I like people who like people and mibba...you make me feel good :)

I just realized, I can not stand negativity. I'm a generally optimistic person, so a positive+negateve=negative, right? well actually it's multiplied by...I hate math.But honestly. I dislike people who do nothing but complain about every little thing and rag on every single person. It bugs me. Yeah?I need more happy friends that aren't high all the time. Just people who like smiling, ya...
February 6th, 2011 at 08:07am

I hate my job

I work in a little dance shoe that nobody goes inside of. It's boring and I'm actually the only employee. It's sort of a chain business because my boss lives 3 hours away and has a bigger, better store, with more than 1 employee.One of my biggest pet peeves about the store is that since my mom works in the same building my boss gave her the authority to open it when I'm not there.Then she goes...
January 15th, 2011 at 08:13pm

"You kiss by th' book"

Isn't that the quote Juliet says to Romeo after their first kis??...It's pretty mean. But I hear, ya girl. Some people are just wayyy to mechanical when they osculate (gah, I love that word!). I have so many complaints about the people I've made out with that I've decided to write a journal about it.There are 4 things that you need to watch out for when osculating (BEST WORD EVER!).1. Too much...
May 23rd, 2010 at 12:34am

Who's a mosher? Are you a mosher? If so, please read and comment.

Okay, so all y'all concert goers out there need to comment this here journal, please and thank you. :)I'm taking a journalism class and it's really dragging down my GPA. My articles themselves are pretty good but I just don't do a lot of the assignments...oops.Now I'm doing an opinion piece. My topic is what most concert venues need to improve. So I'm going to talk about bathrooms (I live in an...
April 18th, 2010 at 08:56pm

Law & Order: Are you SVU or Criminal Intent?

Now, Law & Order is the bombest show ever, in my opinion. But we all now, that secretly, we LOVE sexually based offenses and concepts and that's why everybody prefers SVU.Speaking of sexual, my sex scene keeps disappearing! Everytime I friggin write it it just dies on me. I know I promised my readers a sex scene, and they're all so excited for it, but I feel like the universe is plotting...
April 14th, 2010 at 02:28am

I hate computers

Bahhh. Computers are the devil. I'm thinkin bout going amish.Okay not really. I could not be able to live without showers, tv and such. BUT computers are just so problematic.Well...it's not really computers so much as the internet. My internet connection is all wlonky, and then when I do get on I have to deal with facebook wars. I hate them so much.And what's worse is that my word processor broke...
April 11th, 2010 at 07:22pm

I lost my virginity in a cupboard...

To my best friend's older brother. I was 14. He was 19. I was high. It wasn't so bad...but looking back on it now, he took advantage of how innocent and naiive I was. He's not a bad guy is the thing. I still see him...a lot actually since I'm always at his house.I'm trying to write a sex scene about this girl losing her virginity...but it's all I can think about now. How much I regret it...how I...
March 20th, 2010 at 03:30am

To write a sex scene...or not to write a sex scene.

So I'm writing this story...and I can't figure out if I want the next scene to be a sex scene.I don't think there should be because a) the main character is telling this guy about it so that would be weird eh? b) It might have been traumatic for her seeing as she's a 14 year old having sex with her english teacher...and maybe if she was to tell someone about it the details would be fuzzy.I've got...
February 28th, 2010 at 05:13am

There's this band...and they make me fangirl all over the place.

I am in love with this band. They're amazing. They've reduced me to tears, helped me get over a breakup and make me smile. They just have this effect on me. It's crazy.The band?The Gaslight Anthem. And Brian Fallon is my hero.Their songs just make me crazy. Brian's voice is edgy but soothing and beautiful. And their lyrics! Oh my god.Did you hear the '59 Sound coming through on grandmother's...
February 24th, 2010 at 05:21am

Single's Awareness Day aka Valentine's Day: Please reccomend scary movies.

Every Single Awareness Day, I get a group of single girls together and we watch the scariest of scary movies. Tonights films will include Paranormal Activity, Blair Witch Project, The Descent and Pandorum will be included. And yes, we're ordering pizza and kicking my parents out.But this year, only one other person will be joining me. My dear Margot. Every other girl we seem to be close to is in a...
February 14th, 2010 at 08:25pm

Ugh. Stupid school bus.

Okay so my really lame old car (so so old. From the 60's old) broke down and I had to sell it so I can't drive to school and home anymore. I can usually hitch a ride from my neightbor but they were out sick today so I had to take the bus - which i rarely do.My school is a stop over for all the charter and magnet schools so there are a ton of middle schoolers on my bus. They make me feel so...
February 5th, 2010 at 07:43am

Well it's been a while...

It's been a really long time since my last journal entry...or anything entry. I took a break from writing poems because I got so pissed off about anything I would try to write. I like it perfect. Gimme a break. The reason I like poetry is because it makes me feel like "Oh, wow, this is me." ya know? And then I freak out because it's not perfect...but I'm not perfect. So wanting my poems to be...
February 3rd, 2010 at 08:54am

Malnourishment as an athlete

It's terrible. You can't move and you always feel lightheaded. You're weak and it's hard to sleep. You bruise easier and you're muscles feel weak.It's not that I don't eat.I just don't eat enough for the physical activities I participate in.My schedule is tight since I'm a ballerina. First I go to school, I never eat breakfast: the only thing I have is this drink Syneregy. It's an ambuchi tea with...
May 29th, 2009 at 12:23am

I wan to read yoouuur stories. ;P

yo, does anybody have like a really eerie ghost or vampire fic? It's super sunny right now and so I turned down the blinds and am blowing the fan out so that it's cold. I deeeepply hate summer. I'm from Portland. I like damp weather. It's so hot! I HATE IT.GHHHOOOOSSSSTTTT/VAAAMMMPPPPIIIIIRRREEE FIIIIICCCC PLEEEAAAASSSEEEEUm... but I have rules for it. teehee:1) Original. seriously original. no...
May 26th, 2009 at 03:37am

You shallow eff...

I hate the way I look.Well actually, I hate the way people look at me...Let me try to explain.I'm treeted like a toy. A funbag. A whore. I can't have a relationship because no one is willing to get to know me. They look at me, don't even think about my personality, and decide to ask me out.Because they are all shallow effs.It does make me feel self concious. I'm only worth screwing and not worth...
May 23rd, 2009 at 02:02am

3 questions (Volume Deaux!)

Howdy. (you can just scroll down to the bottom and answer the questions if you like. Y'all should answer)Blaring:Wooderson by The Gaslight AnthemLoving: The song I'm listening to.Hating: Being a woman. *looks at vagina and crampy uterus and groans*So it has been an eventful week since my last journal. Let's start with the largest shock.Do any of you have a hero? Someone you really admire and you...
April 28th, 2009 at 08:30am

I'm in love!!

I'M GETTING A CAR! I'M GETTING A CAR!!!!Any of you guys here into cars?Well it's a spridget. (I prolly spelt that wrong). It's an Austin Healey Sprite with an MG motor. Yeah, it's a stick shift but it's PERFECT! It's fire engine red and a convertible! Not in bad shape AT ALL, a two seater and has a new radio!! Ack! I'm in love! It's my first car and it's only 3000 bucks! AND I CAN BARGAIN! That's...
April 25th, 2009 at 04:31am

3 questions.

It's 11:40 pm.I don't know what to do right now.I should be doing homework....but my schoolbag is in my car and I'm too lazy to go get it. I'm really bored and no one will text me. Plus I'm out of cigarettes. Ugh.Well here I am, sitting at my computer doing nothing...just typing away randomly in my dimly lit room as Old White by The Gaslight Anthem lingers smoothly in the background. That's my...
April 21st, 2009 at 08:53am

Why does manswers have to be right?

Encore is the suckiest class of all. There are so many douches in that class. Ugh... and the worst thing about them is that a few of them are pretty sexy. Like Ginger. And Hair.SO I was sitting at my table doing my work in a rush of 4 boys come over to copy me. I roll my eyes but let them nonetheless. Asian, Hair and MF (you know what that stands ford) gather around my paper.Hair has this insane...
April 15th, 2009 at 02:17am

Fall Out Boy: Believers Never Die: 4/9/09

Just got back from the fall out boy concert. Man, that was some awesome moshing. I smell like beer and sweat now though and my ears are ringing. Why aren't I used to this now?Well anyway, I LOVE LOVE LOVE Hey Monday and All Time Low. Cobra Starship makes me dance and not care about the guilty pleasures (lol) Metro station can make me shake it like salt and of course Fall Out Boy is insanely...
April 10th, 2009 at 09:24am