about me

November 27.
Previously Known As; BeautifullyImperfect.

Music? Classical - Rap - Pop - Country- Blues - Alternative - Japanese- German - Metal..ETC [I take recommendations:)]

Books/Authors? Peter Pan. J.KRowling. Stephenie Meyer. The Hunger Games. Sarah Dessen. Lisi Harrison. ETC..

Love?God. Disney. Peter Pan. Magic. Believing in Yourself. Music. Anime. Reading. Writing. Romance. Laughter. Shopping. Shoes. Beaches. Sandy Toes. Summer Days. Winter Nights. Spring Fever. Fallin' Hard. Ranting. Giving Advice. Japan. The World. Beauty. Imperfections. Imagination. Creativity. Freesia Flowers. Sushi. Blue. Pink. Slytherin. Weasley Twins. Draco. Ginger Kids. Tennis. Acrobatics. Trapeze Artists. Strawberries

Hate? Liars. Cheaters. Dishonesty. Phones. Most Electronics. Abuse. Torture. Huffle Puffs. People who can't dress. Insecure Kids. Ignorance. Society. Government. Abortion (of course; exceptions.. but still) Racism. Hypocrites.