Rant mode has begun.

It's been a really long time since I've been on here, besides to read things on my subscription list. And quite frankly, with all these new changes coming, that's probably how it's going to stay. While some of the changes I do like, because they are ultimately eliminating the lesser quality stories on here, but I think it kind of defeats the purpose of this site. I liked this site because it was...
August 23rd, 2009 at 06:26am

Theres No Room In Our Agenda For Defeat.

I have never been one to complain about how shitty my life is, because it's not really, and I know there are SO many other people who have it way worse. But you know? Sometimes, I just need to rant. Sometimes I just want to bitch and moan about how much my life fucking sucks, to feel like somebody actually cares. Because I don't think anyone really does. Which sounds all lame, whiney and very...
July 22nd, 2009 at 04:42am

I am the heart with no name.

So, this is my first time ever really writing in any kind of journal. It's a very strange experience. I'm not really sure what I should write about.I feel like I should write something meaningful, or something people would care to read. But that doesn't really make sense, seeing as it's my journal, and is not meant to impress anyone. I do that a lot, I try to impress people, it usually doesn't...
July 15th, 2009 at 09:25pm