No matter who you are

November 26, 2009
Feeling Good ;; Adam Lambert//Rat Pack

Updates go here :]
Or rant about how much your life sucks, or doesn't suck.

I love these pictures :] And this layout, and this song.

Just say I'm alright.

He throws our sins into the sea

Love Hate Tragedy
Featuring: Taylor Lautner & Ainsley Hrabal
Scenes: 2/?
Status: Active
Title Credit: Papa Roach's 2nd Album// Mariah H.

One Heart, One Love
Featuring: Trey Songz, Melanie Cruz
Scenes: ?/?
Status: Active
Title Credit: Title from Trey Songz- One Love

It leaves me enough to choke

Hi, my name is Imari. I am fourteen years of age, and I reside in Sunny California. I'm a pretty big procrastinator, super creative, sporty- girly girl, and I love the night time. I'm not like the regular girls around here. I'm told I'm too mature for my age a lot, and I can be a neat freak sometimes. I have 2 main best friends and about 5 secondary best friends, I guess haha. I don't really take love (in my life) very seriously yet, I mean I'm only a sophmore, but I do have occasional crushes and 'feelings' for guys. I love art, in any form. I just wish I could draw -_- I play the cello, piano, and guitar, but I haven't in a few months. I play basketball & run track. I love to READ & WRITE. Normal people say it's weird....I say they're weird. But before I go on rambling, send me a comment. I'm a nice girl.

no matter what you say

spread your creativity, contest. read this, lover boy.
He sees the good in you and me

Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend Friend

Its forgiven

Layout©: MakeAScene
Original Images©: TrixyPixie
Headings©: Kids in the Way