R!oT_GrRrL / Comments

  • seriously!!!
    i'm pissed.
    March 11th, 2009 at 03:25am
  • i turn 18 in June
    March 10th, 2009 at 01:31am
  • thanks! that means a lot, man.
    apparently I spammed the Green Day thread. did you ever see me spam it? cause i was under the impression that I was either talking about how much i can't wait for 21st Century Breakdown to come out or Billie's sexyness.
    haha we're so close and yet so far! wait, do you have to be 18? cause i turn 18 in like 3 months.
    March 9th, 2009 at 06:28am
  • haha, I can so see Billie being a girl in the bank robbery scenario!
    March 9th, 2009 at 05:46am
  • Sure...there kinda long though if you don't mind
    February 22nd, 2009 at 05:35am
  • My favorite spoken word from her are "Unearthly Delights" "Conspiracy of Woman" and "Real Pornography" along with many others.I've grown quite fond of the NO WAVE genre lately...
    February 19th, 2009 at 03:26am
  • Yes.She is my favorite singer and poetry performer...(I need to listen to more poetry permormance though) why do you ask?
    February 17th, 2009 at 03:42am
  • They're okay I guess.
    Spinnerette kind of sounds like the distillers but with no life, ya dig?
    idk how to explain it, but i think the distillers are better
    January 7th, 2009 at 08:57pm
  • You idolize Brody dalle
    i fuckn love her!!
    so uhh what's up?
    January 7th, 2009 at 06:05am
  • oh know its ok... =]
    yh thats why i wrote it... haha... thanks XD
    January 2nd, 2009 at 02:18am
  • I don't have any. But you can listen to some of his stuff on free.napster.com

    You gotta listen to Tales From The Trial (one of his tracks)...it's hilarious. After you hear it, you will know who Tipper Gore is and you will hate her.

    If you go to www.jellobiafra.org and click Jello Interviews, click Jello Interviews again, and click Jello on Oprah, you get to read a face off he had w/ Tipper on the show. THe croud is pretty much on his side.
    December 31st, 2008 at 03:26am
  • hmmm its ok...hows urs?
    December 31st, 2008 at 01:47am
  • yeah hi, lifes good cheers, cold though lol, you?
    December 31st, 2008 at 12:17am
  • Hey I see you have great taste finally someone thats not a poser punk...anyways Hi I'm Chloe XDDD
    December 30th, 2008 at 07:52pm
  • Ahhhh, good stories :) I read all of whats up before giving my feedback so i do apologise for not giving support during, i've just started using the site again...also i see you like Banksys art, top notch. Keep on writing, your writing is strong and easy to follow which makes it an excellent read, Thank you
    December 29th, 2008 at 10:04pm
  • yeah... kinda.. haha... i saw your story and it looked interesting.... then i saw your profile... and i think you sounded kinda cool... so then... well yeah you know
    December 20th, 2008 at 07:08pm
  • I actually don't know who Emma Goldman is... Oops. I don't know TOy Attica like that, I just like their music. ANd if the last sentence of my comment is I try hard everyday to have an anarchy (and t seems that is the last sentence), then it's all there. Did you see the part about Jello Biafra?
    November 15th, 2008 at 03:36am
  • Well that's shitty. People could at least give you a little more feedback than that! >| That's annoying as hell; don't let that discourage you.

    College? Yeah, doesn't sound like fun at all. I can't really complain seeing as to it that I'm young and really don't want to remember my youth being a bunch of bullshit. I'm just glad I'm not having to think about that right now. :) Especially considering the fact that money isn't exactly a friend to anyone; it seems like in order to make money, you need to already have it. What the hell is the point, then? Eh. Now I'm rambling.

    You got to work on the election? How so?
    November 11th, 2008 at 12:46am
  • Third, about anarchy. Some anarchists are violent, some are peaceful. I’m peaceful. I don’t believe in taking violent approaches (not saying that I’m pacifist, b/c if I get pissed, I’ll fight) to anarchy. No matter what shape the world’s in, I’ll always be an anarcha-feminist. I think authority is a waste of time b/c it controls more than what’s necessary and whenever you need an authority figure 2 help you out, you get let down. On large and small scales. Let’s not for get all of the corruption. I think it’s silly that laws are the only things that protect us from each other. It should be out personally morals that tell us what’s right or wrong. Plus the fact that most of Americas laws are based on the bible it like, what the fuck, you know? I believe that in order to achieve anarchy, we will have to evolve b/c humans are violent, stupid, hateful creatures. A utopia cannot be anarchistic, though. When you dig deep down into a utopia it’s really just a fascist/communistic/dictatorship state. There’s a good book called The Giver about a utopia that’s totally gov’t run. If we don’t want to wait for evolution, we (meaning anarchists) will have to act now individually (cuz if you assemble and shit, it’s not an anarchy) to change ourselves and the world. We want humans to be something more, you know? Cuz when laws fade away (w/o an anarchistic approach, I mean when things just go to hell) riots and shit will break out. I am a real anarchists, not just some kid with an anarchy t shirt from Spencers (even though I have one...I’ll explain later) that actuall thinks it’s anarchistic to own ow that says “screw authority” and shit. I do not believe stuff like bombs should be used usually. We’re not trying to kill people. An example of bombs being used the appropriate way is: There was this statue celebrating these police officers for killing socialists for no reason and anarchists blew it up. No one was harmed. It was re built. It was blown up again. It was rebuilt. It was blown up again. It was re built and now there are guards standing around it. No one was hurt at all. That’s using bombs right. I have a theory that in 2000, we were SO close to having an anarchy. You see, Jello Biafra was going to be the candidate for the Green Party, until they picked Nader instead. If he ran, EVERY anarchist (b/c the vast majority (but not me) of them are registered voters) and EVERY punk (except for the conservative and Nazi ones) would’ve voted for him. Regular people would’ve voted for him too. That’s a lot of votes. It would’ve been the first time a third party one, and we might have been able to have anarchy. Almost, we were SO close. I don’t vote b/c I’m anarchist. I’m against gov’t. So basically, me not voting is me voting for what I believe in. People tink I’m an anarchist b/c I’m lazy and don’t care. That’s not true. Anarchy is a belief just like being liberal or conservative is. I do a lot every day to have an anarchy.
    November 10th, 2008 at 02:13am
  • Hello. It’s so nice to see that yet another punk is on this site. You’re one cool mofo. First, I know about Susan B. Anthony, it’s just we didn’t learn about her until recently, so I gotta update that section. I was gonna do it right now, actually. Second, Toy Attica, I met them via Myspace, is this their URL/page: myspace.com/toyattica.
    November 10th, 2008 at 01:54am