xx--rockstar--xx / Comments

  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    of course my poem is good!
    i mean I wrote it...
    The name is special see....
    So, something new?
    Oh, and characters from FALLEN in Romance Stained Red look like MCR...all will become clear.
    August 1st, 2007 at 05:24am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    so, hi, dear cousin
    that alexa story preview is long?
    but good?
    my new poem and FALLEN are good but nonody comments!
    *Thinking of new quotes*
    wot salon r u goin 2?
    August 1st, 2007 at 05:19am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    i am ALWAYS ON!
    You can rely on me!
    So I got a new poem-please read!
    Live Entertainment* Freak Show*
    August 1st, 2007 at 04:36am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    pwease read new poem
    live entertainment* freak show*
    by me
    best cousin eva!
    August 1st, 2007 at 04:27am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    no it's not, is it?
    i'm not agreeing with Robert of course
    i'm never on piczo but please
    read FALLEN!
    1 comment, 14 readers and 2 suscribers!
    I will add when I'm on...so r u coming to nanny and grandad's 2morrow?
    August 1st, 2007 at 03:47am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yeah, 2morrow we are going but you're not on mibba now, r u?
    August 1st, 2007 at 02:53am
  • Hoxton Heroine

    Hoxton Heroine (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    a girl at my school did that to me...
    i do have a piczo but it's really old...i've got myspace though...my addy is at the bottom of my profile...add me if you want...and on msn...
    July 31st, 2007 at 07:32pm
  • Hoxton Heroine

    Hoxton Heroine (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    nah, you haven't freaked me out =)
    I live with a beast more commonly known as my sister Nicole. It would take one hell of a lot to freak me out after 14 years with her =P
    anyways, I like anyone who dares to be different.
    Who doesn't like the cliche music and stuff. I know I do but I don't like it because everyone else does, I just love it =)
    I've probably freaked you out now...
    July 31st, 2007 at 06:05am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yeah, sorry, thanks
    PLEASE read my story-fallen
    otherwise i will cry and claim you're not looking after me like the older cousin should.
    *pouts, sobs like emo*
    my hair is done better so i look cool
    2morrow i am going to nanny and grandads
    something new?
    July 31st, 2007 at 03:34am
  • Hoxton Heroine

    Hoxton Heroine (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hey i'm Jules.
    wow, you're the first person on here I've found who isn't overly obsessed with MCR. Yes, I am one of those people =P but it's a nice change.
    Can't say I'm into the same music as you but I'm not narrow minded - I like everyone =)
    How are you?
    July 31st, 2007 at 01:52am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    can u send me the mikey story please!
    i love it, it's kooky!
    oh, and check out Fallen by goths-are-the-junk!
    she will be very pleased if you read and comment!
    July 30th, 2007 at 11:54pm
  • stumpy

    stumpy (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hey thanks for the comment
    rhi x
    July 30th, 2007 at 11:53pm
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    yeah ma and pops r going out with grandad mick and pat cos they move to greece on sunday.
    i never go on piczo, but i'll add
    we didn't have enough dye so i'm doing it again to night, looks the bizz!
    please read my story fallen!
    i read yours!
    Love Cousin Betty
    July 30th, 2007 at 11:51pm
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    my hair is currently under dye construction!
    I'll send you the first chapter, if you like!

    Okay, here goes:


    I get home from school, ditch my black velvet shoulder bag in the hall and wander through into the kitchen. Mum's standing at the counter, leaning into a cupboard. She takes a packet out, turns around and grins.
    " Hey, Alexa," she says. " Good day at school?"
    I look a lot like my mum. We have both got round, pale face with crinkly brown eyes and straggly black hair. I have added blonde streaks to my hair, whereas Mum's added seven shades of brown. Mum has got blue contact lenses she wears for reading, and I chose black, square-framed glasses. I have smothered myself in spot lotion and white powder for when I blush, and Mum has added a lot of bronze blusher.Our fashion sense is very different too. Mum goes for the arty middle-ager look: checked shirts, pressed jeans, springy trainers and flat soled boots. She has cut her hair into a bob, so it barely brushes her shoulders, and clips her floppy fringe back. I wear weirdo hard-core kid stuff: skinny jeans, studded belts, band tees, Converse and NewRock's.
    "It was Okay. At least it's Friday tomorrow. Where's Emma?"
    Emma is my younger sister. She is eleven, and she is in Year Six. She looks like me and Mum, too, and she is trying to dress like a neo-punk. Very scary on a girl in a class full of preppy Plastic's.
    " Round at Nicky's house with Louisa. Should be back around five-ish"
    I go out back into the hall, scoop up my bag and go upstairs into my room. My room is painted a mettalic purple, with a big, four-poster bed with black silk curtains. I have posters up on the walls, and hanging crystals in the window. I drop my bag on the floor and go over to my wardrobe. I get changed out of my uniform and into my favourite clothes-a black corset top, a black miniskirt with electric blue and violet lace bunched into petticoats underneath, my electric blue tights and black ballerina shoes. I scrape the front bits of my hair back into a ponytail, take my glasses off and toy with my new liquid black eyeshadow. I stand in front of my full-length mirror and inspect myself critically. I rub my hands down my hips, which stick out too much, give up and go back downstairs. Mum's plugged her iPod into the stereo and it is blaring out Sugababes. She is busy making tea, bent over the hob. My mother is not too great at cooking. I take after Dad-I'm good at it. Dad is very sexist though, and doesn't cook at all. Mum doesn't even have a job, she's a house wife. It was Okay when Emma was a baby, but now I think it's just mean. Mum's really good at Maths, and used to be an accountent until I came along and she was house-bound. Catch me ever letting a boy walking all over me like that.
    I have a boy-friend. His name is Ross Indigo Heart, and I have been going out with him since I was eleven, and I'm fourteen now. He is very gorgeous and cool and sophisticated and caring, underneath the make-up and clothes and hair. He is very proud of his hair. It is chunky and fluffy and dark brown, with a black fringe with blonde streaks in it. He is very proud of his looks. He has big brown eyes with long dark lashes, very pale, spot-free cheeks, a flat stomach, long, lean legs and pointy elbows. He is extremely slim, but well-toned. He is very yummy, full-stop. All the girls in our school are mad about him, even the silly little Year Seven's. Ross despies Year Seven's. He raises his eyebrows and huffs and calls them evil names under his breath. He especially hates the gangs of the giggly girls who follow him everywhere. He dodges and ducks until they've lost him, and I've lost him, too. He dismisses them out of his way with a wave of his pale, long-fingered, perfectly manicured hand and they sqeaul and giggle and squawk like demented bird's. He moans a lot, but he loves it really. Ross has a permament spot-light on him, wherever he goes, so he litterally shines, eyes and teeth and hair a-blaze. Of course, I fall for it too. I still can't really believe that he picked me, out of all of them. I still can't really believe that he has promised to take me to the dance at the end of this year. Oh, the dance! The Year Ten's have a dance, and we all have to wear long dresses and have our hair done. I can't wait.
    When I was really little, I dreamed of going to a big dance in a long dress, with my hair in ringlets, arm-in-arm with my Prince Charming. A bit of a duff dream, really. I was an ugly little kid, with big thick spec's, braces, spots, and waist-length black hair that was curly. I've got better as I've grown up, but I am still not as pretty as I hoped. I cannot be compaired with the like's of Bliss, Lauren, Anna, some of my friends. They all are excrutiatingly beautiful. Well. Lauren isn't beautiful, not really. She's smily and pink, with hazel eyes, very short dark blonde hair with a huge emo fringe, short legs and a spotty chin. She's an emo, a tomboy, so boys never take her seriously. She's just Lauren. I don't know her for her looks. Bliss is at the other end of the scale. She has dirty blonde hair with pink streaks and black ribbons, all layered like feathers, and ash-blue eyes. She's tall and slim and turns heads everytime she crosses a corridoor. Anna is beautiful, too. She's tiny and elfin, with green eyes, and long silky blonde hair like weaved sunbeams. She's graceful, like a ballerina, but looks very young. Nobody cares, about from Anna herself. I guess she likes it a bit, because of the boys. Flies. Honey pot.
    Bliss is going to the dance with Matty Owens. Anna is going to the dance with Davey Rees, Bliss's twin brother. Lauren has not let on yet, but I am guessing Lewis. He's her best friend. Or maybe Marty. Or maybe Luke. She'll fine someone. I've got the best date ever.
    I've got a picture of us all, in a big glizty silver frame next to my bed. We're all crammed in together-Lewis Upton, Lauren Simpson,Matty Owens,Bliss and Davey Rees, Anna Crane, Marty Flannagan,Luke Bennett, Joe Gray, Joey Solar, Coz Day, Andrew, Paul and Peter Upton, Abby Owens, Ross and me. We're all smiling, all happy that we were breaking up for summer holidays last year. I love that picture. I've got other's of course, like the one of me, Lauren, Bliss and Anna at the MCR concert last summer, or the one of me and Ross on Valentine's Day two years ago. I love that picture. I love Ross.
    At five, Mum asks me to go and get Emma. She's at Nicky's house, and she lives two streets away. I walk down slowly, enjoying the quiet time on my own. I've always enjoyed time on my own, but have been blessed by being very popular. As I walking, I see Gemda and Kayleigh, linked arms, walking down to the corner shop. Gemda and Kayleigh are two of my friends. Gemda is a pale red-head, with black glasses, green eyes and big teeth. Kayleigh is the complete opposite, with pink cheeks, dark brown hair and bright blue eyes. They both smile and wave, grinning at my outfit. They're both tastefully dressed in matching black leggings, with pink and blue swirly shirt-dresses on the top and blue and pink shoes. I hurry on, and go and knock at Nicky's house. Nicky's mum answers the door, and I feel an instant rush of sypathy. She looks very tired, and I can hear 'high-pitched laughter and screams coming from upstairs.
    " Which one?" she asks. " Ems, Lou, Tasha, Sophie or Becca?"
    " I thought only Em and Lou were here!"
    " Nicky made plans at school, and three more turned up," Nicky's mum sighs. " You're here for Ems?"
    " I'll get her," I offer, and step inside. Emma, Louisa, Nicky, Tasha, Sophie and Becca come rushing downstairs,laughing. They're still wearing their gruesome grey Ash Hill Primary uniform, but they've done their hair and plastered themselves in make-up.
    " Oh, hi, Al!" sqwauks Emma. " Do you like my make-up?"
    " Scary. Now come on!"
    I grab her by the wrist and pull her down the stairs and out into the garden. Nicky's mum smiles gratefully, and I walk off, Emma running behind me. Gemda and Kayleigh are outside the shop. They burst out laughing when they see me and Em. Right freak show.
    " Little sisters!" groans Kayleigh, and they start laughing again. Kayleigh's only got an older brother, and Gemda's an only child. It feels like they're laughing at me. I run up the road, Emma groaning behind me. When we get in, Emma sits at the kitchen table, slurping a milkshake noisily, telling Mum about her mates. I roll my eyes. My sister may be eleven but she acts as if she's two. She claims to be all grown up, but she practises dance routines in the mirror. To be perfectly truthful, so does Ross. We have a Dance Group in our school, and Year Ten's is on Wednesday. Ross goes, along with eight girls and a very camp boy called Niall. Ross is very good at all types of dancing. They do modern street in Dance Group, and Ross is a star. He dances with more heart and soul than the rest of them. I watched him once and I was amazed at the fire in his heart. He strutts and stomps, flinging back his hair, throwing down his legs and arms. He does all the moves, even the more cringy ones. He is like Pussycat Dolls plus Shakira meets Beyonce, all rolled into one. It is cool and yummy and sometimes a bit scary. He dances at home, in his bedroom. He goes to the Gym a lot and plays basketball and goes swimming( while worrying about breaking a nail or mucking up his hair with cloreen, as you do). He does sprints and relay and javelin and shotput and Gymnastics. He doesn't eat sugary stuff, either. Ross has a sweet tooth but he always sticks to his diet and avoids chocolate and sweets, He'll never drink Coke, always water or low-calory fruit smoothies. He eats a lot, but never puts on weight. Once he ate three bacon butties on the trot and actually had lost weight at the end of the week. He is very self-concious. He brushes his teeth four times a day, and has two showers a day. He washes and blowdries and straightens his hair at least once a day, with all the BedHead and Nicky Clarke products. Ross costs his parents a fortune, but they have a lot of money. Ross is the baby and the favourite and the only one who is still living at home, so he gets a lot of money off them. He is always out buying clothes or shoes. Ross is a shoe addict. He is worse than anybody else I have ever known. He has millions of pairs of Converse and Van's. He's got black velvet boots, NewRock's, amry boots. He's got shiny black school shoes from Peacock's, with pointy toes and block heels. He's got mock-crocodile skin leather shoes, white leather shoes, brown leather shoes. He's got a pair of shiny gold pointy-toeed shoes, and dark brown cowboy boots. He has six shoe racks at the bottom of his wardrobe, and it's a big wardrobe. It's glass-panelled, walk-in one, with hangers and hangers and hangers and hangers of clothes-coats and jackets and T-shirts and jeans and shorts and tuxeco jackets and waitcoats and shirts and ties and belts and hats and hoodies and scarves and turtlenecks. He has a big black dressing table with a massive mirror, and all hairsprays and gels and waxes and mooses and make-up and spot-cream and aftershaves. He has shelves full of CD's and DVD's and his own Plasma HD T.V mounted on his wall. He's got a slim black CD player which you can plug your iPod into. His iPod's amazing. It's tiny and black, and holds thousands of tracks and pictures and videos. He's got a Play Station 3, PSP, XBOX 360, and his own laptop and portable DVD player. He's got an Nintendo DS and his own amps and mikes and a guitar. Ross's room is huge, yet it barely manages to fit all his stuff in. He has his own mini fridge in his room with fruit smoothies and cherry soda and pineapple rings. He's got one of those glass bubblegum dispenseres, too. Ross loves bubblegum, especially strawberry. He smells of strawberries and aftershave and hairspray and toothpaste and face clenser. He's a vain little princess. My vain little princess.
    I hear the click of the door and Dad comes into the kitchen. Dad's got windswept brown hair and tired blue eyes. He puts his breifcase on the floor and takes off his jacket.
    " How're my girls?" he asks, hanging his jacket up and wandering over to Mum, whose busy cooking. " Good days at school, you two?"
    Emma starts chatting about her day, and I don't get a look in. I sit down at the table and play with my nails.
    " Alex?" Dad finally says. " How was your day?"
    " Okay," I say. " Ross brought his iPod in, and he's got Fall Out Boy's new album. Lucky thing."
    I have been nagging my dad for this new album for weeks now, and he will not give in. Right on cue, he sighs.
    " Al, I'm not made of money. I can't afford a new CD at the moment."
    " That's not fair!"
    " Life's not fair! Ross's parents can afford all these CD's and this make-up and ridiculos clothes."
    My father does not like my boyfriend. He does not approve of Ross fussing about his hair or wearing make-up and his extreme clothes.
    " Dad, Ross's clothes aren't ridiculos."
    " No, it's not just his clothes. The whole boy's a joke," Dad snorts. " Make-up, I ask you! What type of boy is he? Anybody would think he wasn't straight!"
    " Yeah, well, he is. Loads of boys wear make-up and clothes like him. I think he looks cool!"
    " Yes, well, I don't like you seeing him, Alexa. He's a bad influence. He'll show you up."
    " Dad!"
    " Leave her be, Nick," Mum snaps. " Ross is a very caring, nice boy. He's good to our Al."
    " Hhmmm," Dad murmers. " I just don't find him a very good person. And his apperence says enough!"
    " Don't start nagging Al just because you're predjuiced!"
    Recently, Mum and Dad have been having a lot more arguments. Emma slips over to me and clings my hand. She's sucking her thumb. I cling back. I don't think they're arguing about Ross now, either.
    " Aren't I allowed to have my own oppion?!" Dad shouts.
    " Now you know how it feels! Stop pressurring the girls!" Mum shouts back. " Come on, girls. Bring your plates out."
    Mum stalks into the dining room and slams down the glasses of Coke and forks and spoons. I grab my plate and carry Emma's too, because she'll probably do something stupid. We all sit down in silence. After a while, Dad clears his throat.
    " Now girls, we have something to tell you."
    " What? Is Mum having a baby?" asks Emma quickly. I choke on my Coke.
    " No, nobody's having a baby."
    " Whose died?"
    " Nobody's died, Emma! Calm down!" Dad says. " Honestly, you're too morbid."
    " Are you getting a divorce?"
    " Emma!" I hiss. " Shut up!"
    " No, we're not," Mum tutts. " You're dad will explain."
    " Right. Well, do you remember your aunty Zara?"
    " No," says Emma automatically. I give her a kick under the table.
    " Your sister?" I ask. Dad nods.
    " Yes, my sister. Do you remember going to her wedding? She got married to Eian. They've got two daughters-Eiara and Brandi. You've never met Brandi, of course. They moved to Spain before she was born."
    I can remember going to a wedding, saying goodbye to my dad's side of the family as they boarded a plane to Spain.
    " Well, Eian and Zara got a divorce a couple of months ago. Zara and Eiara and Brandi have decided to move back over here, but they can't find a house. They're going to be living here for a while. Brandi will share your room, Ems,and Eiara will bunk with you, Al."
    " What?"
    I drop my fork. Mum and Dad and Emma look surprised.
    " Eiara...she can't be in my room!"
    "But she's your cousin!"
    Exactly. The cousin from Hell.
    Eiara is my age, depsite Aunty Zara being nine years younger than Dad. She and her mum and dad moved to Spain when we were eight, before her sister was born. Before that, me and Eiara used to see each other a lot. Every Sunday, we all used to go to my grandparent's house, once they were back from church. In the summer, Nan, Grandad, Mum, Dad, Aunty Zara, Uncle Eian and Emma used to sit out on the deck, and me and Eiara used to sit at the bottom of the garden with our Barbie's. I had the little girly ones, and Eiara had collectors edition, with kitted-out wardrobes and cars and horses and horse trailers and big houses with all the furniture. My own were inferier in comparison. Eiara used to make my Barbie's into slaves and used to ' borrow' their clothes and sometimes forget to give them back. Eiara was a bossy little kid, with her long golden hair and specticle-free eyes and brace-free teeth. Everybody used to coo over her and pat her head, when really she was a little witch. She used to always be the leader, always get her own way. She was everybody's favourite. I haven't seen her for ages, but she probably hasn't got better with age. She's probably got worse.
    " She'll be going to your school," Dad says. " We asked your head to put her in your form, seeing as though you're such special friends."
    Hmmm, yeah, right.
    " When are they coming?"
    " This weekend. I want you here, to welcome them and help them unpack."
    " But I'm going out with Ross at the weekend!"
    " Cancel," Dad sneers. " Or at least, let Eiara go with you."
    " Dad, we're going to the cinema to see Spiderman 3."
    " So?"
    " So, it's a love story as well as having action in it! I don't want Eiara there!"
    " They'll be sitting on the back row!" giggles Emma. I give her another kick.
    " Dad, I have'nt gone out with Ross for ages. This is our special night out. He's bought tickets!"
    " Tough. You're staying here, Alexa!"
    I get up from the table and go up to my room. I hate my dad.
    The next day, Ross knocks for me to walk me to school. He is looking as glamerous as usual, with his hair straightened and spiked at the back, wearing a tight black Cute Is What We Aim For hoodie under his blazer with his pointy-toed black shoes.
    " You know we were gonna go out on Saterday?" I say lightly as we start walking. Ross grins and pulls two tickets out of his blazer pocket.
    " I got the tickets. Half-seven, Spiderman 3."
    " My dad said I can't go."
    Ross's face falls.
    " What?"
    " My cousins and aunty are coming over from Spain and living with us for a bit and Dad wants me to stay home. I can't go."
    " What time are they coming?"
    " Early, I think."
    " Sneek out. It'll be Okay."
    " Ross, I can't. You don't know my dad. He'll go crazy. Maybe another time, yeah?"
    " Hmmm."
    Ross is hacked off. His lips are tight and he looks away.
    " I'm sorry, Okay?"
    He does'nt answer. I hate it when he does this. It remind me that one more slip and I'll be ditched.
    " Ross-ss! It's not my fault!"
    " Your dad hates me, doesn't he? What? The hair? Make-up? The clothes? The dancing?"
    " I don't know," I struggle. " All of it. I'm sorry."
    Ross shrugs.
    " Not your fault.Your dad's just a bleeping bleep."
    " Ross!" I exclaim, shocked. " Don't say that!"
    " He is!"
    I bite my lip. Ross laughs.
    " You worry way too much!"
    " I worry too much? What about you? Oooh, my hair, my nails,my clothes, oh help, I've got one hair out of place, ring the bells, flash the sirens, call 999!"
    " Okay, okay, you've made your point.Hey, talking of clothes, I got these amazing jeans yesterday. Black skinny-fit."
    " What size?"
    " Extra-small."
    " What a surprise."
    We walk along in silence for a bit.
    " I hate my cousin," I say. " I don't want to have to look after her."
    " Bring her down the Mosh Corner," Ross grins. " Scare her off."
    I grin back. Yeah, scare her off good and proper.
    Saterday comes quicker than expected. Mum drags me out of bed at half-nine and shoves me in the shower. I blow-dry and straighten my hair, leaving it loose. I get dressed into my skinny-fit black jeans and my pink and black Misfits shirt and my black and pink Converse. I drink an apple smoothie for breakfast and watch Emma shadow her eyelids with bruise-purple. She's wearing black 3/4 length shorts with green and black knee high socks. On top she's wearing a green and black Blink 182 shirt and green Converse. She looks scary, alright. Dad glances at us worridly and Mum shakes her head when he's not looking.
    " What time are they coming?" I ask.
    " In half an hour," Dad says. " They'll get a taxi from the airport."
    " I could of stayed in bed till ten," I mutter. Dad glares.
    " I know you want to go out with Ross, but-"
    " He's my boyfriend, Dad! I know you're surprised I've found one, but I love him and I don't want him to run off with another girl. He'll go quick, Dad. Girls are crazy about him."
    " Boys are crazy about him," mutters Dad. I desperatly want to kick him, but resist the erge. I flop about instead, and phone Ross. His mobile rings four time before he answers.
    " Hey?
    " Hi, Ross, it's me."
    I can hear busy voices in the background, and a lot of squeling.
    " Hi, Al. Have they come yet?"
    " No. Where are you?"
    " Peacocks. Got a lovely gang of blondes following me as well."
    " Ross!"
    " What? I have! I can't help that! I am shoe shopping. They've got a gorgeous pair here, brown leather."
    I let him carry on about shoes. Ross loves talking, especially about shoes. He paues to draw breath about fifteen minutes later.
    " You shouldn't let me carry on like that," he grumbles.
    " Oh, come on, Ross. I was interested. And we all know you're in love with the sound of your own voice."
    "Oh, darling, you know me so well!"
    I smile happily, then hear a car draw up outside.
    " Uh oh. They're here. I'd better go."
    " Bye, Alex."
    " Bye Rossy."
    I put the phone down and go out into the hall.The door is wide open, and Dad, Mum and Emma are all outside. I huff, and follow them. The taxi is silver, with blacked-out windows. The front doors open, and a taxi driver gets out of one side, goes round to the boot and opens it. A woman joins his side-Aunty Zara. She is small and skinny with a tan and a long blonde bob. She is wearing tight white jeans, a white halter top and strappy white heels. She gives Dad a hug in a flurry of perfume and jingle of bangles. A little girl joins her side. She is small and tanned too, with two girly blonde bunchs to match her girly yellow dress and glittery yellow shoes. She's sucking her thumb, hiding behind her mother. She's too shy and young to be Eiara. She must be Brandi.
    "Alexa, Emma!" shrieks Aunty Zara and clutchs us both. I wriggle away. She grins.
    " Alexa, how you've grown. You look just like Eiara! Eiara, hurry up, get out of the car. "
    The door opens slowly, and a long leg clad in skinny black denim and a chunky black and pink Van emerges. Then another leg, and then Eiara gets fully out of the car.
    She is not the way I remember her. As well as her jeans, she's wearing a tight black Panic! At The Disco hoodie and a tight black and pink Misfits tee. Her hair is now cut to her shoulders, straight and black, in two bunchs with pink ribbons and a floppy fringe. Her eyes are dark and cold and confident, and they sparkle evily as they sweep over me.
    " Hey, Al!"
    I am dimly aware that we are wearing exactly the same. We look very different though. Eiara is tall and skinny and proud and sparky, and I just look sad next to her. I fiddle with my hair, that is slowly turning wavy in the breeze.
    " Hello, Eiare," I say stiffly. She's grinning madly, something that scares me. " I haven't seen you for ages. You've ...changed."
    " So have you!" she exclaims, and I know that if it was just us two, she would be sneering ' Filthy little emo'. " This'll be so cool! I'm going to your school, too. I'm gonna be in your form. Who's your teacher?"
    I don't answer. I am too busy glaring over at my father, wishing he was dead.
    I get a text later on, from Ross, saying he is going to see Spiderman 3 with Danny, a cool Year Eleven emo lad who took a shine on Ross on his first day of Year Seven. They've always been close, sometimes a bit too close. I swear I saw them snog at Lewis's party last month. I would like Danny, but he is way too stuck-up and sophisticated. He thinks he's better than everyone, with his shiny, chesnut-brown layered hair, big blue eyes and perfect smooth skin. He has influenced Ross a lot.
    Eiara takes over the house almost immediatly. She swans in, with her golden flair and that leadership air about her, and Mum, Dad and Emma take it all in. They start treating her as if she was a better version of me,but I guess she is.
    I hate my cousin.
    On Sunday, I phone Ross, at half-two in the afternoon. He might be up. Ross believes in beauty sleep-he reckons that his sleep-in's are what make him so gorgeous. The phone rings for a long time before it is picked up by Mel. Mel is Ross's older sister, along with Naddie and Ali. Mel is seventeen, and so is Dom, Ross's older brother. They used to look like each other, but Dom dyed his hair ginger with blonde streaks at the front, put in blue contacts and started wearing thick-rimmed glasses. Mel is like Ross-tall and enviably skinny, pale-skinned, with round cheeks, sparkly teeth, dark eyes and cool hair. Mel has dark brown hair too-she is the only one out of all of them who has not dyed it at all. It is shortish, with a fluffy fringe and layers underneath.
    " Heya?"
    " Hi, Mel, it's Alexa."
    " Hey, Alexa! I suppose you want my baby brother?"
    " Please."
    Ross, obviously, is not up. I hear several grumbles, a sigh and then Ross's moody morning voice.
    " Yeah?"
    " That's nice, isn't it? Hello, Ross."
    " Hello, Al."
    " How was it last night?"
    " It was cool. We got a pizza afterwards, and I got a girl's number.Sorry. I'm not gonna phone her. How's your cousin?
    " Awful.And she's coming to our school tomorrow, in our form!"
    " Lucky us. What does she look like?"
    " A better version of me."
    " Silly Al. No-one's a better version than you."
    " Oh, thanks Ross."
    " I hope you're not being sarcastic."
    " That's your job," I smile. " I'd better go. Love you."
    " Hmmm? Yeah, love you too."
    I put the phone down and go up to my room. Eiara is standing in front of my mirror, shading her eyelids with black liquid shadow.
    " Hey, that's mine!" I exclaim and try to snatch it from her. She holds it above my head, smiling evily.
    " Now, Al, what happened to sharing?"
    " Oh, yeah, you were really sharing when you robbed my new Barbie," I mutter. Eiara rolls her dark eyes.
    " Are you still moaning about that? Look, I'll buy you another, if that will make it better. Needless to say I've got enough money."
    Eiara casts a look at my clothes as she says that. I am wearing my baggy grey jeans, big Evil Carebear shirt and spotty socks, my hair shoved hurridly behind my ears, my glasses lop-sided on my nose. Eiara, of course, is perfect in a tiny Within Temptation tee, tight black jeans and brand new Converse. Her black hair dips past her shoulders, a licqourice waterfall, glossy and beautiful.
    " Al, why do you hate me so much?" she laughs. I glare.
    " Oh, wow, you're not totally stupid then."
    She pouts as she shimmers her lips with clear kir royale gloss.
    " I mean, I must have done something....oh, well, let's put the past behind us." She stands up straight, grinning. " Fresh start."
    She holds out her hand and I almost sob in envy. She's so thin, with long pale fingers and manicured black nails. Hnaging off her ring finger is a band of silver, set with a black onyx. I sniff, and fold my arms. Her smiles becomes fixed.
    " Please, Al."
    I stiffly hold out my own and she squeezes my fingers, scratching me with her long nails.
    " See? That's wasn't so hard, was it?"
    She flicks mascara on, smiles and goes off downstairs. I spot my make-up spilled across my dressing table, the black bag flung on the floor.
    Eiara has my old uniform for school. It looked nasty on me, but somehow looks amazing on her. My old grey skirt hangs off her, in real folds, and the shirt is taunt against her flat stomach. She doesn't wear tights-she leaves her legs bare and pale, with black songs rung around her ankles. She leaves biker boots for chunky black Van's that make her legs look like matchsticks. She brushes her hair over her face, outlines her eyes and slicks on gloss.
    It's so unfair.
    How can such a witch be so amazingly pretty?
    I walk to school with her. She chats all the way there, about music and all the concerts she's been to and her favourite bands. I ignore her and make my way to school in silence. Eiara is sat next to me, seeing as though we're sadly related, and Bliss and Anna are moved to the end of the row of desks.
    " Hey," Bliss whispers, leaning over. " Eiara, right?"
    Eiara nods and starts talking to Bliss and Anna while I remain ignored. It sucks. First lesson is English, and we all split up into different groups. Eiara happens to be as smart as me, so we walk to Room 17 together.
    " I like English," she gushes. " I've written a book."
    " Oh, really?"
    She carries on about her book, and then suddenly stops. She takes a sharp intake of breath.
    " Oh, my God," she whispers. " Who is that?"
    She points down the corridoor to a boy walking to lesson. He has chunky brown hair, spiked at the back, with a fluttery fringe. He is wearing a tight black hoodie over his blazer and pointy-toed black shoes.
    " He's so hot," she sighs. " What's his name?"
    I swallow slowly, and grit my teeth.
    " That's Ross Heart," I struggle. " My boyfriend."
    The Mosh Corner has been my refuge since my second day of Year Seven, and has always made me feel at home. It has always been reassuring, with the smell of hairspray and rustle of magazine pages and thud of skateboards against concrete. Now, it seems like it's slipping.
    Every single one of them are gathered round Eiara as she boasts proudly about her band, flicking back her hair and giving the odd snicker. Every pair of eyes stare, transfixed, while I sulk in the corner.
    The door opens creakily, groaning with age, and Ross strides in, tossing his hips and hair like some expensive peacock. His shoes make a tapping noise as he comes over to me.
    " Which one's Eiara?"he whispers in my ear, dropping a kiss on my neck. I grin and shift my feet, enjoying the feeling of his lips on my skin.
    " Hey! You're Ross, right?"
    Eiara bounces over, licking her lips, her eyes flashing hungrily. Ross grins.
    " Yes, I am. Eiara?"
    " Uh-huh. Al's adored cousin."
    I smirk sarcastically.
    " Anyway, Al," Ross says, turning to me, his back on Eiara. I squeeze his hand in gratitude. " Look what I got! Two tickets to see Panic! At The Disco at the weekend!"
    " Oh wow! I love Panic!" gushes Eiara, to take the spotlight again. " I've never been able to see them either, worst luck."
    Ross turns to face her and smiles properly. He eyes her up and down and puts a hand on his hip.
    " Well, why don't you come to see them with me? "
    She squels and throws her arms round her neck. Ross is not a hug person, but he holds her close. They start talking excitedly about it, discussing the songs in the set.
    " You don't mind Al, do you?" Ross grins, facing me. " I mean, you don't really like them."
    I snort. I like Panic!. I just haven't got the album, so of course that means I'm not a fan in Ross'es eyes.
    " Oh, thanks Ross," sighs Eiara happily. " You've made me so happy. What time's the show?"
    And before I know it, they're exchanging mobile numbers.
    July 29th, 2007 at 02:31am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Okay, here is the blurby thing.
    It's from Alexa' s point of view-remember her?

    Alexa is getting along quite nicely, after the whole big problem last year. She and Ross are back on track, and Joe isn't sending her any more flirty looks. But then Hell comes, in the form of her ' perfect' cousin. Eiara is everything Alexa wants to be, but she is evil, scheming and mean. Everybody else is immune to her witchy charm, even Ross. He finds himself atraccted to Eiara, and soon Alexa finds out the truth about what happened at that Panic! concert...

    Sneak preview* how kind am I?*

    " Yeah, whatever, Al," snorts Eiara, rolling her eyes. " You don't care about him, not properly. I bet you don't even know Dom's gay!"
    " What?" I say, blinking. Eiara is lying, of course. Dom's not gay. Dom is Dom, Ross's safe big brother with dyed ginger hair and blue contacts and thick-rimmed glasses.
    " Yeah. Dom is gay. That's why Ross has been so upset. His family is falling apart. Dom has run off, and his parents are arguing about it and his dad is saying it'll be Ross next and he'll never love him again," Eiara sneers.
    " How come he didn't tell me?" I whisper. I have known Ross since I was three. He should tell me stuff like this.
    " He can't trust you. You're angry at him one minute, all over him the next. He told me he didn't love you anymore, not the way he used to. He said you've changed."
    " And he trusts you?"
    " I've been there for him," argues Eiara. " I've been there through the tears and the tantrums. I've held him together, I've made him feel loved."
    I give her a dirty look and fly from the house. I stomp until I get to Ross's house, hammer on the door and go up to his room. Panic! are screaming from the hi-fi as Ross dances round his room, holding clothes against himself and looking in his big mirror. He combs his newly-dyed black hair into place with his fingers, screws in a new black spike earring and sees my reflection in the mirror. He lays the clothes on his bed and spins round to face me.
    " Alexa," he says. " What are you doing here?"
    " How come you didn't tell me? How come you told that...that witch but not me?"
    Ross scowls.
    " Because Eiara asked me what was wrong. I could trust her. She made me feel better. Not like you. You've changed, Alexa Finn, and I don't like it."
    " Shut up!" I scream. " You've changed! You're chasi ng my cousin, you're-"
    " Allowing myself to be happy?" Ross screams back. " Eiara makes me happy, Alexa, more than you ever did. You're a sad, ugly, jumpy, selfish witch who is way too self-centred-"
    " I'm self-centred? Don't be stupid! Oh, yeah, I forgot, you are, aren't you? You've got great hair but no brain to go with it!"
    " Shut up! I can't help having dyslexia!"
    "Whatever, Ross," I snarl. " Just shut up, before your brain starts hurting. All these long words must be making you ill!"
    He jumsp back, hurts, grabs the nearest hairspray can and flings it on the floor. His eyes are completly blocked from view, and I have to admit, I am a bit scared.
    " You make me ill! You, Alexa, make me sick! You simper and smile and say how ugly and horrid you are just because you want attention! No wonder I've cheated on you!"
    My world slowly falls down, crahses to a halt around my heels and shatters into a million tiny pieces. Tears prick the back of my eyes.
    " What?"
    " Oh, yeah," growls Ross. " You heard me. I've finally said it! Y'know, at first, I felt guilty but what's the point when you don't appriciate me!"
    " Who?"
    " Everyone. Bliss, Anna, Eiara, even Lauren. Heck, I've even dated Danny for two weeks!"Ross grins evily. " How do you like that, Al? All your friends, people who love you. They broke you, and didn't feel any remorse at all. And you know what? Danny's kiss tasted so much better than your's."
    July 28th, 2007 at 03:24am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Hello Daniellie.
    So, I got you another reader-how good am I?
    U okay?
    I'm listening to Panic! At The Disco.
    Oh, and I'm writing a follow on to Teenagers, I'll send you a sneak preview in a mo.
    July 28th, 2007 at 03:20am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    hello cousin.
    nice quotes, i notice you said blame MIKEY!
    We're all different, I suppose.
    Hey, If you message me the mikey story I could help you with it so we can post it!
    Get your butt back on Mibba!
    July 25th, 2007 at 03:40am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    you were there!
    you ate a bit!
    hey, gonna put some of our qoutes on here?
    i posted a new story-fallen.
    July 23rd, 2007 at 12:18am
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know you bunked off school today* using the voice I did when we talked to Robert Camp-Boy on whatever*
    I've got a new journal, about my suffering!
    June 14th, 2007 at 05:33pm
  • Oh Franklin!

    Oh Franklin! (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    I know, but only fake fans kids put all the released songs on their faves.
    To be honest, the rest of the album is far better.
    Read unpretty, NOW!
    June 14th, 2007 at 08:30am