that likes him.
    SO LAME.
    June 30th, 2009 at 03:06am
  • little.light

    little.light (100)

    United States
    My parents are really chill about me going to shows and everything. As long as I pay for them and whatnot. They know I love going to them. My mom had told me that I couldn't go waaay early in the year so I just decided to buy my ticket and tell her I was hanging out with some friends then spending the night at one of their houses [which wasn't a lie], but my sister ratted me out at like twelve when I was watching A Rocket To The Moon. I didn't even tell her I was going, but she found out =/
    I'd be okay with it, but I have tickets to see Never Shout Never tomorrow and I dunno if she's gonna let me go =[
    Plus I really want my phone and iPod back haha
    Have fun though. I had an amazing time and it was totally worth it =]
    June 29th, 2009 at 11:48pm
  • PartyPoisonnnn

    PartyPoisonnnn (150)

    United States
    Well, my mom has always been sick. She has a lot of diseases, such as Multiple Sclerosis, and COPD [Chronic Obstructive Pulminary Disease (this is probably fucked up with Spelling errors)], but she hadn't looked well, and we called 911 on her. She has pnuemonia, and other things wrong, and she has been in the hospital for a couple days now. I will be going to see her tonight, sometime.

    Anyway, What's up with you?
    June 9th, 2009 at 09:00pm
  • Cassie Ainsworth.

    Cassie Ainsworth. (150)

    United States
    Uh, I know. Fred and George. You definitley can't have one without the other. It's devastating. And I thought about hating JKR forever after that, but I think that's what separates her from Stephenie Meyer; Meyer's can't kill anyone. And those that she does kill are either not important to the plot or are the big enemy in the story. But with JKR, she can liven it up a little, add a bit mystery and suspense and definitely a bit of a page turner when she off's a main character. She's not afraid to be bold in her stories. And Dumbledore, although he did have his secrets, and while they did make him a wise old man, there was just something about him that I didn't like. I can't really explain it, but I didn't like the way he was with Harry sometimes, like he was always tiptoeing around certain things and even though it was part of the whole, it just made me resent him a little bit. /: I sound terrible. But yeah.

    I thought Tonks was the shit too. She was so bad-ass really. I would love to have her power of changing and morphing. That would have been the coolest thing ever. And Teddy became one of my favorites (lol) in the Epilogue. I could just see this tall teenage boy, whispy, untidy hair and just being able to love him. Lmfao. Sounds awkward, but I loved him even though he was barely a character. :P
    June 9th, 2009 at 07:42pm
  • Cassie Ainsworth.

    Cassie Ainsworth. (150)

    United States
    Oh god, during Deathly Hallows, i cried throughout the whole book! Everytime too. Especially when Lupin and Tonks died, cause they were the last of my absolute favorite characters. And Dumbledore has never been a favorite character of mine. I never liked how secretive he was so that made me resent him. Especially through Deathly Hallows. Iunno, but I already know that I probably won't cry, cause I didn't in the book. Although, I bawled some series tears when Sirius died. Oh, that just about broke my heart cause I loved him so much. And then Gary Oldman played him in the movies kind of made it worse cause he's one of my favorite actors. Ah, broke my heart.
    June 9th, 2009 at 07:18pm
  • Cassie Ainsworth.

    Cassie Ainsworth. (150)

    United States
    I don't think I've heard of either of the authors you mentioned, but you mentioned Harry Potter and I just got all happy. :P Most people I know don't like Harry Potter and diss it for Twilight, which really pisses me off cause Stephenie Meyer could never, ever live up to the expectations of JKR. In my eyes, her and Stephen King are the king and queen of literature. :P
    That sounds really lame, but it's really true. And I'm almost done re-reading the entire series for the movie. Lol. Everytime I read the books, I start from the end and work my way down. :P I don't know why, but it happens that way. I guess cause the newest book is my favorite and I can't [i]not[/i] read it first.

    Wow, I sound really lame. But you know, that's what you get when you've read HP since the 4th grade.
    June 9th, 2009 at 06:56pm
  • Cassie Ainsworth.

    Cassie Ainsworth. (150)

    United States
    You are VERY welcome! (: It just made [i]my[/i] that I made [i]your[/i] day. And I don't lie about the way people write, and I most certainly do not lie about the way I feel about a story. Stephenie Meyer is a typical author―a very predictable plot and over-used story lines. I think that the werewolf thing is definitley a good idea, but I like that it [i]isn't[/i] your story. Not that it would make me stop reading or anything, but I just feel that it wouldn't fit well. And I definitely know something is up not (lol), but I still don't have a clue what it is.

    And it's not that Stephenie Meyer is a bad writer (although if Stephen King says she is, she is. Lol), it's just that she can't do certain things to liven up her story line. The Twilight Series has definitely been ruined for me, but her other book, The Host, was actually decent and I like it a lot better than Twilight. And if you haven't read them yet, don't. I'm almost positive that sparkling vampires will ruin your idea of what they are even more than it already has been, cause I know that it definitely has with me. Lol.
    June 9th, 2009 at 06:44pm
  • PartyPoisonnnn

    PartyPoisonnnn (150)

    United States
    Kirsten reminded me of your amazing updates.
    June 9th, 2009 at 06:39pm