explodenamerda / Comments

  • well my week was kind of fun I went to my sister graduation and then we went somewhere expensive and ate hahaha and nothin else really .....ohh yeah i got sick well im still sick i went and saw the new terminator movie with my dad!! and nothing else there.hahahaha well bye!! Have a nice weekend and have fun!!
    May 31st, 2009 at 02:43am
  • I know that not every oher country in the world doesn't allow people the right to protest and whatnot; but there are an awful lot of them. And perhaps this war is senseless, but I think people need to think about how they treat and talk about the peope in uniform. And they should certainly show some more respect for the ones who've died in the past. Pretty much every place in the world that has freedom got it by fighting for it. I just think people need to wrap their heads around that a little more. Sometimes you DO have to fight, and just because someone is in the military doesn't make them evil. In most of their minds, they're fighting to protect their country; not for oil. That sort of thing would be the government's agenda maybe, but not a lo of the troops. They feel they're doing what they have to do. And they deserve applause and cheers for it.
    May 30th, 2009 at 09:04pm
  • hahahaha well yes I have 2 little siblings my sister she´s 14 and my brother he´s 2 he is so CUTE!! jajaja so yeah how was your week??
    May 29th, 2009 at 03:36am
  • hahaha I erased it dont worry!! ohhh I love all kind of musik I forgot to tell u that I also enjoy spanish music I dont know if u had heard any but anyway go and listen to bond they are cool and now I dont know what to ask u hahaha umm lets see do u have any brothers?? or sisters??
    May 29th, 2009 at 12:02am
  • jajaja dont know what else to ask jajaja well I love love paramore!! jajaja also I starting to like Lady Gaga a lot dont know why ohhh and I also like Bond the violin group they are so awesome how bout u? what do like??
    May 28th, 2009 at 03:02am
  • hahaha i wish I had those classes!! no I have the same classes except portugues I take spanish and I hate it cause I have to read a lot of old boring stories hahahaha
    May 26th, 2009 at 12:32pm
  • yeah is the same all right hahahaha but how many classes do u have to take??
    May 26th, 2009 at 01:38am
  • nah I mean like now im goin to the other grade finish
    hahaha im a senior this year if I didnt fail or anything how bout u in what grade are u???
    May 25th, 2009 at 07:56pm
  • ehhh..vacations are really boring and mostly im not doin nothing just sleeping,eating,computer and going to the bathroom hahahahaha I just finished school and Im so happy but bored :( lol
    May 25th, 2009 at 01:09pm
  • hahaha yeahh I talk spanish and English but wish I could talk another language so people her wont know what Im talkin about hahaha so what´s up??
    May 24th, 2009 at 07:15pm
  • haha I dont know I mean u speak english very well do u speak other languages as well?? hahaha
    May 22nd, 2009 at 04:29am
  • Its not very well known here at all, I would love it to be though.
    Its hard to find, and I have to spend hours on the internet aha.
    My favourites are MC Galo, Bonde Do Tiagro and SD Boys. How about you?
    May 22nd, 2009 at 12:49am
  • : )
    I love Baile Funk
    I first heard about it through M.I.A's mixtape, and then started to listen to more Baile Funk artists. and fell in love with it. I think it makes a nice username : P
    Do you like it?
    May 20th, 2009 at 08:03pm
  • haha are u really from Brazil??? haha i know stupid question
    May 20th, 2009 at 07:20pm
  • Haha, thanks. :D
    May 20th, 2009 at 12:55pm
  • hey thanks for the advice I´ll see what I can do take care bye!!!
    May 19th, 2009 at 11:31pm
  • Heyyy! Sorry for my really late reply. My computer’s broken and my family have been jerks, not letting me on the other computer. I have no idea when I’m getting a new computer either. D:
    I think I’m just going to the Download festival for one day and that’s just to see Slipknot again haha. Cause I’ve decided I have to go see Acey again before he leaves the UK, so that’ll be the 21st, when he’s in Birmingham.
    So if I’m at Download I won’t be in a tent haha. And yeah, great place to go to meet tonnes of different people. But I’m a shy person and that chance doesn’t pop up a lot haha. Though I did meet several people yesterday at Acey Slade’s show. But they were mainly people working for Acey. Still cool though.
    I think I’d miss the toilet lmfao.
    Well I’ve left school now lol. But I’m going to be heading to college to do a photography course.
    But at school, the dramas that I had there, were friends being two-faced, talking about other friends behind their backs, they always made plans in front of me and never asked me to go with them. So I was basically outcasted by them. Whenever I was upset, they just seemed to have stopped caring. And there was one girl who’s like the biggest bitch at school. She liked making me feel like crap. Like always trying to start rumours up about me and slag me off. =/
    The funny thing is though, she was one of my best friends in nursery. And in the first year or two at highschool (which I’ve just left), we were okay, we talked and stuff. Then all of a sudden she just turned into this sour, horrible person.
    The interview went quite well. Apart from it’s really obvious you can see I’m shy. So I’ll have to try and edit it quite a lot. PLUS the cameraman decided to shoot it looking upwards. So it looks like I have a huuuuuge double chin! It’s horrible lmao.
    But I think it was a good first go. And next time, I’m sure I’ll be more confident.
    I still think it’s better if I get to know who I’m interviewing first, in person, before it. Cause then I’m more chilled back with them. :)
    I don’t like rap or r’n’b, but I’d love to interview the likes of, say for example, Beyonce, lmao. Just cause it’s something different. And they’re still talented. I might not like their style or whatever, but at the end of the day, they are talented. And that’s what makes music nowadays.
    Hahah, I’m really fine about not getting to see my dad or mum even. Cause at the end of the day, I’m only 16 ½. I have loads of time in the future to go see them when I want. But until then, I’m focusing on my career side!
    May 15th, 2009 at 10:35pm
  • yea i knw. it totally sucked... i wz crying all week long
    April 19th, 2009 at 05:28am
  • Lmao! Our comments are mega long. That last one was a page long! :L
    But yeah. It’s imperfections that make us who we are and shape us.
    Haha thanks…it’s probably down to me being so damn nice. And I don’t mean that in a vain way. But I do know I’m too kind most of the time. Like I always do things for others and for my friends, almost blindly…and I never really do things for myself…
    But now when I look at it, I am doing this for myself, because it’s what I want to do, and I can fit in my kindness by letting others interact with what I do in a way. xD
    Lol, yeah. Music’s supposed to be relaxing and mixing with others who like the same thing as you. There’s too much drama nowadays with music.
    I’d take Escape the Fate as a big example. It really annoys me how people are only really focusing on this ‘war’ type thing that’s going on. At the end of the day, they are a band and they’re producing music. They’re ruining it for the people who just want to be there for the music, not the drama, cause they get pulled in along the way.
    You’re right…I never really thought about how ranting gives you a more critical side to you, cause people just look at ranting as complaining and not everyone likes it. But it’s getting your thoughts and feelings out and thinking logically. It’s a good thing haha.
    xD Download is on the 12th-14th June. I think we’re going on the 11th to set up our tent and get ready beforehand though lol.
    Ooooh I’ve always had this fascination with learning the violin! And I have this odd feeling, since I’ve never really mentioned it to my friends, that they’d just laugh and find it funny if I said that’s what I wanted to do. But I mean, it’s a talent…that they obviously wouldn’t be able to do. So it just goes to show how more talented and creative I am with my time lol.
    And yeah it does haha. His publicist got in contact with me as soon as I added his page and she asked if I wanted an interview. I was shocked, because I hadn’t asked for one and I hadn’t advertised much! I’m still really in shock, I mean, if I can get an interview with him, for my first interview, I can only really go up from there.
    I’d love to be known for what I do. But recognition always has it’s negative sides to it, and I really don’t know if I could cope with that kind of stuff. But then again…I have dealt with drama and stuff at school, so maybe I’d be fine.
    A lot of people are getting excited about the interview, just so they can see it lol.
    It’s making me a little more nervous, cause I know there’s people out there expecting this from me, so I feel like I have to do this for them and make a good job with it. So I’m hoping that’ll add to my courage!
    It’s hard to explain that really, I know. I used to think it was just people who liked rock that were different as well. But since I’ve been getting ready with my music interviewing thing, I’ve been looking into all genres of music and discovering like how different people relate to it, it’s quite fascinating.
    I think I’d love to interview other kinds of bands. I love rock and stuff like that…I really do not like rap or pop, but I mean, it would be amazing to interview someone from that genre, for their fans as well. And I can learn more through that.
    Haha, I would stay in Australia, but the thing is, I’ve only met my dad once! And that was like just last year! It would be kind of a huge thing to do, to go and live with him, when I barely know him and stuff. I’d still go visit him though.
    Even though he hasn’t been there in my life, I’m not really bothered, cause I think I turned out well! :D
    April 17th, 2009 at 01:11am
  • no seriously, this guy i didnt even know started txting me, and i started liking him and he said he started liking me..even though we didnt knw what we looked like. then i figure out that it was a guy from my skool pranking me. and i had said some reeeallly personal things. then he told every1 and now ppl laugh @ me...!
    April 10th, 2009 at 06:26am