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I love to read. That is the first thing you should know about me.

Everything else revolves around that. I love fashion. That is the second.

Everything else about my life, whatever it may be, has some part of either in it.

I write because I read. And because I write, I am on mibba.

My stories, which I am not particularly fond of, are being improved.

Book Locked, my favorite story, I am rewriting because I made mistakes and

faults in the story line. My short stories are exactly that, and some of them I

rather like. Nightmares- don't even get me started on. The name, the characters

and the story are all faulty (especially the name) and do not blame me for it,

it will, in time, be rewritten as well.

As for now, I spend most of my time in school. (Yes boring, but that is reality).

Most of my time out of school is spent thinking about school, or working on

homework from school. As much as I hate to admit it, my life is school. Soon

(and I'm hoping sooner rather then later) that will change.

My spare time [which I frequently spend sleeping], is also the time where I read

and draw and paint and do whatever it is I like to do.

If there is one thing you need to know that I hate, is that I hate pessimists.

Things I love, oh that list could go on and on. I will enlighten you; I love white and

blue and especially green. I love summer and spring and perfectly blue skies.

I love clear oceans and little fish swimming around under the water. Unwrinkled

paper and every kind of notebook there is. I adore books of every sort and clothes.

Oh! How I adore clothes. I also love skirts and clean lines. Glasses and old

cameras. And I love childhood.