cookiepirate09 / Comments

  • Haha so far I've only been lucky enough to see a7x once and that was in january. But after may I'll be adding up another 4 shows to that!! And yesss the east coast is not for me!! Lol I just have to suck it up til my lil sister graduates. She doesn't start high until next yr, so I have plenty of time to plan my The funny thing is for someone who's only 13 she has such big She's like I don't want to stay here, I'm gone when I'm 18, i wish i had guts like her when i was 18, but since she wants to move. I'm like shit I can do Thats the 1 thing about me I'm scared shitless of just moving somewhere let alone across the country alone at least if i have my sister it won't be so bad. So for the next few years i'll wait it out and just write til I can then one day when i update and I say i'm on a sunny california beach,you'll know where I am!!!! And I'm still editing up the 2nd chapter, workin on chapter3 and have ideas for chapter4. There's no need 2 be jealous, u get to be on the coast I want to be I need to makeup for this sucky coast somehow lol So i'll just go to concert after concert..:)
    March 25th, 2011 at 09:58am
  • thanks for the story comment.
    i appreciate it.
    March 25th, 2011 at 04:25am
  • Haha, I'm glad :)
    Haha, oki! ;)

    I haven't started it but I will soon.
    Probably this weekend.
    It is, he just told us to pick a controvercial topic && that's what we do do our papers on.
    I'm choosing either abortion or gay-marriges.
    I pro-life && for gay-marriges.
    I'll more than likely do abortion.
    What are your views on the two topics?
    Aw, thanks! :)

    It's gonna be based on the movie Life As We Know It (if you have not seen I highly reccomend it).
    Only difference will be that it'll be about siblings && not best friends.
    I will be using the Jonas Brothers.
    Kevin && Joe will be the main men, while my older sister && I will be the main women.
    I'm gonna try && somehow fit Nick into the story, I would feel guilty if I left him out.
    I have the first chapter done, would you like me to send it to you through pm?

    Be glad you don't have school in that list, haha :)
    Do you go to school?
    I can't remember if you do or don't... sorry
    March 25th, 2011 at 02:08am
  • unfortunately I am an east coaster...ugh!!! Not too happy being on this coast though its like the first day of spring and it's fuckin snowing here...really now mother nature needs to get her head out of her ass!!! And yes I am ecstatic about the shows at first I was like oh I'll just go to the one in MA because that's in the state I live in and then I was aww hell just do it BIG and hit a couple of shows O.O Why not u only live once right?? And who knows what the future holds, are they doing a show anywhere near you, if they are u totally have to go, I just seen them in january and it blew me away I was like they need to tour again and soon!!! I don't know who I'm more excited to see, a7x or MCR its kind of a tie. And I'm currently editing the chapter now....:0) Someday soon I will live on the west coast, I hate the east coast, its always freakin cold and all the good stuff happens on the other coast. I have big plans once my little sister graduates high school,she's like we're out of her aren't we, I'm like we'll be leavin a vapor trail alll the way to the west coast!!! lol
    March 24th, 2011 at 08:06am
  • I have 7 pages of subscriptions, I have to go through it one of these days and delete some that are completed. I don't have add officially but sometimes the thigns I do I get asked a lot if I have it and I'm like no I just tend to bounce around with things whether its work, personal, I feel like I'm going a million miles an hour, sometimes I don't mind it and sometimes I'm like whoa!! I need to slow down. With writing I can like just sit there for 2hrs straight and just type away, walk away and 10min later I'll trash everything I just wrote and be like what the hell was I on to write But so far with the writing I've been liking what I come out with. Even though I do have the tendency to write some twisted stuff. It scares me a little what I can actually come up with in my I'm trying to get as much written beforehand because I have a feeling I'll be slacking. Plus at the end of april I will be in A7X heaven me and my little sister are roadtrippin it for the welcome to the family tour *jumps around like maniac* I'm nicknaming it the avenged sevenfold weekend--4-29-PA,4/30-NY,5/1-ME, day off on 5/2 lol and 5/3-MA. I can not fuckin wait!! plus I have a show on 4/6 for a different band and I'm seeing MCR on 5/5,soooo I have to write many many chapters ahead of time so that I won't be
    March 24th, 2011 at 07:23am
  • Instead of being productive and proofreading and editing up my chapter I just spent the last 20 min playing with my signature and figuring out how to put story links in it, so that I can promote my story as well as a few of ones that I like, figured out that ALL of the story links I wanted to put wouldn't fit so then I had to really pick and choose lol. Or else I would have had like 982374923874 story links in my ADD at its finest I swear when I try to do one thing something distracts me and totally switch to something else. lmao but I'll get to my chapter sometime tonight at work..:0)
    March 24th, 2011 at 06:27am
  • I should be able to get it posted some time tonight if I can get it all edited!! Then I want to start working on the next chapter. I like to try to write chapters ahead of time so that I don't feel so much pressure when I want to I'm going to try to update at least once a week, hopefully!! lol
    March 24th, 2011 at 05:34am
  • Well I'm working on the next chapter and am just about done. But I have to proofread through it. Then I'll post within the next day or two. And I know what you mean I've come across some stories that have ass loads of readers ajd subscribers and then I read the story and I'm like how?? Then I read some amazing stories and they have like 2 comments and 1 subscriber, I'm like ok that makes no sense but Thats why I'm just like hey if a couple of people like what I write and subscribe and comment, then I'll keep updating.
    March 24th, 2011 at 04:47am
  • Haha, oh how I've miss talkin' to you!

    I'm pretty good, thanks :)
    School is pretty good, I'm gearing up for my next && last paper for English.
    An argumentitive paper, which I will be doing on abortion.
    My writing is good, I actually have a new story idea that I'm gonna be doing as well as keeping up with I'm Not A Dream :)
    Although I have no idea when I'll be posting the first chapter.
    I have it done, well I need to add a bit to one part.
    I think I'm gonna wait till I have a few chapters then post.

    How about you?
    How's life treating you?
    Anything new?
    Sorry if I rambled ^^ :)
    March 24th, 2011 at 03:02am
  • I think that Julianne needs to take a trip off a high cliff and land at the rocky but that's just me. I like drama as long as its not like overly done, drama in a story is a good thing or else it will be boring!! And no one wants that! I mean I love romance and all that good stuff but if its way too lovey dovey I just want to vomit. I'm just very picky everything just has to be to balanced out just right in a story!! lol So far I've been lucky mostly all the stories I've come across on mibba have been exceptionally good, there have been a few here and there I was just like omg! I can't beleive I just read that, but I try to give everyone's story a chance, because it takes guts to post something that you've written for everyone else to read and criticize and you know there are ASSHOLES out there, who won't be nice about expressing their opinin and wouldn't care if they hurt someone's feelings. That's why it took me so long to even write out the idea I've had bouncing around my head, just because I'm like super sensitive when it comes to writing. I can take criticism just fine, but when someone just bashes something I wrote thats when I go nuts and end up trashing the story and deleting shit. That's why I haven't written in a loooonnnnnggg time. So hopefully I'm not too rusty at
    March 23rd, 2011 at 07:57am
  • haha I adore animals and can't wait to take care of them :P

    haha its an amazing course.
    Umm so far worked with dogs, rats and cats
    then in a few weeks go on a placment where I work with a range of animals in a clinic :)

    So how are you darling?
    March 23rd, 2011 at 05:39am
  • BTW I still want to put my fist thru riley's twins face still, that is how pissed I was and still am, at her in the last chapter of the photo effect!!
    March 23rd, 2011 at 02:39am
  • thnx for the comment, I'm currently starting on the next chapter. -.- I would have had waaay more done if I didn't get woken up to help for the hunt for my b/f car keys, I still don't know how he lost them IN THE HOUSE!!! *smacks palm to forehead* seriously it was like something out of a comedy show. Who knows that situation just may end up in my story because it was too epically But anyways thanks for the comment it is greatly appreciated!!!
    March 23rd, 2011 at 02:38am
  • If I did that, I'd be smacked and told to get off my ass and act my age, not my shoe size. The people that surround me are just so damn sweet.
    March 22nd, 2011 at 09:05pm
  • I don't know but I'm not fond of it. :(
    March 22nd, 2011 at 07:31am
  • yesss, I managed to not procrastinate and just posted it!! Currently working on the next update :0)
    March 22nd, 2011 at 07:26am
  • *coughs* well I managed to get something accomplished, can you guess what it is???? lol
    March 22nd, 2011 at 06:27am
  • Nice to meet you too.
    Nothing to thrilling. Just listening to some Green Day
    March 22nd, 2011 at 04:20am
  • Freaking A man. It totally is!
    March 22nd, 2011 at 03:55am
  • or maybe I'll just try and edit up the chapter at work tonight :0) and post it since I've so much damn time to kill hmm we'll see
    March 22nd, 2011 at 03:03am