xXxCookieRiotxXx / Stories

  • Replaying the Night

    Replaying the Night / Info

    True story (Romance, Horror, Tragedy)
    Word count:

    I’m falling and you pushed me. Now I know the truth in all the lies. Even in the end I write to you and tell you that I’m sorry, even when I realize it was your fault, I can’t let go of that happiness I felt with you…Help me live…

    May 11th, 2009 at 08:42pm

  • Bleed Love

    Bleed Love (3) / Info

    True story
    Word count:
    2 573

    Koran fell in love with Colin a mysterious guy. Colin has his reasons for this and he's not about to let anyone find out why. Koran finds out that her and Colin aren't the only ones keeping secrets at this school and because of that she'll have to Bleed.

    March 31st, 2009 at 08:58am