Pointless #2. But still read please.

So I haven't written one of these in a while. So I'm going to now. I've been sick and when I'm sick I get really bored. Yeah. I was watching a video called Justin Bieber hit by a water bottle?!? by brittani on YouTube ,and I looked at the comments and one of them said 'Dear Kanye, Roses are red violets are blue is justin bieber wins another award. you know what to do.' I though that was so funny....
November 10th, 2010 at 05:33am


I'm so bored. Bored I am. And I hate today. The morning was shitty. I know I just spelled that word wrong but whatever. I like spelling words wrong. Wait did I spell it wrong? Anyways I hate life. And I got a stupid song stuck in my head. God life sucks. Fuck. Fuck.Fuck. Fuck. This is pointless. Why must everything we do have a point? Can't we do something pointless and not be questioned. God...
October 23rd, 2010 at 01:02am

Read please

OK I am thinking about putting up the Hollywood Undead story I have written. And I am going to be getting rid of stories I think people don't give shit about. The stories will most likely be 'Run don't walk' and 'I'm gonna be what and who's after me?' I don't know if that will all the stories or the stories I'll be getting rid of. I know 'Run don't walk' will be one of the stories. so yeah. Just...
October 6th, 2010 at 02:39am