Please excuse my most recent update.

I'm seriously beating myself up over this.It's so silly, too. I just hate the fact that it's so confusing and short. The past two nights I've been running on empty. I honestly can't think clearly. Right now, at this very moment, I can't even put my thoughts into words.Today...yesterday, was Jenna's birthday. Happy Birthday, Jeezy!Anyway. I didn't get much writing done today due to that and school....
March 3rd, 2010 at 06:10am

And I honestly feel like I'm on a roll...

This story idea took a lot of thought. I planned out everything. Now because of that, I'm writing like the wind. Some of these chapters are really short. I mean, you could call them a paragraph a student slacked on in class.That's just how this is written, though. I don't mean for these chapters to come up short, but I can't rush too much information into one piece. It drives me mad. I won't have...
March 1st, 2010 at 07:06pm

Back to writing

I had been taking a much needed break from writing.My stories weren't going anywhere and I'd lose inspiration after I would finish the first chapter. I've been thinking a lot, though. And I'm really proud of my new idea. I hope that I'll be working on it until the end. I'm not going to let this one end up like my others.Unfinished and tossed aside.I'd like to say that I have more inspiration...
March 1st, 2010 at 01:40pm