Soulmate? Cousin? Am i Twisted?

I think i found my soulmate. And i think ive known that he has been for a while.Only thing is that hes my cousin and i finally got the courage to ask him if he felt the same and he agreed. Am i totally F-ed up?Ah it seems unfair.But i dont know what to do. obviously hes my cousin and we're not twisted that relationship is NOT an option. He just completes me.Any thoughts on my twisted...
April 23rd, 2009 at 05:00am


So i updated yesterday about prom and such. Well, today i found out that the guy that i want to ask me to prom is going to ask my other friend. Just as a friends date. But im still a little bummed.Its okay. Its over. look for another date i guess.I dont want to go to school anymore. And considering i have a short summer because i have to go to FIU for summer term i think that we can all agree that...
April 23rd, 2009 at 01:19am

Prom right around the corner

Prom is right around the corner: May 30th.I still don't have a date or a dress. Even less shoes and a ride.I don't want to waste my Senior year with useless, meaningless nonsense that a lot of people do during this time of year. Senioritis has hit really hard= I dont feel like doing my work, dont feel like going to school, dont feel like staying awake during most classes. etc. You get the point.So...
April 22nd, 2009 at 04:19am