
Joined date
May 30th, 2007


I walked for miles just to see you,but when I got there. You were dead.

Heya, Well I'm obviously known on here as ' Metisvampiro '.

Now. I once heard a story that apparently I stole that name off some wrestler. Just for the record. I have no idea who he is and am pretty sure I came up with this on My own. Now that, that's cleared up, let Me continue.

I have been on Mibba since I was 16 and honestly I never could see myself writing ' fan fiction '.But as time went on I saw all these story's as just story's. Yes they may take the persona of a favored band member or whoever but when it all comes down to it, its creativeness and I'm sure some people on here have the potential to be fantastic writers for the future.

Okay, Now on to Me.

Like I said, I am metisvampiro, love me or hate, either one is favored. If You want to know My real name then just ask Me and I will tell You.I'm a bit ' out of the ordinary 'I won't go into detail, just believe Me.
I am indeed a big fan of My Chemical Romance. I have been for 6 years now. No I'm not going to give you the whole ' mcr saved my life ' lecture. I will say that they stopped me from doing allot of stupid things as a younger teenager and sometimes even now. They gave me something/ someone to believe in when I had nothing else to believe in, or to believe in Me. I don't take any of this ' Emo ' crap. When I was younger ' emo ' meant ' emotional music ' and if I' don't stand corrected I'm pretty sure all music has emotion, just like the standard human bean. All this bullshit about a haircut, a pair of jeans and a cut to the wrist is not emo and its stupid that it even got labeled as emo in the first place. My Chemical Romance of all bands are not emo and if you care to watch their DVD's I'm sure to point out the boys promoting life, not self harm. So what that their lyrics mention death, hello! What is ' metal ' music full of.

I'm a 'take no shit person '. Don't get me wrong, I love to help people seriously. But if you stab me in the back then you will never have my friendship again. I love rock n roll. Mainly 90's and a music from now. I won't go into a huge list of the music I like, lets just say that,yeah I like music. Allot.
Some weirder facts about Me.
I love cemetery's, I find them peaceful and love how the stones and angels age in certain ways. I really like blood. I have always had a fascination with the substance, mainly because its amazing how this red stuff flows out of our body, and you can't see it at all until the skin is broken. Also because red is my favorite color. The sound of a gun cocking is one of my favorite sounds. No I'm not a crazy killer I just like it. If you ask Me if I'm Goth or Emo I will personally kill you. I am a person not a label. I am simply Me.

I just want to say. No matter how fucked up you are or how much others call you names, your still beautiful and deserve respect. People are going to do their very best to bring you down, there's no escaping it, and if you happen to get depressed then it doesn't in any way make you ' weak ' or a ' bad person'. It just means that your human and have feelings. I spent half my life being depressed and I did want to kill Myself I won't lie. But I held on to even the tiniest hope, even if that was a friend or a band, and I recovered and really, life is beautiful. I am always here for anyone of you who is reading this. No matter what it is, fucking message Me. Life is worth it. You are worth everything in the world.don't ever! Let anyone tell you that liking a band makes you stupid. It just means you have something to hold onto. And that my friends makes you damn strong.

I also help people with their stories, whether its a proof read or you can't write certain scenes then let me know and I will help. If you read my story then please comment!.

My messenger email is:
Don't ever hesitate to add Me for anything. Just remember to tell me your from Mibba <3




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