GRAMMAR... extremely important if you want to pass kindergarten.I mean, seriously.Reading a sentence that is well spaced and grammar-tized is easier to read than....asentence that is likethisPeriods and commas are your friend, just a friend. Not an acquantince(?) or a lover. Not too little commas, not too many.And capitals, too.Have you actually ever used a caps lock? I mean, even if you're shouting,...
July 22nd, 2009 at 06:49am

Jump for joy!

Dear Journal,Just so you know, J.K. Rowling personalized the chair she wrote the first two Potter books on, with her autograph and a note to the recepient. It's currently going for 2,550 pounds on eBay with thirty six bidders. Good luck to whoever enters!Hm...what else? Oh, yeah, that guy who played Vincent Crabbe in the Harry Potter movies? He was arrested on April 7th for possession (did I spell...
July 22nd, 2009 at 06:24am

Not another Harry Potter Journal!, Relient K, and my sudden, explosive hatred for Stephenie Meyer

Right. More Harry Potter.I loved the movie. But you already knew that, didn't you?What you didn't know is that the Harry Potter exhibit is moving all across America! WHICH MEANS IT'S GONNA COME TO (insert my state here)!!! And something else you didn't know, for the next five years, the exhibit will travel around the world!Relient K is an awesome band. I've liked them since first grade. Now,...
July 21st, 2009 at 04:52am

Reviews (Harry Potter), R.I.P

ReviewsRight. Half-Blood Prince.For a movie adaptation, it was spectacular. For a movie itself, it was okay. I mean the Ginny/Harry relationship seemed kind of random, and I was kind of angry when Dumbeldore told the whole school that Voldemort is Tom Riddle. That was supposed to be between Harry and him. And the Harry - Ginny thing...I was disappointed. I mean, it was wonderful when they finally...
July 20th, 2009 at 04:10am

More Harry Potter, Transformers, Books, and Eddie Murphy

Dear Mibbians and Journal,Well, yeah. I just saw a trailer on Youtube for the Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince game. I can honestly say it's better than Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix game.Just took another quiz. I'm Hufflepuff. Took it again, I'm Ravenclaw. Took it three more times...I am officially Ravenclaw.***Transformers movie THIS WEDNESDAY!!! YESSSSS!!***I need to read more...
June 22nd, 2009 at 11:09pm

New Moon, Harry Potter, Iran, And Raw Cookie Dough

Hello! I'm not continuing to write on Mibba, or anywhere else on the internet for that matter, because I'm tired of people taking my stuff.***Just watched the New Moon trailer.Don't know what I was expecting, but I can honestly say it wasn't that.***Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (which, in itself is a good title) comes out this July 15! I can hardly wait!The new Harry Potter and The...
June 20th, 2009 at 10:42pm

Over My Head...

EEP! So much to do....HOMEWORK!! I've got to write TWO full-length stories, review math chapters 1 through 12, study for history, dissect my little sister for science...Okay, I really don't have to do that last part, but I gotta do all that other stuff, and burn my entire scinence book into my brain for the tests, AND, TO TOP IT OFF, I JUST FINISHED THE FIFTH HARRY POTTER BOOK!!That's...
April 23rd, 2009 at 06:35am


Fumbling in his confidence and wondering why the world has passed him by. ~ Switchfoot (quote of the day)Song of the day: Stay With Me ~ FinchWord of The day: MeaningYhello! Thanks for checking out my journal and caring enough to read it!Red is a cool color. Like awesome. So is black and is like candy. You gotta throw away the wrappers.I am currently reading Harry Potter And The...
April 10th, 2009 at 06:39am


*screams some more*Oh. My. Freakin. Gosh.I was just taking a test formed by professional psychologists for which house I would be sorted into(Harry Potter). You'll never guess what house I got freakin sorted into.Slytherin. FREAKIN SLYTHERIN!!!!!The test checks to see which one you're most compatible with. And I've been sorted into Slytherin. I wanted RAVENCLAW or GRYFFINDOR! Or maybe even...
April 6th, 2009 at 05:56pm


I'M SO MAD!!I was just finishing a chapter of my story and then, BAM! I accidently hit backspace. ARGH!!!!!! I've done that a total of SIX TIMES today, and I've had it. Like, had it. Don't worry, I'll still update. I have BIG plans for Rachel and trust me, you'll love them. *evil smile*Just cause I'm bored(and I need One Hundred words), here's the lyrics to Gibberish by Relient K.arg wu...
April 1st, 2009 at 06:00am

Confuzzled In A World of My Own Design

AARGH!! I HATE SCHOOL DRAMA!!My so-called-friend has stolen another of my stories and is claiming it as her own! And on top of that, the WHOLE FRUGGEN SCHOOL HAS TAKEN HER SIDE! Yes she has been mentioned before, but now, she has really crossed the line.Now, I'm unsure what to do. All of the friends that haven't betrayed me are begging me to be her friend again. That's why I haven't updated yet. ....
March 31st, 2009 at 05:11am

Biting My Tounge

UGH!! Life is so frustrating!My ex-friend(whose name shall not be revealed) started acting all nice all of a sudden and now I don't know what to do!! Should I be her friend again or totally ignore her comeplete kindness?DARNITDARNIT!So I turned to my music. . .Relient K to be exact, to help me. And I turned to a song called Bite My Tounge.So far, it's telling me to shut it. BUT THAT HELPS NO...
March 28th, 2009 at 01:07am

When All Is Said And Done, Start A New Topic

I just finished reading Ashes by Stefanie Ellis. It was...okay, I guess. It could have been better.It's final! I'm getting a sea cucumber! Now, how to convince me parents into getting me a Salt Water Tank?. . .. . .That's not gonna happen.Onto better things,I'll update soon, promise! DOn't blame me, blame the beautiful beaches of a little Island called Catalina. And camp.Song Of The Day:The...
March 23rd, 2009 at 12:12am