JustJazzy / Comments

  • hey! Haven't heard from you in ages! Are you updating Fire and Dreams still? I miss that story! It was so good!
    August 29th, 2010 at 02:17am
  • i miss you, as well.
    (commented something similar on Curseten's profile. Decided the as well was most necessary.)
    January 22nd, 2010 at 07:19am
  • I pretty much am a co-writer for that story! I was so upset. =[ Oh well, if she comes back with it, I'll forgive her. Hahaha. :P

    Yeah, I mean, this site isn't for lazy people to just read and then leave something as little as "it's was good." You need to give something, some kind of input, or concrit to help the author. lkajf;klfsdjf It just really frustrates me. /:

    College is great! Well, community college is great, but whatever. I really like it. It's totally different from high school. The people are a whole lot more chill (well, some of them, but it's not like high school where there's major drama right around the corner) and the teachers are bit more relaxed with the students. And when I say relaxed, I don't mean easy with work, I mean in the way they talk and treat their students. It's really refreshing. My English professor is [i]great[/i]. He's hilarious, and is pretty chill. I think that you should at least shoot for Journalism. I mean, you're really a great writer, so that talent shouldn't go to waste I'm trying to go for music journalism, so that could definitely work out well, especially for you. Just try and mix it up. But I definitely think you should consider Journalism. (:
    January 12th, 2010 at 10:50pm
  • Wow, I'm about to cry, I just wrote a really long comment, then my palm hit my mouse pad and it all went away because my cursor was on the gray area. omg. /: I don't even remember half of what I said cause basically the moment I write it, I forget it. URGH! =[

    Anyway, it snowed in Virginia several times, the first time it snowed over 2 feet, snowing us all in for a whole 5 days. Ugh. Then the second time wasn't as bad, but whatever.

    Shauna told me that she didn't have any back-up copies of Noticed. -.- I'm majorly mad about that because I helped her plan that story. I specifically remember sitting up at 3 in the morning with her, helping her plan what was going to happen. Stupid. Gr. She did tell me though that she wanted to re-write it, so hopefully that'll happen! Cross your fingers.

    I understand about the comments. You spend all that time and energy trying to write a decent update for your followers and then they don't even write anything that pertains to what happened in the story. I mean, you take the time to read the damn thing, at least give some input on what you thought except for "it was really good, i liked it. update soon." What is that supposed to do for the writer? Does that help him/her? Does that give the writer any kind of clue if he/she did anything wrong? Do you have suggestions for the writer? I mean, it seems ridiculous to just put "i liked it" and leave it at that. I pretty much think if you're not going to give me [i]legit[/i] feedback, don't write anything. It's discouraging, in my opinion.

    I did start college. It was crazy. Today was my first day. I go to a community college, so I'm not doing anything major, just a degree for General Studies then I'm hoping to transfer to GMU in a couple years for a Journalism degree. (: My first day was good! I got kind of lost when I first got there, but I managed to find my way. Haha. Tomorrow I have an 8 am class, so whoop-de-fuckin'-do for me. =[ But it was the only class available. Hmph.
    January 12th, 2010 at 03:14am
  • HAHA! Yeah, she text me that too. She was like "It fucking snowed. IN FLORIDA!" and I was like "Yeah, well so much for Global Warming." xD Yeah, she [i]really[/i] doesn't get on any more. I miss her. And she deleted her Beckett story, which I chewed her out for. I was so mad when she did that, cause I helped her plan that story from beginning to almost end. >.< Haha. Oh well.

    Well, I'm glad you enjoyed my comment. Haha. I haven't been on much cause of school (and today was my first day, by the by) and trying to prepare for it and such. It's just really crazy lately. D: I'm thinking that I want to leave you more comments like I did this morning, but that would mean me not reading your chapters when you post them. /: I kinda don't want to do that, but I love leaving really long comments. :P
    January 12th, 2010 at 02:22am
  • Aw, thanks girl. (:
    I miss you too! How've you been?
    November 30th, 2009 at 03:52pm
  • Loving the update Jewel. :) growing up means finding new things to love. you know i'm behind you all the way. You can be 92 years old and there is still a kid inside. don't let the world beat the fun from your life. I hanging out with you even though we've only done it a few times. if i don't see you before, i'll be at the TAI concert in november. (best dressed gets to go backstage).
    Kick that boy's ass, he deserves it. :p

    October 13th, 2009 at 12:42am
  • I'm reading it right now and I think it's amazing. Stop doubting yourself!
    October 12th, 2009 at 10:58pm
  • I got the e-mail! :DDD
    Don't worry about it being short, you updated. That's all that matters. :P

    October 12th, 2009 at 10:41pm
  • I like my cuss words too, what is that fuckery?! Lol. But yeah, I mean... I guess I can understand that. You can cuss all you want in your stories and profiles, so yeahhh. :P

    Well, I hope you get the update out soon! I missed that story like effin' crazy! :x


    Talk to you when you get on again. :)
    October 10th, 2009 at 06:17am
  • Don't hold back. I'll always listen. (:

    Yeahh, Shauna kinda dropped from Mibba. I don't even know if she's online a lot anymore since her mom got sick again. /: It's terrible. I miss talking to her.

    Oooh, yeah, Mibba is just trying to transition everyone into the new Mibba. A lot of the changes are pretty fucking random and lame, tbh. But yeah. Some of them are cool though! Like you center in stories now! It's awesome. And super and sub script. It's pretty sweet. But uh... yeah. There's been a lot of changes, hopefully you don't get too confused. If you need help understanding anything, just ask.

    October 10th, 2009 at 06:03am
  • =[

    Don't be so negative, it makes me sad to see you so upset. If you ever need someone to talk to, or need to vent about something, you can always talk to me. I may not be able to relate or give the best advice, you can always count on me to listen and relieve ~some stress. Everything will work out eventually, I'm sure. <3

    I've been alright. Started a couple stories, that I've gotten no where on. Also haven't been writing a bit either. My writing hasn't been all that inspired since I've been out of school. /: I haven't really been talking to Shauna all that much lately, which is really depressing. I talk to her every now and then. :P I'm not sure if she's on Mibba much anymore either.
    October 10th, 2009 at 05:48am
  • =[
    I'm sorry! I hope everything works out. That doesn't sound like any fun. Well, if it makes you feel any better, I haven't unsubscribed cause I knew you'd be back one day. But once you get back into writing and all that, I think your subscribers will pop back up in no time, to be honest. If they liked it so much, they'll come back once they see it's been updated. Trust me. Same thing happened to me.
    October 10th, 2009 at 05:37am
  • :o

    You're alive! I'm glad, cause I've missed you like crazy!
    Out in the real world, huh? How was that?
    October 10th, 2009 at 05:27am
  • GIRL.
    What happened to you?! =[
    August 14th, 2009 at 09:24pm
  • I will read your updates when I get the chance, I am so sorry.
    and I did not die.
    July 25th, 2009 at 05:42pm
  • is there any type of medicine you can take? I bet there is haha.

    I hope it is. I'm not going to the show anymore. I don't really care all that much. I'm seeing No Doubt the week before so I'm good =]

    I didn't see ANY of those bands when I went haha. I was there to see LIGHTS and A Rocket To The Moon. That's it. I'm thinking we obviously have very different tastes in music haha.
    July 9th, 2009 at 08:24am
  • you should bring sydney to the next LSD show that you come to. seriously, trying to remain neutral during all of this chaos in the band is really hard.
    good update. you make me miss william's warm hands.
    July 8th, 2009 at 05:19pm
  • Ahh, okay! Good. Many people look at me like I'm fucking stupid for not liking Panic. I like their singles, mainly. And I wasn't all too keen on Pretty. Odd. Just "Nine In the Afternoon" Lol. Like I said, their singles. But I don't act like a hxc fan. Lmfao. Like most people do.

    And I get what you mean about the bands breaking up thing. If Adam and Chizzy left, it would suck. but then again, Tom left and all that. And I know that Chizz has been there a lot longer, it still doesn't seem all that different to me. This one girl wrote a journal yesterday and said that bands change all the time. Band members leave, they're replaced, they move on, they evolve. And she's right. I totally get what she means too. Sometimes I think that most people take the break-up of bands too far. Not saying that you and your friends did, but a lot of people were definitely treating it like it was the absolute, most horrible thing that could have happened on the face of the planet. -.-

    And you're very welcome for the comment. I'm sure that people would take it out on the author, but it's the characters, really. Any one who writes knows that the characters have a complete mind of their own. -.- Lmfao. (: No use getting mad at something that is totally out of the hands of the author. ;D
    July 8th, 2009 at 05:42am
  • Man that sucks. Hopefully it does pass. I've had mine since friday.
    The albums ARE pretty good. I like their first one better than the second. I don't know how much I'm gonna like Hot Mess cause I dont really like their single. I'm kinda getting over them bit by bit. I'm just hoping this album will change my mind.
    have fun at Warped =] Who do you plan on seeing? I feel like I've asked this before...
    July 8th, 2009 at 05:19am