Starting my 20s off right

It sucks to still care for someone who doesn't care about me in return.But I'm going to try not to care anymore. I'm giving myself my own closure and saying goodbye. That is, forever - you know that right? No more "second" chances. I can't trust you anymore. Even thirty years from now...of course by then, I hope to forget your face. And in a twisted way, I want your friends now to leave you behind...
January 13th, 2010 at 12:46pm

To be(lieve) or not to be(lieve)? That is the question.

The semester has come to an end and many of us college students are grateful for it to finally be summer. But this time of year doesn’t only mark the beginning of summer, as it also does the ending of classes. And typically at the end of a basic sociology course is the topic of “religion.”And this is when my frustration started......during my sociology class, a girl stands up in the middle...
May 8th, 2009 at 05:05am

Sometimes a breaking point is good for you.

Our fight was stupid - I'm just scared because our two-year anniversary is coming up and I've never let someone get to me like you do.But you told me what I needed to know.I needed to hear you say for once that you see us still together in the future.I know you never realized you hadn't even mentioned that you were looking for that...but I hope you know now that after two years, commitment plays...
April 7th, 2009 at 12:15am

my mood? ...well, let's look outside my window.

"How are you feeling tonight, Shandi?"Well, I'm a very sad lady, tonight.My friend, Logan tells me I reflect the weather.Tonight's forecast : rain.Tomorrow : possible thunderstorms.I hear that later on in the week, we're to expect snow.What's funny is that it was in the high 70s just yesterday.Then, as if the wind could sense tragedy coming into my life, it began to pick up - and now, the crack in...
April 6th, 2009 at 08:55am


Now, I have come to realize that I'm one of the invisible people in this world.What do I mean?Well, I'm the kind of person people run into on the streets and don't even mutter a simple “sorry.”One of the best in my classes, but never recognized.The girl who’s pretty, but too dull and doesn’t come off as strongly as others - so is left in the dust.The girl who always gets an “alright,”...
April 1st, 2009 at 05:24am

My computer is demon-possessed...

...just like many of my other various unatimate belongings.Okay.So, my recent findings have shown that my computer will only work if it sits on pink plastic.I swear. I put it on any other surface and it refuses to turn on.Who knew laptops were so picky with color and quality?And , as well, that mine chooses cheap quality over the less extravagant cherry oak desk that I had it placed on...
March 30th, 2009 at 07:35am

Looking for a good read.

Not that people on here don't have good stories.Its just that I've only been reading stories online lately, and those stories are almsot always incomplete.And once I get to the end, I'm left helpless in trying to figure out just what will happen next.So, I need a remedy - like an actual book that I won't get angry with.Lol.Um, any suggestions?I'm a fan of basically anything with a good plot. So,...
March 6th, 2009 at 11:11pm

Bucket List.

I have searched high and low for the answers of what I want to do before I die, and here they are. Enjoy, you might find some humorous.MY BUCKET LIST:1. Rap with my best friend on a stage in front of you (yes, you, the person reading this, currently).2. Become a well-known artist.3. Take a weekend break more than 1000 miles from home4. Have my portrait painted, for once.5. Get lost in a country...
March 3rd, 2009 at 10:08pm

Hello, dreams. Pleased to meet you.

As the missed phone calls build up, only one thought rolls through my head:I need to get some money and get out of my parents' grasp.For many years now I've been holding the excuse that my parents wouldn't let me work.And that was true.However, I no longer live with them, and now I don't know what's holding me back.Then it came to me in a harsh realization; a stab in the face, you could say.I'm...
March 3rd, 2009 at 11:22am

Life is good...That is all.

Why? you ask..Because I have been noticing lately a clear progression in my drawing skills. I'm no longer saying "well, eventually I'll make this look decent and real." I'm getting it correct the first time and making vivid contours without hesitation. I'm probably in the best feeling I have ever been in my lifetime, because for once I feel like I'm actually getting this stuff down-pact and not...
March 3rd, 2009 at 11:21am

Silly Thoughts.

You know those nights where you have those absolutely horrible thoughts about e-v-e-r-y-t-h-i-n-g that's wrong with life? No? Well let me clue you in.If in a relationship, it begins like this. You are sitting down, thinking "wow, I'm really happy in life. I really like him/her." turns to the lip-biting question: will we always be like this? Will there someday be no "we"....and a new...
March 3rd, 2009 at 11:20am

Bedtime Story.

Tell me a bedtime story about a magical world where fairytale endings actually exist. And you and I will have evil, miniscule children we raise to kill communists and eunichs. But you will have them, of course, because I will not have the parasites inside of me. And I can take your name and add “-monster” to the end of it, and call you it when you have your random mood swings during your...
March 3rd, 2009 at 11:15am