miserys best friend / Comments

  • Thankx for comment on " Cut yourself"
    September 21st, 2010 at 10:36pm
  • Hey! Thank you :) that comment made my day!
    September 21st, 2010 at 08:53pm
  • thank you!
    September 20th, 2010 at 09:00pm
  • Yeah sure, gonna try get to it today...
    Yeah some of them i think i did decently, but the others probably not....
    Cool, i'm keen to read it
    Dam that must of sucked... well yeah at least you weren't on stage...
    Lol, doctors can be stupid.....
    ily xoxo xxx
    June 18th, 2009 at 08:26am
  • Yeah i agree about the lass
    My myspace is sorta under construction, i'm busy updating it, I will trya upload stuff tomorrow.. I'll tell you if i do....
    Then you should check it out....
    Yeah post it please, i have not written one in ages..
    Exams are Over now, Amen for that...
    Haha, fainting must really suck, whats it from?
    Dam while performing, that must've sucked,
    Love you too, xxx
    June 17th, 2009 at 01:48pm
  • Yeah it sucks,
    It was getting good now, and that other chick is fucking it up AGAIN...
    I'll be ok, Always....
    Been feeling good lately, been making beats.....
    I wanna write poetry, but i just can't for now....
    Xxx, ILY2......
    June 10th, 2009 at 10:29pm
  • LOL, good question, thats what i think too.. I hurt a lot when we dated and that ain't right...
    But expected it for weeks,
    I was getting tight with this chick that i have met for the third time, and then this other chick, we sorta WERE good friends, that likes me sorta F**KED IT UP, She told the chick that she fucking likes me n shit... Do you know what c*ck-blocking means?
    Its a weird expression, and thats exactly what she's doing!!!
    I've been so fucking angry and bleek about it, i think i'll be able to sort it out....
    June 7th, 2009 at 10:04am
  • L M A O, that sounds like love, hopefully he does feel the same way..
    Na it's ok u can ramble on about him, =P...
    I think me and my girlfriend are like broken up......
    Hehe xxx
    June 6th, 2009 at 09:14am
  • Thanks, yeah lol, mints a cool word
    Thats cute, sounds like love...
    June 4th, 2009 at 10:00pm
  • I agree with you about them being rubbish,
    Mondays suck overboard.
    Thanks, i'll try write some thing good, then post it tomorrow
    Lucky you seeing them, lucky you have a bf, good luck wit him, hehe
    June 1st, 2009 at 10:28pm
  • Thanks for forgiving me, missed you too...
    G.C.S.E's, poor you...
    I've got Maths, I.T. and Music this week. Been studying a s**t load for maths, music is a s**t load of stuff, and I.T. i'm over..........
    Well otherwise, it's a monday, pretty bleek, just lost one of my closest female friends, sorta was being mean to her anyway =P....
    Otherwise i'm half okay, barely, but i'll get over it, wanna write a poem.
    On the basis of the quote about loving those that hurt you and hurting those that love you...
    Other wise how are you? nice to know you been sleeping better..
    June 1st, 2009 at 10:01pm
  • Hey, i'm really sorry..
    I haven't messaged you in ages. -blush blush-
    I'm really sorry, you'll have to forgive me, please!!!!
    How you been sleeping this week?
    i haven't remembered a dream in a while, except one where i walked into a drug deal then it went wrong and i got shot.. was pretty weird...
    I'm busy wit exams at the moment, so lame...
    June 1st, 2009 at 01:27pm
  • Yeah try some how lol
    That sucks, don't think you have to be. . .
    hehe yeah i understand. . .
    i have recurring dreams. . . mostly about me being shot and stuff, i sorta have this complex cuz when i was 4 we were hijacked and my dad was shot at but not hit, thankfully...
    xx ily2
    May 23rd, 2009 at 05:40pm
  • Well mine don't normally last long, all the times were my fault, except once was randomly dumped. . .
    I been with my girl for like two months now, two months in a few days, actually tomorrow to be exact,
    I never dream, wel remember them and people say it's cause i don't sleep enough, it sucks you messed up your exam cuz you were tired, you should try force yourself to sleep or take pills or something,
    May 21st, 2009 at 04:20pm
  • Oh cool, your bf sounds cool, hehe why do they normally not last long?
    My gf is good i think, not gonna see her today cuz she doing a practical exam, which really sucks!!!!
    Ok sure, i'll read your story when you post it. .
    You should try get more sleep, 40 minutes can't be healthy . . .
    May 20th, 2009 at 11:11am
  • Hehe yeah, i missed chatting too, well i'll try reply at least every day now. . .
    You should really try get more sleep. so should i though. . . .
    Oh cool you got a new bf? thats cool, how is he?
    It sucks about your relationships, i try make mine last long, but i'm lame about arguing and i get really emotional over stupid shit, and i guess you could call me jealous and over-protective, but i'm trying to change that. . .
    I missed you too, please reply soon also lol.. . .
    May 19th, 2009 at 11:15am
  • Dam that sucks about not getting lots of sleep, sorry i've been bad about replying lately. . .
    hehe thanks for the comment on my poem, i think it's really one of my best, i sort of wrote it so it could maybe fit on a track one day. . . But thanks a lot, i wanna really try write more. . .
    Yeah i've been good, not been up to that much ey, how about u?
    May 18th, 2009 at 11:47am
  • Hey to add to my message, i posted a new poem!
    May 13th, 2009 at 08:40am
  • Yeah my weekend was pretty cool, really busy, didn't sleep on saturday and now i'm feeling like shit, i feel so tired.
    Why your parents so angry, that really sucks, i'm sure your mom doesn't mean that stuff, Mom's always bitch and say stupid stuff when they angry?
    Well how are you now?
    Sorry i didn't send u a message this weekend. . .
    May 11th, 2009 at 12:18pm
  • Yeah my new phone is great, it's got music buttons which are cool, and it's got lots of space so i'm gonna pack it with music this weekend
    Yeah i'm glad too, not sure why though, LOL
    Haha why do u think your parents don't like you?
    Well this weekend i wanna go watch an open mic session at this jazz cafe on sunday, have an all night gaming thing at school on Saturday, Recording Session at my house on Saturday, and on Friday wanna maybe do some thing with gf or just chill wit some other friends or something, or on my own cuz i have some work to do, and some music to mix. . .
    May 8th, 2009 at 10:13am